import _ from 'lodash-es'; import splitargs from 'splitargs/src/splitargs'; const portPattern = /^([1-9]|[1-5]?[0-9]{2,4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$/m; function parsePort(port) { if (portPattern.test(port)) { return parseInt(port, 10); } else { return 0; } } function parsePortRange(portRange) { if (typeof portRange !== 'string') { portRange = portRange.toString(); } // Split the range and convert to integers const stringPorts = _.split(portRange, '-', 2); const intPorts =, parsePort); // If it's not a range, we still make sure that we return two ports (start & end) if (intPorts.length == 1) { intPorts.push(intPorts[0]); } return intPorts; } function isValidPortRange(portRange) { if (typeof portRange === 'string') { portRange = parsePortRange(); } return Array.isArray(portRange) && portRange.length === 2 && portRange[0] > 0 && portRange[1] >= portRange[0]; } function createPortRange(portRangeText, port) { if (typeof portRangeText !== 'string') { portRangeText = portRangeText.toString(); } let hostIp = null; const colonIndex = portRangeText.indexOf(':'); if (colonIndex >= 0) { hostIp = portRangeText.substr(0, colonIndex); portRangeText = portRangeText.substr(colonIndex + 1); } port = typeof port === 'number' ? port : parsePort(port); const portRange = parsePortRange(portRangeText); const startPort = Math.min(portRange[0], port); const endPort = Math.max(portRange[1], port); if (hostIp) { return hostIp + ':' + startPort + '-' + endPort; } else { return startPort + '-' + endPort; } } angular.module('portainer.docker').factory('ContainerHelper', [ function ContainerHelperFactory() { 'use strict'; var helper = {}; helper.commandStringToArray = function (command) { return splitargs(command); }; helper.commandArrayToString = function (array) { return array .map(function (elem) { return "'" + elem + "'"; }) .join(' '); }; helper.configFromContainer = function (container) { var config = container.Config; // HostConfig config.HostConfig = container.HostConfig; // Name = container.Name.replace(/^\//g, ''); // Network var mode = config.HostConfig.NetworkMode; config.NetworkingConfig = { EndpointsConfig: {}, }; config.NetworkingConfig.EndpointsConfig = container.NetworkSettings.Networks; if (config.ExposedPorts === undefined) { config.ExposedPorts = {}; } if (mode.indexOf('container:') !== -1) { delete config.Hostname; delete config.ExposedPorts; } // Set volumes var binds = []; var volumes = {}; for (var v in container.Mounts) { if ({}, v)) { var mount = container.Mounts[v]; var name = mount.Name || mount.Source; var containerPath = mount.Destination; if (name && containerPath) { var bind = name + ':' + containerPath; volumes[containerPath] = {}; if (mount.RW === false) { bind += ':ro'; } binds.push(bind); } } } config.HostConfig.Mounts = null; config.HostConfig.Binds = binds; config.Volumes = volumes; return config; }; helper.preparePortBindings = function (portBindings) { const bindings = {}; _.forEach(portBindings, (portBinding) => { if (!portBinding.containerPort) { return; } let hostPort = portBinding.hostPort; const containerPortRange = parsePortRange(portBinding.containerPort); if (!isValidPortRange(containerPortRange)) { throw new Error('Invalid port specification: ' + portBinding.containerPort); } const startPort = containerPortRange[0]; const endPort = containerPortRange[1]; let hostIp = undefined; let startHostPort = 0; let endHostPort = 0; if (hostPort) { if (hostPort.indexOf('[') > -1) { const hostAndPort = _.split(hostPort, ']:'); if (hostAndPort.length < 2) { throw new Error('Invalid port specification: ' + portBinding.containerPort); } hostIp = hostAndPort[0].replace('[', ''); hostPort = hostAndPort[1]; } else { if (hostPort.indexOf(':') > -1) { const hostAndPort = _.split(hostPort, ':'); hostIp = hostAndPort[0]; hostPort = hostAndPort[1]; } } const hostPortRange = parsePortRange(hostPort); if (!isValidPortRange(hostPortRange)) { throw new Error('Invalid port specification: ' + hostPort); } startHostPort = hostPortRange[0]; endHostPort = hostPortRange[1]; if (endPort !== startPort && endPort - startPort !== endHostPort - startHostPort) { throw new Error('Invalid port specification: ' + hostPort); } } for (let i = 0; i <= endPort - startPort; i++) { const containerPort = (startPort + i).toString(); if (startHostPort > 0) { hostPort = (startHostPort + i).toString(); } if (startPort === endPort && startHostPort !== endHostPort) { hostPort += '-' + endHostPort.toString(); } const bindKey = containerPort + '/' + portBinding.protocol; if (bindings[bindKey]) { bindings[bindKey].push({ HostIp: hostIp, HostPort: hostPort }); } else { bindings[bindKey] = [{ HostIp: hostIp, HostPort: hostPort }]; } } }); return bindings; }; helper.sortAndCombinePorts = function (portBindings) { const bindings = []; const portBindingKeys = _.keys(portBindings); // Group the port bindings by protocol const portBindingKeysByProtocol = _.groupBy(portBindingKeys, (portKey) => { return _.split(portKey, '/')[1]; }); _.forEach(portBindingKeysByProtocol, (portBindingKeys, protocol) => { // Group the port bindings by host IP const portBindingKeysByHostIp = {}; for (const portKey of portBindingKeys) { for (const portBinding of portBindings[portKey]) { portBindingKeysByHostIp[portBinding.HostIp] = portBindingKeysByHostIp[portBinding.HostIp] || []; portBindingKeysByHostIp[portBinding.HostIp].push(portKey); } } _.forEach(portBindingKeysByHostIp, (portBindingKeys, ip) => { // Sort by host port const sortedPortBindingKeys = _.orderBy(portBindingKeys, (portKey) => { return parseInt(_.split(portKey, '/')[0], 10); }); let previousHostPort = -1; let previousContainerPort = -1; _.forEach(sortedPortBindingKeys, (portKey) => { const portKeySplit = _.split(portKey, '/'); const containerPort = parseInt(portKeySplit[0], 10); const portBinding = portBindings[portKey][0]; portBindings[portKey].shift(); const hostPort = parsePort(portBinding.HostPort); // We only combine single ports, and skip the host port ranges on one container port if (hostPort > 0) { // If we detect consecutive ports, we create a range of them if (bindings.length > 0 && previousHostPort === hostPort - 1 && previousContainerPort === containerPort - 1) { bindings[bindings.length - 1].hostPort = createPortRange(bindings[bindings.length - 1].hostPort, hostPort); bindings[bindings.length - 1].containerPort = createPortRange(bindings[bindings.length - 1].containerPort, containerPort); previousHostPort = hostPort; previousContainerPort = containerPort; return; } previousHostPort = hostPort; previousContainerPort = containerPort; } else { previousHostPort = -1; previousContainerPort = -1; } let bindingHostPort = portBinding.HostPort.toString(); if (ip) { bindingHostPort = `${ip}:${bindingHostPort}`; } const binding = { hostPort: bindingHostPort, containerPort: containerPort, protocol: protocol, }; bindings.push(binding); }); }); }); return bindings; }; helper.getContainerNames = function (containers) { return, 'Names')), (name) => _.trimStart(name, '/')); }; return helper; }, ]);