package stacks import ( "net/http" httperror "" "" "" portainer "" bolterrors "" "" "" "" ) type stackFileResponse struct { // Content of the Stack file StackFileContent string `json:"StackFileContent" example:"version: 3\n services:\n web:\n image:nginx"` } // @id StackFileInspect // @summary Retrieve the content of the Stack file for the specified stack // @description Get Stack file content. // @description **Access policy**: restricted // @tags stacks // @security jwt // @produce json // @param id path int true "Stack identifier" // @success 200 {object} stackFileResponse "Success" // @failure 400 "Invalid request" // @failure 403 "Permission denied" // @failure 404 "Stack not found" // @failure 500 "Server error" // @router /stacks/{id}/file [get] func (handler *Handler) stackFile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *httperror.HandlerError { stackID, err := request.RetrieveNumericRouteVariableValue(r, "id") if err != nil { return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid stack identifier route variable", err} } stack, err := handler.DataStore.Stack().Stack(portainer.StackID(stackID)) if err == bolterrors.ErrObjectNotFound { return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusNotFound, "Unable to find a stack with the specified identifier inside the database", err} } else if err != nil { return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to find a stack with the specified identifier inside the database", err} } securityContext, err := security.RetrieveRestrictedRequestContext(r) if err != nil { return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to retrieve info from request context", err} } endpoint, err := handler.DataStore.Endpoint().Endpoint(stack.EndpointID) if err == bolterrors.ErrObjectNotFound { if !securityContext.IsAdmin { return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusNotFound, "Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier inside the database", err} } } else if err != nil { return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier inside the database", err} } if endpoint != nil { err = handler.requestBouncer.AuthorizedEndpointOperation(r, endpoint) if err != nil { return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusForbidden, "Permission denied to access environment", err} } if stack.Type == portainer.DockerSwarmStack || stack.Type == portainer.DockerComposeStack { resourceControl, err := handler.DataStore.ResourceControl().ResourceControlByResourceIDAndType(stackutils.ResourceControlID(stack.EndpointID, stack.Name), portainer.StackResourceControl) if err != nil { return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to retrieve a resource control associated to the stack", err} } access, err := handler.userCanAccessStack(securityContext, endpoint.ID, resourceControl) if err != nil { return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to verify user authorizations to validate stack access", err} } if !access { return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusForbidden, "Access denied to resource", errors.ErrResourceAccessDenied} } } } stackFileContent, err := handler.FileService.GetFileContent(stack.ProjectPath, stack.EntryPoint) if err != nil { return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to retrieve Compose file from disk", err} } return response.JSON(w, &stackFileResponse{StackFileContent: string(stackFileContent)}) }