2023-06-26 04:21:19 +00:00
import { SchemaOf , array , object , boolean , string , mixed , number } from 'yup' ;
2024-02-20 21:43:35 +00:00
import { nanNumberSchema } from '@/react-tools/yup-schemas' ;
2023-06-26 04:21:19 +00:00
import { ServiceFormValues , ServicePort } from './types' ;
import { prependWithSlash } from './utils' ;
// values returned from the angular parent component (pascal case instead of camel case keys),
// these should match the form values, but don't. Future tech debt work to update this would be nice
// to make the converted values and formValues objects to be the same
interface NodePortValues {
Port : number ;
TargetPort : number ;
NodePort : number ;
Name? : string ;
Protocol? : string ;
Ingress? : string ;
type ServiceValues = {
Type : number ;
Name : string ;
Ports : NodePortValues [ ] ;
} ;
type AngularIngressPath = {
IngressName : string ;
Host : string ;
Path : string ;
} ;
type AppServicesValidationData = {
nodePortServices : ServiceValues [ ] ;
formServices : ServiceFormValues [ ] ;
ingressPaths? : AngularIngressPath [ ] ;
originalIngressPaths? : AngularIngressPath [ ] ;
} ;
export function kubeServicesValidation (
validationData? : AppServicesValidationData
) : SchemaOf < ServiceFormValues [ ] > {
return array (
object ( {
Headless : boolean ( ) . required ( ) ,
Namespace : string ( ) ,
Name : string ( ) ,
StackName : string ( ) ,
2024-01-05 02:42:36 +00:00
Type : mixed ( ) . oneOf ( [ 'ClusterIP' , 'NodePort' , 'LoadBalancer' ] ) ,
2023-06-26 04:21:19 +00:00
ClusterIP : string ( ) ,
ApplicationName : string ( ) ,
ApplicationOwner : string ( ) ,
Note : string ( ) ,
Ingress : boolean ( ) . required ( ) ,
Selector : object ( ) ,
Ports : array (
object ( {
2024-02-20 21:43:35 +00:00
port : nanNumberSchema ( 'Service port number is required.' )
2023-06-26 04:21:19 +00:00
. required ( 'Service port number is required.' )
. min ( 1 , 'Service port number must be inside the range 1-65535.' )
. max ( 65535 , 'Service port number must be inside the range 1-65535.' )
. test (
'service-port-is-unique' ,
'Service port number must be unique.' ,
( servicePort , context ) = > {
// test for duplicate service ports within this service.
// yup gives access to context.parent which gives one ServicePort object.
// yup also gives access to all form values through this.options.context.
// Unfortunately, it doesn't give direct access to all Ports within the current service.
// To find all ports in the service for validation, I'm filtering the services by the service name,
// that's stored in the ServicePort object, then getting all Ports in the service.
if ( servicePort === undefined || validationData === undefined ) {
return true ;
const { formServices } = validationData ;
const matchingService = getServiceForPort (
context . parent as ServicePort ,
) ;
if ( matchingService === undefined ) {
return true ;
const servicePorts = matchingService . Ports ;
const duplicateServicePortCount = servicePorts . filter (
( port ) = > port . port === servicePort
) . length ;
return duplicateServicePortCount <= 1 ;
) ,
2024-02-20 21:43:35 +00:00
targetPort : nanNumberSchema ( 'Container port number is required.' )
2023-06-26 04:21:19 +00:00
. required ( 'Container port number is required.' )
. min ( 1 , 'Container port number must be inside the range 1-65535.' )
. max (
65535 ,
'Container port number must be inside the range 1-65535.'
) ,
name : string ( ) ,
serviceName : string ( ) ,
protocol : string ( ) ,
nodePort : number ( )
. test (
'node-port-is-unique-in-service' ,
'Node port is already used in this service.' ,
( nodePort , context ) = > {
if ( nodePort === undefined || validationData === undefined ) {
return true ;
const { formServices } = validationData ;
const matchingService = getServiceForPort (
context . parent as ServicePort ,
) ;
if (
matchingService === undefined ||
2024-01-05 02:42:36 +00:00
matchingService . Type !== 'NodePort'
2023-06-26 04:21:19 +00:00
) {
return true ;
const servicePorts = matchingService . Ports ;
const duplicateNodePortCount = servicePorts . filter (
( port ) = > port . nodePort === nodePort
) . length ;
return duplicateNodePortCount <= 1 ;
. test (
'node-port-is-unique-in-cluster' ,
'Node port is already used.' ,
( nodePort , context ) = > {
if ( nodePort === undefined || validationData === undefined ) {
return true ;
const { formServices , nodePortServices } = validationData ;
const matchingService = getServiceForPort (
context . parent as ServicePort ,
) ;
if (
matchingService === undefined ||
2024-01-05 02:42:36 +00:00
matchingService . Type !== 'NodePort'
2023-06-26 04:21:19 +00:00
) {
return true ;
// create a list of all the node ports (number[]) in the cluster, from services that aren't in the application form
const formServiceNames = formServices . map (
( formService ) = > formService . Name
) ;
const clusterNodePortsWithoutFormServices = nodePortServices
. filter (
( npService ) = > ! formServiceNames . includes ( npService . Name )
. flatMap ( ( npService ) = > npService . Ports )
. map ( ( npServicePorts ) = > npServicePorts . NodePort ) ;
// node ports in the current form, excluding the current service
const formNodePortsWithoutCurrentService = formServices
. filter (
( formService ) = >
2024-01-05 02:42:36 +00:00
formService . Type === 'NodePort' &&
2023-06-26 04:21:19 +00:00
formService . Name !== matchingService . Name
. flatMap ( ( formService ) = > formService . Ports )
. map ( ( formServicePorts ) = > formServicePorts . nodePort ) ;
return (
! clusterNodePortsWithoutFormServices . includes ( nodePort ) && // node port is not in the cluster services that aren't in the application form
! formNodePortsWithoutCurrentService . includes ( nodePort ) // and the node port is not in the current form, excluding the current service
) ;
. test (
'node-port-minimum' ,
'Nodeport number must be inside the range 30000-32767 or blank for system allocated.' ,
( nodePort , context ) = > {
if ( nodePort === undefined || validationData === undefined ) {
return true ;
const { formServices } = validationData ;
const matchingService = getServiceForPort (
context . parent as ServicePort ,
) ;
2024-01-05 02:42:36 +00:00
if ( ! matchingService || matchingService . Type !== 'NodePort' ) {
2023-06-26 04:21:19 +00:00
return true ;
return nodePort >= 30000 ;
. test (
'node-port-maximum' ,
'Nodeport number must be inside the range 30000-32767 or blank for system allocated.' ,
( nodePort , context ) = > {
if ( nodePort === undefined || validationData === undefined ) {
return true ;
const { formServices } = validationData ;
const matchingService = getServiceForPort (
context . parent as ServicePort ,
) ;
2024-01-05 02:42:36 +00:00
if ( ! matchingService || matchingService . Type !== 'NodePort' ) {
2023-06-26 04:21:19 +00:00
return true ;
return nodePort <= 32767 ;
) ,
ingressPaths : array (
object ( {
IngressName : string ( ) . required ( ) ,
Host : string ( ) . required ( 'Ingress hostname is required.' ) ,
Path : string ( )
. required ( 'Ingress path is required.' )
. test (
'path-is-unique' ,
'Ingress path is already in use for this hostname.' ,
( path , context ) = > {
2023-07-20 01:48:48 +00:00
if (
path === undefined ||
validationData === undefined ||
! context . parent . Host
) {
2023-06-26 04:21:19 +00:00
return true ;
const ingressHostAndPath = ` ${
context . parent . Host
} $ { prependWithSlash ( path ) } ` ;
const {
ingressPaths : ingressPathsInNamespace ,
formServices ,
originalIngressPaths ,
} = validationData ;
// get the count of the same ingressHostAndPath in the current form values
const allFormServicePortIngresses = formServices . flatMap (
( service ) = >
service . Ports . flatMap ( ( port ) = > port . ingressPaths )
) ;
const formMatchingIngressHostPathCount =
. filter ( ( ingress ) = > ingress ? . Host !== '' )
. map (
( ingress ) = >
` ${ ingress ? . Host } ${ prependWithSlash ( ingress ? . Path ) } `
. filter (
( formIngressHostAndPath ) = >
formIngressHostAndPath === ingressHostAndPath
) . length ;
// get the count of the same ingressHostAndPath in the namespace and subtract the count from the original form values
const nsMatchingIngressHostPathCount = (
ingressPathsInNamespace ? ? [ ]
. map (
( ingressPath ) = >
` ${ ingressPath . Host } ${ ingressPath . Path } `
. filter (
( nsIngressHostAndPath ) = >
nsIngressHostAndPath === ingressHostAndPath
) . length ;
// get the count of the same ingressHostAndPath in the original form values
const originalMatchingIngressHostPathCount = (
originalIngressPaths ? ? [ ]
. map (
( ingressPath ) = >
` ${ ingressPath . Host } ${ ingressPath . Path } `
. filter (
( originalIngressHostAndPath ) = >
originalIngressHostAndPath === ingressHostAndPath
) . length ;
// for the current ingressHostAndPath to be unique, nsMatchingIngressHostPathCount - originalMatchingIngressHostPathCount + formMatchingIngressHostPathCount must be 1 or less.
const pathIsUnique =
formMatchingIngressHostPathCount === 1 &&
nsMatchingIngressHostPathCount -
originalMatchingIngressHostPathCount +
formMatchingIngressHostPathCount <=
1 ;
return pathIsUnique ;
) ,
} )
) ,
} )
) ,
Annotations : array ( ) ,
} )
) ;
function getServiceForPort (
servicePort : ServicePort ,
services : ServiceFormValues [ ]
) {
return services . find ( ( service ) = > service . Name === servicePort . serviceName ) ;