export class EditEdgeGroupController { /* @ngInject */ constructor(EdgeGroupService, GroupService, Notifications, $state, $async) { this.EdgeGroupService = EdgeGroupService; this.GroupService = GroupService; this.Notifications = Notifications; this.$state = $state; this.$async = $async; this.state = { actionInProgress: false, loaded: false, }; this.updateGroup = this.updateGroup.bind(this); } async $onInit() { const [endpointGroups, group] = await Promise.all([this.GroupService.groups(), this.EdgeGroupService.group(this.$state.params.groupId)]); if (!group) { this.Notifications.error('Failed to find edge group', {}); this.$state.go('edge.groups'); } this.endpointGroups = endpointGroups; this.model = group; this.state.loaded = true; } updateGroup(group) { return this.$async(async () => { this.state.actionInProgress = true; try { await this.EdgeGroupService.update(group); this.Notifications.success('Success', 'Edge group successfully updated'); this.$state.go('edge.groups'); } catch (err) { this.Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to update edge group'); } finally { this.state.actionInProgress = false; } }); } }