angular.module('service', []) .controller('ServiceController', ['$scope', '$stateParams', '$state', 'Service', 'ServiceHelper', 'Task', 'Node', 'Messages', function ($scope, $stateParams, $state, Service, ServiceHelper, Task, Node, Messages) { $scope.service = {}; $scope.tasks = []; $scope.displayNode = false; $scope.sortType = 'Status'; $scope.sortReverse = false; var previousServiceValues = {}; $scope.order = function (sortType) { $scope.sortReverse = ($scope.sortType === sortType) ? !$scope.sortReverse : false; $scope.sortType = sortType; }; $scope.renameService = function renameService(service) { updateServiceAttribute(service, 'Name', service.newServiceName ||; service.EditName = false; }; $scope.changeServiceImage = function changeServiceImage(service) { updateServiceAttribute(service, 'Image', service.newServiceImage || service.image); service.EditImage = false; }; $scope.scaleService = function scaleService(service) { updateServiceAttribute(service, 'Replicas', service.newServiceReplicas || service.Replicas); service.EditReplicas = false; }; $scope.addEnvironmentVariable = function addEnvironmentVariable(service) { service.EnvironmentVariables.push({ key: '', value: '', originalValue: '' }); service.hasChanges = true; }; $scope.removeEnvironmentVariable = function removeEnvironmentVariable(service, index) { var removedElement = service.EnvironmentVariables.splice(index, 1); service.hasChanges = service.hasChanges || removedElement !== null; }; $scope.updateEnvironmentVariable = function updateEnvironmentVariable(service, variable) { service.hasChanges = service.hasChanges || variable.value !== variable.originalValue; }; $scope.addLabel = function addLabel(service) { service.hasChanges = true; service.ServiceLabels.push({ key: '', value: '', originalValue: '' }); }; $scope.removeLabel = function removeLabel(service, index) { var removedElement = service.ServiceLabels.splice(index, 1); service.hasChanges = service.hasChanges || removedElement !== null; }; $scope.updateLabel = function updateLabel(service, label) { service.hasChanges = service.hasChanges || label.value !== label.originalValue; }; $scope.cancelChanges = function changeServiceImage(service) { Object.keys(previousServiceValues).forEach(function(attribute) { service[attribute] = previousServiceValues[attribute]; // reset service values service['newService' + attribute] = previousServiceValues[attribute]; // reset edit fields }); previousServiceValues = {}; // clear out all changes // clear out environment variable changes service.EnvironmentVariables = translateEnvironmentVariables(service.Env); service.ServiceLabels = translateLabelsToServiceLabels(service.Labels); service.hasChanges = false; }; $scope.updateService = function updateService(service) { $('#loadServicesSpinner').show(); var config = ServiceHelper.serviceToConfig(service.Model); config.Name = service.newServiceName; config.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Env = translateEnvironmentVariablesToEnv(service.EnvironmentVariables); config.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Labels = translateServiceLabelsToLabels(service.ServiceLabels); config.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Image = service.newServiceImage; if (service.Mode === 'replicated') { config.Mode.Replicated.Replicas = service.Replicas; } Service.update({ id: service.Id, version: service.Version }, config, function (data) { $('#loadServicesSpinner').hide(); Messages.send("Service successfully updated", "Service updated"); $state.go('service', {id: service.Id}, {reload: true}); }, function (e) { $('#loadServicesSpinner').hide(); Messages.error("Failure", e, "Unable to update service"); }); }; $scope.removeService = function removeService() { $('#loadingViewSpinner').show(); Service.remove({id: $}, function (d) { if (d.message) { $('#loadingViewSpinner').hide(); Messages.send("Error", {}, d.message); } else { $('#loadingViewSpinner').hide(); Messages.send("Service removed", $; $state.go('services', {}); } }, function (e) { $('#loadingViewSpinner').hide(); Messages.error("Failure", e, "Unable to remove service"); }); }; function fetchServiceDetails() { $('#loadingViewSpinner').show(); Service.get({id: $}, function (d) { var service = new ServiceViewModel(d); service.newServiceName = service.Name; service.newServiceImage = service.Image; service.newServiceReplicas = service.Replicas; service.EnvironmentVariables = translateEnvironmentVariables(service.Env); service.ServiceLabels = translateLabelsToServiceLabels(service.Labels); $scope.service = service; Task.query({filters: {service: [service.Name]}}, function (tasks) { Node.query({}, function (nodes) { $scope.displayNode = true; $scope.tasks = (task) { return new TaskViewModel(task, nodes); }); $('#loadingViewSpinner').hide(); }, function (e) { $('#loadingViewSpinner').hide(); $scope.tasks = (task) { return new TaskViewModel(task, null); }); Messages.error("Failure", e, "Unable to retrieve node information"); }); }, function (e) { $('#loadingViewSpinner').hide(); Messages.error("Failure", e, "Unable to retrieve tasks associated to the service"); }); }, function (e) { $('#loadingViewSpinner').hide(); Messages.error("Failure", e, "Unable to retrieve service details"); }); } function updateServiceAttribute(service, name, newValue) { // ensure we only capture the original previous value, in case we update the attribute multiple times if (!previousServiceValues[name]) { previousServiceValues[name] = service[name]; } // update the attribute service[name] = newValue; service.hasChanges = true; } function translateEnvironmentVariables(env) { if (env) { var variables = []; env.forEach(function(variable) { var keyValue = variable.split('='); var originalValue = (keyValue.length > 1) ? keyValue[1] : ''; variables.push({ key: keyValue[0], value: originalValue, originalValue: originalValue, added: true}); }); return variables; } return []; } function translateEnvironmentVariablesToEnv(env) { if (env) { var variables = []; env.forEach(function(variable) { if (variable.key && variable.key !== '' && variable.value && variable.value !== '') { variables.push(variable.key + '=' + variable.value); } }); return variables; } return []; } function translateLabelsToServiceLabels(Labels) { var labels = []; if (Labels) { Object.keys(Labels).forEach(function(key) { labels.push({ key: key, value: Labels[key], originalValue: Labels[key], added: true}); }); } return labels; } function translateServiceLabelsToLabels(labels) { var Labels = {}; if (labels) { labels.forEach(function(label) { Labels[label.key] = label.value; }); } return Labels; } fetchServiceDetails(); }]);