#!/bin/bash # For reference see: https://portainer.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TECH/pages/570589194/Code+Freeze+Preparation # Portainer (CE + EE) # Change version in package.json # Change APIVersion in portainer.go # Change @version in handler/handler.go # This script requires jq # sudo apt-get install jq if ! [ -x "$(command -v sed)" ]; then echo 'Error: sed is not installed.' >&2 exit 1 fi if ! [ -x "$(command -v jq)" ]; then echo 'Error: jq is not installed. Get it here: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/' >&2 exit 1 fi CURRENT_VERSION=$(jq -r '.version' package.json) PROMPT=true # Parse the major, minor and patch versions # out. # You use it like this: # semver="3.4.5+xyz" # a=($(ParseSemVer "$semver")) # major=${a[0]} # minor=${a[1]} # patch=${a[2]} # printf "%-32s %4d %4d %4d\n" "$semver" $major $minor $patch function ParseSemVer() { local token="$1" local major=0 local minor=0 local patch=0 if [[ "$token" =~ ^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+) ]]; then major=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} minor=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} patch=${BASH_REMATCH[3]} fi echo "$major $minor $patch" } Help() { echo "*** Bump Portainer version ***" echo echo "The Portainer version is in the semantic version format:" echo " X.Y.Z (Major.Minor.Patch)" echo echo "The current version is defined in multiple files." echo "This script will update the version in the following files:" echo " package.json" echo " api/portainer.go" echo " api/http/handler/handler.go" echo echo "Usage: bump-version.sh [-s|-h]" echo "options:" echo " -h Print this Help." echo " -s Silently bump minor version without prompting." echo } case "$1" in -s) # automatically bump minor version with no prompting PROMPT=false ;; -h | --help) # display Help Help exit esac [ $PROMPT == true ] && { echo "Current Portainer version: ${CURRENT_VERSION}" } a=($(ParseSemVer "$CURRENT_VERSION")) major=${a[0]} minor=${a[1]} patch=${a[2]} minor=$(($minor+1)) NEW_VERSION="${major}.${minor}.${patch}" [ $PROMPT == true ] && { echo -n "New Portainer version: [${NEW_VERSION}]: " read -r inp [[ ! -z "$inp" ]] && NEW_VERSION="$inp" a=($(ParseSemVer "$NEW_VERSION")) major=${a[0]} minor=${a[1]} patch=${a[2]} if [ "$major" == 0 ] && [ "$minor" == 0 ] && [ "$patch" = 0 ]; then echo "Invalid version format, must be major.minor.patch" exit 1 fi echo "Version will be changed to: ${NEW_VERSION}" echo -n "Continue? [y/N]: " read -r inp if [ "$inp" != "y" ]; then echo "Version left unchanged" exit 1 fi } tmp=$(mktemp) # Change version in package.json filename="package.json" jq --arg a "$NEW_VERSION" '.version = $a' package.json > "$tmp" && mv "$tmp" "$filename" echo "Updated $filename." # Update portainer.go filename="api/portainer.go" sed -E "s/^([[:blank:]]*APIVersion[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*).*/\1\"$NEW_VERSION\"/" "$filename" > "$tmp" && mv "$tmp" "$filename" echo "Updated $filename." # Change @version in handler/handler.go filename="api/http/handler/handler.go" sed -E "s|// @version .*|// @version $NEW_VERSION|" "$filename" > "$tmp" && mv "$tmp" "$filename" echo "Updated $filename." echo echo "IMPORTANT! Before committing, please ensure the files have updated correctly with `git diff`"