package stacks import ( "errors" "fmt" "net/http" httperror "" "" "" portainer "" httperrors "" "" "" "" ) type stackMigratePayload struct { // Environment(Endpoint) identifier of the target environment(endpoint) where the stack will be relocated EndpointID int `example:"2" validate:"required"` // Swarm cluster identifier, must match the identifier of the cluster where the stack will be relocated SwarmID string `example:"jpofkc0i9uo9wtx1zesuk649w"` // If provided will rename the migrated stack Name string `example:"new-stack"` } func (payload *stackMigratePayload) Validate(r *http.Request) error { if payload.EndpointID == 0 { return errors.New("Invalid environment identifier. Must be a positive number") } return nil } // @id StackMigrate // @summary Migrate a stack to another environment(endpoint) // @description Migrate a stack from an environment(endpoint) to another environment(endpoint). It will re-create the stack inside the target environment(endpoint) before removing the original stack. // @description **Access policy**: authenticated // @tags stacks // @security ApiKeyAuth // @security jwt // @produce json // @param id path int true "Stack identifier" // @param endpointId query int false "Stacks created before version 1.18.0 might not have an associated environment(endpoint) identifier. Use this optional parameter to set the environment(endpoint) identifier used by the stack." // @param body body stackMigratePayload true "Stack migration details" // @success 200 {object} portainer.Stack "Success" // @failure 400 "Invalid request" // @failure 403 "Permission denied" // @failure 404 "Stack not found" // @failure 500 "Server error" // @router /stacks/{id}/migrate [post] func (handler *Handler) stackMigrate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *httperror.HandlerError { stackID, err := request.RetrieveNumericRouteVariableValue(r, "id") if err != nil { return httperror.BadRequest("Invalid stack identifier route variable", err) } var payload stackMigratePayload err = request.DecodeAndValidateJSONPayload(r, &payload) if err != nil { return httperror.BadRequest("Invalid request payload", err) } stack, err := handler.DataStore.Stack().Read(portainer.StackID(stackID)) if handler.DataStore.IsErrObjectNotFound(err) { return httperror.NotFound("Unable to find a stack with the specified identifier inside the database", err) } else if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to find a stack with the specified identifier inside the database", err) } if stack.Type == portainer.KubernetesStack { return httperror.BadRequest("Migrating a kubernetes stack is not supported", err) } endpoint, err := handler.DataStore.Endpoint().Endpoint(stack.EndpointID) if handler.DataStore.IsErrObjectNotFound(err) { return httperror.NotFound("Unable to find an endpoint with the specified identifier inside the database", err) } else if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to find an endpoint with the specified identifier inside the database", err) } err = handler.requestBouncer.AuthorizedEndpointOperation(r, endpoint) if err != nil { return httperror.Forbidden("Permission denied to access endpoint", err) } securityContext, err := security.RetrieveRestrictedRequestContext(r) if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to retrieve info from request context", err) } canManage, err := handler.userCanManageStacks(securityContext, endpoint) if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to verify user authorizations to validate stack deletion", err) } if !canManage { errMsg := "Stack migration is disabled for non-admin users" return httperror.Forbidden(errMsg, errors.New(errMsg)) } resourceControl, err := handler.DataStore.ResourceControl().ResourceControlByResourceIDAndType(stackutils.ResourceControlID(stack.EndpointID, stack.Name), portainer.StackResourceControl) if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to retrieve a resource control associated to the stack", err) } access, err := handler.userCanAccessStack(securityContext, endpoint.ID, resourceControl) if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to verify user authorizations to validate stack access", err) } if !access { return httperror.Forbidden("Access denied to resource", httperrors.ErrResourceAccessDenied) } // TODO: this is a work-around for stacks created with Portainer version >= 1.17.1 // The EndpointID property is not available for these stacks, this API environment(endpoint) // can use the optional EndpointID query parameter to associate a valid environment(endpoint) identifier to the stack. endpointID, err := request.RetrieveNumericQueryParameter(r, "endpointId", true) if err != nil { return httperror.BadRequest("Invalid query parameter: endpointId", err) } if endpointID != int(stack.EndpointID) { stack.EndpointID = portainer.EndpointID(endpointID) } targetEndpoint, err := handler.DataStore.Endpoint().Endpoint(portainer.EndpointID(payload.EndpointID)) if handler.DataStore.IsErrObjectNotFound(err) { return httperror.NotFound("Unable to find an endpoint with the specified identifier inside the database", err) } else if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to find an endpoint with the specified identifier inside the database", err) } stack.EndpointID = portainer.EndpointID(payload.EndpointID) if payload.SwarmID != "" { stack.SwarmID = payload.SwarmID } oldName := stack.Name if payload.Name != "" { stack.Name = payload.Name } isUnique, err := handler.checkUniqueStackNameInDocker(targetEndpoint, stack.Name, stack.ID, stack.SwarmID != "") if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to check for name collision", err) } if !isUnique { errorMessage := fmt.Sprintf("A stack with the name '%s' is already running on endpoint '%s'", stack.Name, targetEndpoint.Name) return &httperror.HandlerError{StatusCode: http.StatusConflict, Message: errorMessage, Err: errors.New(errorMessage)} } migrationError := handler.migrateStack(r, stack, targetEndpoint) if migrationError != nil { return migrationError } newName := stack.Name stack.Name = oldName err = handler.deleteStack(securityContext.UserID, stack, endpoint) if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError(err.Error(), err) } stack.Name = newName err = handler.DataStore.Stack().Update(stack.ID, stack) if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to persist the stack changes inside the database", err) } if resourceControl != nil { resourceControl.ResourceID = stackutils.ResourceControlID(stack.EndpointID, stack.Name) err := handler.DataStore.ResourceControl().Update(resourceControl.ID, resourceControl) if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to persist the resource control changes", err) } } if stack.GitConfig != nil && stack.GitConfig.Authentication != nil && stack.GitConfig.Authentication.Password != "" { // sanitize password in the http response to minimise possible security leaks stack.GitConfig.Authentication.Password = "" } return response.JSON(w, stack) } func (handler *Handler) migrateStack(r *http.Request, stack *portainer.Stack, next *portainer.Endpoint) *httperror.HandlerError { if stack.Type == portainer.DockerSwarmStack { return handler.migrateSwarmStack(r, stack, next) } return handler.migrateComposeStack(r, stack, next) } func (handler *Handler) migrateComposeStack(r *http.Request, stack *portainer.Stack, next *portainer.Endpoint) *httperror.HandlerError { // Create compose deployment config securityContext, err := security.RetrieveRestrictedRequestContext(r) if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to retrieve info from request context", err) } composeDeploymentConfig, err := deployments.CreateComposeStackDeploymentConfig(securityContext, stack, next, handler.DataStore, handler.FileService, handler.StackDeployer, false, false) if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError(err.Error(), err) } // Deploy the stack err = composeDeploymentConfig.Deploy() if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError(err.Error(), err) } return nil } func (handler *Handler) migrateSwarmStack(r *http.Request, stack *portainer.Stack, next *portainer.Endpoint) *httperror.HandlerError { // Create swarm deployment config securityContext, err := security.RetrieveRestrictedRequestContext(r) if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to retrieve info from request context", err) } swarmDeploymentConfig, err := deployments.CreateSwarmStackDeploymentConfig(securityContext, stack, next, handler.DataStore, handler.FileService, handler.StackDeployer, true, true) if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError(err.Error(), err) } // Deploy the stack err = swarmDeploymentConfig.Deploy() if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError(err.Error(), err) } return nil }