diff --git a/.vscode.example/launch.json b/.vscode.example/launch.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c7e6315d..000000000
--- a/.vscode.example/launch.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
- // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
- // For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
- "version": "0.2.0",
- "configurations": [
- {
- "name": "Launch",
- "type": "go",
- "request": "launch",
- "mode": "debug",
- "program": "${workspaceRoot}/api/cmd/portainer",
- "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
- "env": {},
- "showLog": true,
- "args": ["--data", "${env:HOME}/portainer-data", "--assets", "${workspaceRoot}/dist"]
- }
- ]
diff --git a/.vscode.example/portainer.code-snippets b/.vscode.example/portainer.code-snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 0021850f2..000000000
--- a/.vscode.example/portainer.code-snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
- // Place your portainer workspace snippets here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a scope, prefix, body and
- // description. Add comma separated ids of the languages where the snippet is applicable in the scope field. If scope
- // is left empty or omitted, the snippet gets applied to all languages. The prefix is what is
- // used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
- // $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders.
- // Placeholders with the same ids are connected.
- // Example:
- // "Print to console": {
- // "scope": "javascript,typescript",
- // "prefix": "log",
- // "body": [
- // "console.log('$1');",
- // "$2"
- // ],
- // "description": "Log output to console"
- // }
- "React Named Export Component": {
- "prefix": "rnec",
- "body": [
- "export function $TM_FILENAME_BASE() {",
- " return
- "}"
- ],
- "description": "React Named Export Component"
- },
- "Component": {
- "scope": "javascript",
- "prefix": "mycomponent",
- "description": "Dummy Angularjs Component",
- "body": [
- "import angular from 'angular';",
- "import controller from './${TM_FILENAME_BASE}Controller'",
- "",
- "angular.module('portainer.${TM_DIRECTORY/.*\\/app\\/([^\\/]*)(\\/.*)?$/$1/}').component('$TM_FILENAME_BASE', {",
- " templateUrl: './$TM_FILENAME_BASE.html',",
- " controller,",
- "});",
- ""
- ]
- },
- "Controller": {
- "scope": "javascript",
- "prefix": "mycontroller",
- "body": [
- "class ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/} {",
- "\t/* @ngInject */",
- "\tconstructor($0) {",
- "\t}",
- "}",
- "",
- "export default ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/};"
- ],
- "description": "Dummy ES6+ controller"
- },
- "Service": {
- "scope": "javascript",
- "prefix": "myservice",
- "description": "Dummy ES6+ service",
- "body": [
- "import angular from 'angular';",
- "import PortainerError from 'Portainer/error';",
- "",
- "class $1 {",
- " /* @ngInject */",
- " constructor(\\$async, $0) {",
- " this.\\$async = \\$async;",
- "",
- " this.getAsync = this.getAsync.bind(this);",
- " this.getAllAsync = this.getAllAsync.bind(this);",
- " this.createAsync = this.createAsync.bind(this);",
- " this.updateAsync = this.updateAsync.bind(this);",
- " this.deleteAsync = this.deleteAsync.bind(this);",
- " }",
- "",
- " /**",
- " * GET",
- " */",
- " async getAsync() {",
- " try {",
- "",
- " } catch (err) {",
- " throw new PortainerError('', err);",
- " }",
- " }",
- "",
- " async getAllAsync() {",
- " try {",
- "",
- " } catch (err) {",
- " throw new PortainerError('', err);",
- " }",
- " }",
- "",
- " get() {",
- " if () {",
- " return this.\\$async(this.getAsync);",
- " }",
- " return this.\\$async(this.getAllAsync);",
- " }",
- "",
- " /**",
- " * CREATE",
- " */",
- " async createAsync() {",
- " try {",
- "",
- " } catch (err) {",
- " throw new PortainerError('', err);",
- " }",
- " }",
- "",
- " create() {",
- " return this.\\$async(this.createAsync);",
- " }",
- "",
- " /**",
- " * UPDATE",
- " */",
- " async updateAsync() {",
- " try {",
- "",
- " } catch (err) {",
- " throw new PortainerError('', err);",
- " }",
- " }",
- "",
- " update() {",
- " return this.\\$async(this.updateAsync);",
- " }",
- "",
- " /**",
- " * DELETE",
- " */",
- " async deleteAsync() {",
- " try {",
- "",
- " } catch (err) {",
- " throw new PortainerError('', err);",
- " }",
- " }",
- "",
- " delete() {",
- " return this.\\$async(this.deleteAsync);",
- " }",
- "}",
- "",
- "export default $1;",
- "angular.module('portainer.${TM_DIRECTORY/.*\\/app\\/([^\\/]*)(\\/.*)?$/$1/}').service('$1', $1);"
- ]
- },
- "swagger-api-doc": {
- "prefix": "swapi",
- "scope": "go",
- "description": "Snippet for a api doc",
- "body": [
- "// @id ",
- "// @summary ",
- "// @description ",
- "// @description **Access policy**: ",
- "// @tags ",
- "// @security ApiKeyAuth",
- "// @security jwt",
- "// @accept json",
- "// @produce json",
- "// @param id path int true \"identifier\"",
- "// @param body body Object true \"details\"",
- "// @success 200 {object} portainer. \"Success\"",
- "// @success 204 \"Success\"",
- "// @failure 400 \"Invalid request\"",
- "// @failure 403 \"Permission denied\"",
- "// @failure 404 \" not found\"",
- "// @failure 500 \"Server error\"",
- "// @router /{id} [get]"
- ]
- },
- "analytics": {
- "prefix": "nlt",
- "body": ["analytics-on", "analytics-category=\"$1\"", "analytics-event=\"$2\""],
- "description": "analytics"
- },
- "analytics-if": {
- "prefix": "nltf",
- "body": ["analytics-if=\"$1\""],
- "description": "analytics"
- },
- "analytics-metadata": {
- "prefix": "nltm",
- "body": "analytics-properties=\"{ metadata: { $1 } }\""
- }
diff --git a/.vscode.example/settings.json b/.vscode.example/settings.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 98da84fe8..000000000
--- a/.vscode.example/settings.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- "go.lintTool": "golangci-lint",
- "go.lintFlags": ["--fast", "-E", "exportloopref"],
- "gopls": {
- "build.expandWorkspaceToModule": false
- },
- "gitlens.advanced.blame.customArguments": ["--ignore-revs-file", ".git-blame-ignore-revs"]