import moment from 'moment'; import _ from 'lodash-es'; import { NEW_LINE_BREAKER } from '@/constants'; angular.module('portainer.docker').controller('LogViewerController', [ 'clipboard', 'Blob', 'FileSaver', function (clipboard, Blob, FileSaver) { this.state = { availableSinceDatetime: [ { desc: 'Last day', value: moment().subtract(1, 'days').format() }, { desc: 'Last 4 hours', value: moment().subtract(4, 'hours').format() }, { desc: 'Last hour', value: moment().subtract(1, 'hours').format() }, { desc: 'Last 10 minutes', value: moment().subtract(10, 'minutes').format() }, ], copySupported: clipboard.supported, logCollection: true, autoScroll: true, wrapLines: true, search: '', filteredLogs: [], selectedLines: [], }; this.copy = function () { clipboard.copyText( => log.line)); $('#refreshRateChange').show(); $('#refreshRateChange').fadeOut(2000); }; this.copySelection = function () { clipboard.copyText(this.state.selectedLines); $('#refreshRateChange').show(); $('#refreshRateChange').fadeOut(2000); }; this.clearSelection = function () { this.state.selectedLines = []; }; this.selectLine = function (line) { var idx = this.state.selectedLines.indexOf(line); if (idx === -1) { this.state.selectedLines.push(line); } else { this.state.selectedLines.splice(idx, 1); } }; this.downloadLogs = function () { // To make the feature of downloading container logs working both on Windows and Linux, we need to use correct new line breakers on corresponding OS. const data = new Blob([_.reduce(this.state.filteredLogs, (acc, log) => acc + log.line + NEW_LINE_BREAKER, '')]); FileSaver.saveAs(data, this.resourceName + '_logs.txt'); }; }, ]);