import axios from '@/portainer/services/axios'; /* @ngInject */ export default function LogsController($scope, $async, $state, Notifications) { let controller = new AbortController(); $scope.stderrLog = []; $scope.stdoutLog = []; $scope.changeLogCollection = function (logCollectionStatus) { if (!logCollectionStatus) { controller.abort(); controller = new AbortController(); } else { loadLogs('stderr', $scope.jobID, $scope.taskName, $scope.namespace, $scope.endpointId, controller); loadLogs('stdout', $scope.jobID, $scope.taskName, $scope.namespace, $scope.endpointId, controller); } }; function stripEscapeCodes(logs) { return logs.replace(/[\u001b\u009b][[()#;?]*(?:[0-9]{1,4}(?:;[0-9]{0,4})*)?[0-9A-ORZcf-nqry=><]/g, ''); } function formatLogs(logs, splitter = '\\n') { if (!logs) { return []; } const formattedLogs = []; const logInLines = logs.trim().split(splitter); for (const logInLine of logInLines) { const line = stripEscapeCodes(logInLine).replace('\n', '').replace(/[""]+/g, ''); formattedLogs.push({ line, spans: [{ foregroundColor: null, backgroundColor: null, text: line }] }); } return formattedLogs; } async function loadLogs(logType, jobID, taskName, namespace, endpointId, controller, refresh = true, offset = 50000) { axios .get(`/nomad/endpoints/${endpointId}/allocation/${$scope.allocationID}/logs`, { params: { jobID, taskName, namespace, refresh, logType, offset, }, signal: controller.signal, onDownloadProgress: (progressEvent) => { $scope[`${logType}Log`] = formatLogs(progressEvent.currentTarget.response); $scope.$apply(); }, }) .then((response) => { $scope[`${logType}Log`] = formatLogs(, '\n'); $scope.$apply(); }) .catch((err) => { if (err.message !== 'canceled') Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to retrieve task logs'); }); } async function initView() { return $async(async () => { $scope.jobID = $state.params.jobID; $scope.taskName = $state.params.taskName; $scope.allocationID = $state.params.allocationID; $scope.namespace = $state.params.namespace; $scope.endpointId = $state.params.endpointId; loadLogs('stderr', $scope.jobID, $scope.taskName, $scope.namespace, $scope.endpointId, controller); loadLogs('stdout', $scope.jobID, $scope.taskName, $scope.namespace, $scope.endpointId, controller); }); } $scope.$on('$destroy', function () { if (controller) { controller.abort(); } }); initView(); }