import { EdgeTypes, EnvironmentId } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types'; import { FormError } from '@@/form-components/FormError'; import { ArrayError } from '@@/form-components/InputList/InputList'; import { EdgeGroupAssociationTable } from './EdgeGroupAssociationTable'; export function AssociatedEdgeEnvironmentsSelector({ onChange, value, error, }: { onChange: ( value: EnvironmentId[], meta: { type: 'add' | 'remove'; value: EnvironmentId } ) => void; value: EnvironmentId[]; error?: ArrayError>; }) { return ( <>
You can select which environment should be part of this group by moving them to the associated environments table. Simply click on any environment entry to move it from one table to the other.
{error && (
{typeof error === 'string' ? error : error.join(', ')}
{ if (!value.includes(env.Id)) { onChange([...value, env.Id], { type: 'add', value: env.Id }); } }} data-cy="edgeGroupCreate-availableEndpoints" />
{ if (value.includes(env.Id)) { onChange( value.filter((id) => id !== env.Id), { type: 'remove', value: env.Id } ); } }} data-cy="edgeGroupCreate-associatedEndpointsTable" />
); }