import { User, Clock, Info } from 'lucide-react'; import moment from 'moment'; import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { Pod } from 'kubernetes-types/core/v1'; import { useCurrentStateAndParams } from '@uirouter/react'; import { Authorized } from '@/react/hooks/useUser'; import { notifyError, notifySuccess } from '@/portainer/services/notifications'; import { usePublicSettings } from '@/react/portainer/settings/queries'; import { GlobalDeploymentOptions } from '@/react/portainer/settings/types'; import { DetailsTable } from '@@/DetailsTable'; import { Badge } from '@@/Badge'; import { Link } from '@@/Link'; import { LoadingButton } from '@@/buttons'; import { WidgetBody, Widget } from '@@/Widget'; import { InlineLoader } from '@@/InlineLoader'; import { Icon } from '@@/Icon'; import { Note } from '@@/Note'; import { appStackNameLabel, appKindToDeploymentTypeMap, appOwnerLabel, appDeployMethodLabel, appNoteAnnotation, } from '../constants'; import { applicationIsKind, bytesToReadableFormat, getResourceRequests, getRunningPods, getTotalPods, isExternalApplication, } from '../utils'; import { useApplication, usePatchApplicationMutation, } from '../application.queries'; import { Application, ApplicationPatch } from '../types'; import { useNamespaceQuery } from '../../namespaces/queries/useNamespaceQuery'; export function ApplicationSummaryWidget() { const stateAndParams = useCurrentStateAndParams(); const { params: { namespace, name, 'resource-type': resourceType, endpointId: environmentId, }, } = stateAndParams; const { data: application, ...applicationQuery } = useApplication( environmentId, namespace, name, resourceType ); const namespaceData = useNamespaceQuery(environmentId, namespace); const isSystemNamespace =; const externalApplication = application && isExternalApplication(application); const applicationRequests = application && getResourceRequests(application); const applicationOwner = application?.metadata?.labels?.[appOwnerLabel]; const applicationDeployMethod = getApplicationDeployMethod(application); const applicationNote = application?.metadata?.annotations?.[appNoteAnnotation]; const [applicationNoteFormValues, setApplicationNoteFormValues] = useState(''); useEffect(() => { setApplicationNoteFormValues(applicationNote || ''); }, [applicationNote]); const globalDeploymentOptionsQuery = usePublicSettings<GlobalDeploymentOptions>({ select: (settings) => settings.GlobalDeploymentOptions, }); const failedCreateCondition = application?.status?.conditions?.find( (condition) => condition.reason === 'FailedCreate' ); const patchApplicationMutation = usePatchApplicationMutation( environmentId, namespace, name ); return ( <div className="row"> <div className="col-sm-12"> <Widget> <WidgetBody> {applicationQuery.isLoading && ( <InlineLoader>Loading application...</InlineLoader> )} {application && ( <> {failedCreateCondition && ( <div className="flex gap-1 items-start alert alert-danger mb-2" data-cy="k8sAppDetail-failedCreateMessage" > <div className="mt-0.5"> <Icon icon={Info} className="mr-1 shrink-0" mode="danger" /> </div> <div> <div className="font-semibold"> Failed to create application </div> {failedCreateCondition.message} </div> </div> )} <DetailsTable> <tr> <td>Name</td> <td> <div className="flex items-center gap-x-2" data-cy="k8sAppDetail-appName" > {name} {externalApplication && !isSystemNamespace && ( <Badge type="info">external</Badge> )} </div> </td> </tr> { && ! .hideStacksFunctionality && ( <tr> <td>Stack</td> <td data-cy="k8sAppDetail-stackName"> {application?.metadata?.labels?.[appStackNameLabel] || '-'} </td> </tr> )} <tr> <td>Namespace</td> <td> <div className="flex items-center gap-x-2" data-cy="k8sAppDetail-resourcePoolName" > <Link to="kubernetes.resourcePools.resourcePool" params={{ id: namespace }} > {namespace} </Link> {isSystemNamespace && <Badge type="info">system</Badge>} </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Application type</td> <td data-cy="k8sAppDetail-appType"> {application?.kind || '-'} </td> </tr> {application?.kind && ( <tr> <td>Status</td> {applicationIsKind<Pod>('Pod', application) && ( <td data-cy="k8sAppDetail-appType"> {application?.status?.phase} </td> )} {!applicationIsKind<Pod>('Pod', application) && ( <td data-cy="k8sAppDetail-appType"> {appKindToDeploymentTypeMap[application.kind]} <code className="ml-1"> {getRunningPods(application)} </code>{' '} / <code>{getTotalPods(application)}</code> </td> )} </tr> )} {(!!applicationRequests?.cpu || !!applicationRequests?.memoryBytes) && ( <tr> <td> Resource reservations {!applicationIsKind<Pod>('Pod', application) && ( <div className="text-muted small">per instance</div> )} </td> <td> {!!applicationRequests?.cpu && ( <div data-cy="k8sAppDetail-cpuReservation"> CPU {applicationRequests.cpu} </div> )} {!!applicationRequests?.memoryBytes && ( <div data-cy="k8sAppDetail-memoryReservation"> Memory{' '} {bytesToReadableFormat( applicationRequests.memoryBytes )} </div> )} </td> </tr> )} <tr> <td>Creation</td> <td> <div className="flex flex-wrap items-center gap-3"> {applicationOwner && ( <span className="flex items-center gap-1" data-cy="k8sAppDetail-owner" > <User /> {applicationOwner} </span> )} <span className="flex items-center gap-1" data-cy="k8sAppDetail-creationDate" > <Clock /> {moment( application?.metadata?.creationTimestamp ).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')} </span> {(!externalApplication || isSystemNamespace) && ( <span className="flex items-center gap-1" data-cy="k8sAppDetail-creationMethod" > <Clock /> Deployed from {applicationDeployMethod} </span> )} </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colSpan={2}> <form className="form-horizontal"> <Note value={applicationNoteFormValues} onChange={setApplicationNoteFormValues} defaultIsOpen isExpandable /> <Authorized authorizations="K8sApplicationDetailsW"> <div className="form-group"> <div className="col-sm-12"> <LoadingButton color="primary" size="small" className="!ml-0" type="button" onClick={() => patchApplicationNote()} disabled={ // disable if there is no change to the note, or it's updating applicationNoteFormValues === (applicationNote || '') || patchApplicationMutation.isLoading } data-cy="k8sAppDetail-saveNoteButton" isLoading={patchApplicationMutation.isLoading} loadingText={ applicationNote ? 'Updating' : 'Saving' } > {applicationNote ? 'Update' : 'Save'} note </LoadingButton> </div> </div> </Authorized> </form> </td> </tr> </DetailsTable> </> )} </WidgetBody> </Widget> </div> </div> ); async function patchApplicationNote() { const patch: ApplicationPatch = [ { op: 'replace', path: `/metadata/annotations/${appNoteAnnotation}`, value: applicationNoteFormValues, }, ]; if (application?.kind) { try { await patchApplicationMutation.mutateAsync({ appKind: application.kind, patch, }); notifySuccess('Success', 'Application successfully updated'); } catch (error) { notifyError( `Failed to ${applicationNote ? 'update' : 'save'} note`, error as Error ); } } } } function getApplicationDeployMethod(application?: Application) { if (!application?.metadata?.labels?.[appDeployMethodLabel]) return 'application form'; if (application?.metadata?.labels?.[appDeployMethodLabel] === 'content') { return 'manifest'; } return application?.metadata?.labels?.[appDeployMethodLabel]; }