Images > Build image
You can specify multiple names to your image.
add additional name
You must specify at least one name for the image.
A name must be specified in one of the following formats: name:tag, repository/name:tag or registryfqdn:port/repository/name:tag format. If you omit the tag the default latest value is assumed.
Build method
Web editor
You can get more information about Dockerfile format in the official documentation.
You can upload a Dockerfile or a tar archive containing a Dockerfile from your computer. When using an tarball, the root folder will be used as the build context.
{{ }}
Indicate the path to the Dockerfile within the tarball.
Specify the URL to a Dockerfile, a tarball or a public Git repository (suffixed by .git). When using a tarball or a Git repository URL, the root folder will be used as the build context.
Indicate the path to the Dockerfile within the tarball/repository (ignored when using a Dockerfile).
{{ state.formValidationError }}

{{ line }}

No build output available.