import angular from 'angular'; import PortainerError from 'Portainer/error'; import { KubernetesCommonParams } from 'Kubernetes/models/common/params'; class KubernetesMetricsService { /* @ngInject */ constructor($async, KubernetesMetrics) { this.$async = $async; this.KubernetesMetrics = KubernetesMetrics; this.capabilitiesAsync = this.capabilitiesAsync.bind(this); this.getPodAsync = this.getPodAsync.bind(this); this.getNodeAsync = this.getNodeAsync.bind(this); this.getPodsAsync = this.getPodsAsync.bind(this); this.getNodesAsync = this.getNodesAsync.bind(this); } /** * GET */ async capabilitiesAsync(endpointID) { try { await this.KubernetesMetrics().capabilities({ endpointId: endpointID }).$promise; } catch (err) { throw new PortainerError('Unable to retrieve metrics', err); } } capabilities(endpointID) { return this.$async(this.capabilitiesAsync, endpointID); } /** * Stats of Node * * @param {string} nodeName */ async getNodeAsync(nodeName) { try { const params = new KubernetesCommonParams(); = nodeName; const data = await this.KubernetesMetrics().getNode(params).$promise; return data; } catch (err) { throw new PortainerError('Unable to retrieve node stats', err); } } getNode(nodeName) { return this.$async(this.getNodeAsync, nodeName); } /** * Stats * * @param {string} namespace * @param {string} podName */ async getPodAsync(namespace, podName) { try { const params = new KubernetesCommonParams(); = podName; const data = await this.KubernetesMetrics(namespace).getPod(params).$promise; return data; } catch (err) { throw new PortainerError('Unable to retrieve pod stats', err); } } getPod(namespace, podName) { return this.$async(this.getPodAsync, namespace, podName); } /** * Stats of Nodes in cluster * * @param {string} endpointID */ async getNodesAsync(endpointID) { try { const data = await this.KubernetesMetrics().getNodes({ endpointId: endpointID }).$promise; return data; } catch (err) { throw new PortainerError('Unable to retrieve nodes stats', err); } } getNodes(endpointID) { return this.$async(this.getNodesAsync, endpointID); } /** * Stats of Pods in a namespace * * @param {string} namespace */ async getPodsAsync(namespace) { try { const data = await this.KubernetesMetrics(namespace).getPods().$promise; return data; } catch (err) { throw new PortainerError('Unable to retrieve pod stats', err); } } getPods(namespace) { return this.$async(this.getPodsAsync, namespace); } } export default KubernetesMetricsService; angular.module('portainer.kubernetes').service('KubernetesMetricsService', KubernetesMetricsService);