import _ from 'lodash-es'; import { confirmDestructiveAsync } from '@/portainer/services/modal.service/confirm'; import { EdgeTypes } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types'; import { getEnvironments } from '@/react/portainer/environments/environment.service'; import { getTags } from '@/portainer/tags/tags.service'; import { notifyError } from '@/portainer/services/notifications'; export class EdgeGroupFormController { /* @ngInject */ constructor($async, $scope) { this.$async = $async; this.$scope = $scope; this.endpoints = { state: { limit: '10', filter: '', pageNumber: 1, totalCount: 0, }, value: null, }; this.tags = []; this.associateEndpoint = this.associateEndpoint.bind(this); this.dissociateEndpoint = this.dissociateEndpoint.bind(this); this.getDynamicEndpointsAsync = this.getDynamicEndpointsAsync.bind(this); this.getDynamicEndpoints = this.getDynamicEndpoints.bind(this); this.onChangeTags = this.onChangeTags.bind(this); $scope.$watch( () => this.model, () => { if (this.model.Dynamic) { this.getDynamicEndpoints(); } }, true ); } onChangeTags(value) { return this.$scope.$evalAsync(() => { this.model.TagIds = value; }); } associateEndpoint(endpoint) { if (!_.includes(this.model.Endpoints, endpoint.Id)) { this.model.Endpoints = [...this.model.Endpoints, endpoint.Id]; } } dissociateEndpoint(endpoint) { return this.$async(async () => { const confirmed = await confirmDestructiveAsync({ title: 'Confirm action', message: 'Removing the environment from this group will remove its corresponding edge stacks', buttons: { cancel: { label: 'Cancel', className: 'btn-default', }, confirm: { label: 'Confirm', className: 'btn-primary', }, }, }); if (!confirmed) { return; } this.model.Endpoints = _.filter(this.model.Endpoints, (id) => id !== endpoint.Id); }); } getDynamicEndpoints() { return this.$async(this.getDynamicEndpointsAsync); } async getDynamicEndpointsAsync() { const { pageNumber, limit, search } = this.endpoints.state; const start = (pageNumber - 1) * limit + 1; const query = { search, types: EdgeTypes, tagIds: this.model.TagIds, tagsPartialMatch: this.model.PartialMatch }; const response = await getEnvironments({ start, limit, query }); const totalCount = parseInt(response.totalCount, 10); this.endpoints.value = response.value; this.endpoints.state.totalCount = totalCount; } getTags() { return this.$async(async () => { try { this.tags = await getTags(); } catch (err) { notifyError('Failure', err, 'Unable to retrieve tags'); } }); } $onInit() { this.getTags(); } }