2023-05-31 03:08:41 +00:00
import { IFormController, IComponentOptions, IModule } from 'angular';
import { FormikErrors } from 'formik';
import { SchemaOf } from 'yup';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { ComponentType } from 'react';
import { PropNames, r2a } from '@/react-tools/react2angular';
import { validateForm } from '@@/form-components/validate-form';
import { ArrayError } from '@@/form-components/InputList/InputList';
interface FormFieldProps<TValue> {
onChange(values: TValue): void;
values: TValue;
errors?: FormikErrors<TValue> | ArrayError<TValue>;
type WithFormFieldProps<TProps, TValue> = TProps & FormFieldProps<TValue>;
2023-06-11 20:48:10 +00:00
* This utility function is used for wrapping React components with form validation.
* When used inside an Angular form, it sets the form to invalid if the component values are invalid.
* This function registers two AngularJS components:
* 1. The React component with r2a wrapping:
* - `onChange` and `values` must be manually passed to the React component from an Angular view.
* - `errors` will be automatically passed to the React component and updated by the validation component.
* 2. An AngularJS component that handles form validation, based on a yup validation schema:
* - `validationData` can optionally be passed to the React component from an Angular view, which can be used in validation.
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* @example
* // Usage in Angular view
* <component
* values="ctrl.values"
* on-change="ctrl.handleChange"
* validation-data="ctrl.validationData">
* </component>
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export function withFormValidation<TProps, TValue, TData = never>(
ngModule: IModule,
Component: ComponentType<WithFormFieldProps<TProps, TValue>>,
componentName: string,
propNames: PropNames<TProps>[],
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schemaBuilder: (validationData?: TData) => SchemaOf<TValue>
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) {
const reactComponentName = `react${_.upperFirst(componentName)}`;
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r2a(Component, ['errors', 'onChange', 'values', ...propNames])
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export function createFormValidationComponent<TFormModel, TData = never>(
componentName: string,
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propNames: Array<string>,
schemaBuilder: (validationData?: TData) => SchemaOf<TFormModel>
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): IComponentOptions {
const kebabName = _.kebabCase(componentName);
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const propsWithErrors = [...propNames, 'errors', 'values'];
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return {
template: `<ng-form name="$ctrl.form">
<${kebabName} ${propsWithErrors
2023-09-04 15:20:36 +00:00
.filter((p) => p !== 'onChange')
.map((p) => `${_.kebabCase(p)}="$ctrl.${p}"`)
.join(' ')}
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controller: createFormValidatorController(schemaBuilder),
bindings: Object.fromEntries(
2023-06-11 20:48:10 +00:00
[...propsWithErrors, 'validationData', 'onChange'].map((p) => [p, '<'])
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function createFormValidatorController<TFormModel, TData = never>(
schemaBuilder: (validationData?: TData) => SchemaOf<TFormModel>
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) {
return class FormValidatorController {
errors?: FormikErrors<TFormModel> = {};
$async: <T>(fn: () => Promise<T>) => Promise<T>;
form?: IFormController;
values?: TFormModel;
validationData?: TData;
onChange?: (value: TFormModel) => void;
/* @ngInject */
constructor($async: <T>(fn: () => Promise<T>) => Promise<T>) {
this.$async = $async;
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
this.runValidation = this.runValidation.bind(this);
async handleChange(newValues: TFormModel) {
return this.$async(async () => {
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await this.runValidation(newValues);
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async runValidation(value: TFormModel) {
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return this.$async(async () => {
this.form?.$setValidity('form', true, this.form);
this.errors = await validateForm<TFormModel>(
() => schemaBuilder(this.validationData),
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if (this.errors && Object.keys(this.errors).length > 0) {
this.form?.$setValidity('form', false, this.form);
async $onChanges(changes: { values?: { currentValue: TFormModel } }) {
if (changes.values) {
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await this.runValidation(changes.values.currentValue);
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