import { formatCaller, formatKeyValuePair, formatLevel, formatMessage, formatStackTrace, formatTime, } from './formatters'; import { FormattedLine, JSONStackTrace, Level, Span, TIMESTAMP_LENGTH, } from './types'; const dateRegex = /(\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}[AP]M) /; // "2022/02/01 04:30AM " const levelRegex = /(\w{3}) /; // "INF " or "ERR " const callerRegex = /(.+?.go:\d+) /; // "path/to/file.go:line " const chevRegex = /> /; // "> " const messageAndPairsRegex = /(.*)/; // include the rest of the string in a separate group const keyRegex = /(\S+=)/g; // "" export const ZerologRegex = concatRegex( dateRegex, levelRegex, callerRegex, chevRegex, messageAndPairsRegex ); function concatRegex(...regs: RegExp[]) { const flags = Array.from( new Set( regs .map((r) => r.flags) .join('') .split('') ) ).join(''); const source = => r.source).join(''); return new RegExp(source, flags); } type Pair = { key: string; value: string; }; export function formatZerologLogs(rawText: string, withTimestamps?: boolean) { const spans: Span[] = []; const lines: FormattedLine[] = []; let line = ''; const text = withTimestamps ? rawText.substring(TIMESTAMP_LENGTH) : rawText; if (withTimestamps) { const timestamp = rawText.substring(0, TIMESTAMP_LENGTH); spans.push({ text: timestamp }); line += `${timestamp} `; } const [, date, level, caller, messageAndPairs] = text.match(ZerologRegex) || []; const [message, pairs] = extractPairs(messageAndPairs); line += formatTime(date, spans, line); line += formatLevel(level as Level, spans, line); line += formatCaller(caller, spans, line); line += formatMessage(message, spans, line, !!pairs.length); let stackTrace: JSONStackTrace | undefined; const stackTraceIndex = pairs.findIndex((p) => p.key === 'stack_trace'); if (stackTraceIndex !== -1) { stackTrace = JSON.parse(pairs[stackTraceIndex].value); pairs.splice(stackTraceIndex); } pairs.forEach(({ key, value }, idx) => { line += formatKeyValuePair( key, value, spans, line, idx === pairs.length - 1 ); }); lines.push({ line, spans }); formatStackTrace(stackTrace, lines); return lines; } function extractPairs(messageAndPairs: string): [string, Pair[]] { const pairs: Pair[] = []; let [message, rawPairs] = messageAndPairs.split('|'); if (!messageAndPairs.includes('|') && !rawPairs) { rawPairs = message; message = ''; } message = message.trim(); rawPairs = rawPairs.trim(); const matches = [...rawPairs.matchAll(keyRegex)]; matches.forEach((m, idx) => { const rawKey = m[0]; const key = rawKey.slice(0, -1); const start = m.index || 0; const end = idx !== matches.length - 1 ? matches[idx + 1].index : undefined; const value = ( end ? rawPairs.slice(start + rawKey.length, end) : rawPairs.slice(start + rawKey.length) ).trim(); pairs.push({ key, value }); }); return [message, pairs]; }