import { useQuery } from 'react-query'; import { EnvironmentId } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types'; import PortainerError from '@/portainer/error'; import axios from '@/portainer/services/axios'; import { withError } from '@/react-tools/react-query'; import { IngressControllerClassMap } from './types'; export function useIngressControllerClassMapQuery({ environmentId, namespace, allowedOnly, }: { environmentId?: EnvironmentId; namespace?: string; allowedOnly?: boolean; }) { return useQuery( [ 'environments', environmentId, 'ingresscontrollers', namespace, allowedOnly, ], () => { if (!environmentId) { return []; } return getIngressControllerClassMap({ environmentId, namespace, allowedOnly, }); }, { ...withError('Failure', 'Unable to get ingress controllers.'), enabled: !!environmentId, } ); } // get all supported ingress classes and controllers for the cluster // allowedOnly set to true will hide globally disallowed ingresscontrollers export async function getIngressControllerClassMap({ environmentId, namespace, allowedOnly, }: { environmentId: EnvironmentId; namespace?: string; allowedOnly?: boolean; }) { try { const { data: controllerMaps } = await axios.get< IngressControllerClassMap[] >( buildUrl(environmentId, namespace), allowedOnly ? { params: { allowedOnly: true } } : undefined ); return controllerMaps; } catch (e) { throw new PortainerError('Unable to get ingress controllers.', e as Error); } } // get all supported ingress classes and controllers for the cluster export async function updateIngressControllerClassMap( environmentId: EnvironmentId, ingressControllerClassMap: IngressControllerClassMap[], namespace?: string ) { try { const { data: controllerMaps } = await axios.put< IngressControllerClassMap[] >(buildUrl(environmentId, namespace), ingressControllerClassMap); return controllerMaps; } catch (e) { throw new PortainerError( 'Unable to update ingress controllers.', e as Error ); } } function buildUrl(environmentId: EnvironmentId, namespace?: string) { let url = `kubernetes/${environmentId}/`; if (namespace) { url += `namespaces/${namespace}/`; } url += 'ingresscontrollers'; return url; }