<png-message="required"><iclass="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"aria-hidden="true"></i> This field is required.</p>
<png-message="required"class="vertical-center"><pr-iconicon="'alert-triangle'"feather="true"mode="'warning'"></pr-icon> This field is required. </p>
<png-if="$ctrl.state.duplicateKeys[index] !== undefined"><iclass="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"aria-hidden="true"></i> This key is already defined.</p>
><iclass="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"aria-hidden="true"></i> This key is invalid. A valid key must consist of alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' or '.'</p
<pr-iconicon="'alert-triangle'"feather="true"mode="'warning'"></pr-icon> This key is invalid. A valid key must consist of alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' or '.'
<png-message="required"><iclass="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"aria-hidden="true"></i> This field is required.</p>
><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"aria-hidden="true"></i> This field must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters, '-' or '.', and contain at most 63
characters, and must start and end with an alphanumeric character.</p
<png-message="required"class="vertical-center"><pr-iconicon="'alert-triangle'"feather="true"mode="'warning'"></pr-icon> This field is required.</p>
><pr-icon icon="'alert-triangle'"feather="true"mode="'warning'"class="vertical-center"></pr-icon> This field must consist of lower case alphanumeric
characters, '-' or '.', and contain at most 63 characters, and must start and end with an alphanumeric character.</p
><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"aria-hidden="true"></i> A configuration with the same name already exists inside the selected namespace.</p
><pr-icon icon="'alert-triangle'"feather="true"mode="'warning'"></pr-icon> A configuration with the same name already exists inside the selected namespace.</p
This namespace has exhausted its resource capacity and you will not be able to deploy the configuration. Contact your administrator to expand the capacity of the