import _ from 'lodash'; import { EnvironmentId } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types'; import PortainerError from '@/portainer/error'; import axios, { parseAxiosError } from '@/portainer/services/axios'; import { withAgentTargetHeader } from '../proxy/queries/utils'; import { buildDockerProxyUrl } from '../proxy/queries/buildDockerProxyUrl'; import { buildDockerUrl } from '../queries/utils/buildDockerUrl'; import { ContainerId, ContainerLogsParams } from './types'; export async function startContainer( environmentId: EnvironmentId, id: ContainerId, { nodeName }: { nodeName?: string } = {} ) { try { await buildDockerProxyUrl(environmentId, 'containers', id, 'start'), {}, { headers: { ...withAgentTargetHeader(nodeName) }, } ); } catch (e) { throw parseAxiosError(e, 'Failed starting container'); } } export async function stopContainer( endpointId: EnvironmentId, id: ContainerId, { nodeName }: { nodeName?: string } = {} ) { try { await buildDockerProxyUrl(endpointId, 'containers', id, 'stop'), {}, { headers: { ...withAgentTargetHeader(nodeName) } } ); } catch (e) { throw parseAxiosError(e, 'Failed stopping container'); } } export async function recreateContainer( endpointId: EnvironmentId, id: ContainerId, pullImage: boolean, { nodeName }: { nodeName?: string } = {} ) { try { await buildDockerUrl(endpointId, 'containers', id, 'recreate'), { PullImage: pullImage, }, { headers: { ...withAgentTargetHeader(nodeName) } } ); } catch (e) { throw parseAxiosError(e, 'Failed recreating container'); } } export async function restartContainer( endpointId: EnvironmentId, id: ContainerId, { nodeName }: { nodeName?: string } = {} ) { try { await buildDockerProxyUrl(endpointId, 'containers', id, 'restart'), {}, { headers: { ...withAgentTargetHeader(nodeName) } } ); } catch (e) { throw parseAxiosError(e, 'Failed restarting container'); } } export async function killContainer( endpointId: EnvironmentId, id: ContainerId, { nodeName }: { nodeName?: string } = {} ) { try { await buildDockerProxyUrl(endpointId, 'containers', id, 'kill'), {}, { headers: { ...withAgentTargetHeader(nodeName) } } ); } catch (e) { throw parseAxiosError(e, 'Failed killing container'); } } export async function pauseContainer( endpointId: EnvironmentId, id: ContainerId, { nodeName }: { nodeName?: string } = {} ) { try { await buildDockerProxyUrl(endpointId, 'containers', id, 'pause'), {}, { headers: { ...withAgentTargetHeader(nodeName) } } ); } catch (e) { throw parseAxiosError(e, 'Failed pausing container'); } } export async function resumeContainer( endpointId: EnvironmentId, id: ContainerId, { nodeName }: { nodeName?: string } = {} ) { try { await buildDockerProxyUrl(endpointId, 'containers', id, 'unpause'), {}, { headers: { ...withAgentTargetHeader(nodeName) } } ); } catch (e) { throw parseAxiosError(e, 'Failed resuming container'); } } export async function renameContainer( endpointId: EnvironmentId, id: ContainerId, name: string, { nodeName }: { nodeName?: string } = {} ) { try { await buildDockerProxyUrl(endpointId, 'containers', id, 'rename'), {}, { params: { name }, headers: { ...withAgentTargetHeader(nodeName) }, } ); } catch (e) { throw parseAxiosError(e, 'Failed renaming container'); } } export async function removeContainer( endpointId: EnvironmentId, containerId: string, { nodeName, removeVolumes, }: { removeVolumes?: boolean; nodeName?: string } = {} ) { try { const { data } = await axios.delete( buildDockerProxyUrl(endpointId, 'containers', containerId), { params: { v: removeVolumes ? 1 : 0, force: true }, headers: { ...withAgentTargetHeader(nodeName) }, } ); if (data && data.message) { throw new PortainerError(data.message); } } catch (e) { throw parseAxiosError(e, 'Unable to remove container'); } } export async function getContainerLogs( environmentId: EnvironmentId, containerId: ContainerId, params?: ContainerLogsParams ): Promise { try { const { data } = await axios.get( buildDockerProxyUrl(environmentId, 'containers', containerId, 'logs'), { params: _.pickBy(params), } ); return data; } catch (e) { throw parseAxiosError(e, 'Unable to get container logs'); } }