2017-07-10 07:33:09 +00:00
angular.module('portainer.helpers').factory('ServiceHelper', [function ServiceHelperFactory() {
2017-01-31 23:26:29 +00:00
'use strict';
2017-10-15 17:24:40 +00:00
var helper = {};
helper.associateTasksToService = function(service, tasks) {
service.Tasks = [];
var otherServicesTasks = [];
for (var i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
var task = tasks[i];
if (task.ServiceId === service.Id) {
} else {
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2017-10-15 17:24:40 +00:00
tasks = otherServicesTasks;
helper.serviceToConfig = function(service) {
return {
Name: service.Spec.Name,
Labels: service.Spec.Labels,
TaskTemplate: service.Spec.TaskTemplate,
Mode: service.Spec.Mode,
UpdateConfig: service.Spec.UpdateConfig,
Networks: service.Spec.Networks,
EndpointSpec: service.Spec.EndpointSpec
helper.translateKeyValueToPlacementPreferences = function(keyValuePreferences) {
if (keyValuePreferences) {
var preferences = [];
keyValuePreferences.forEach(function(preference) {
if (preference.strategy && preference.strategy !== '' && preference.value && preference.value !== '') {
switch (preference.strategy.toLowerCase()) {
case 'spread':
'Spread': {
'SpreadDescriptor': preference.value
2017-05-04 06:57:08 +00:00
2017-10-15 17:24:40 +00:00
return preferences;
return [];
helper.translateKeyValueToPlacementConstraints = function(keyValueConstraints) {
if (keyValueConstraints) {
var constraints = [];
keyValueConstraints.forEach(function(constraint) {
if (constraint.key && constraint.key !== '' && constraint.value && constraint.value !== '') {
constraints.push(constraint.key + constraint.operator + constraint.value);
return constraints;
return [];
helper.translateEnvironmentVariables = function(env) {
if (env) {
var variables = [];
env.forEach(function(variable) {
var idx = variable.indexOf('=');
var keyValue = [variable.slice(0, idx), variable.slice(idx + 1)];
var originalValue = (keyValue.length > 1) ? keyValue[1] : '';
key: keyValue[0],
value: originalValue,
originalKey: keyValue[0],
originalValue: originalValue,
added: true
2017-05-04 06:57:08 +00:00
2017-10-15 17:24:40 +00:00
return variables;
return [];
helper.translateEnvironmentVariablesToEnv = function(env) {
if (env) {
var variables = [];
env.forEach(function(variable) {
if (variable.key && variable.key !== '') {
variables.push(variable.key + '=' + variable.value);
return variables;
return [];
helper.translatePreferencesToKeyValue = function(preferences) {
if (preferences) {
var keyValuePreferences = [];
preferences.forEach(function(preference) {
if (preference.Spread) {
strategy: 'Spread',
value: preference.Spread.SpreadDescriptor
2017-07-10 07:33:09 +00:00
2017-10-15 17:24:40 +00:00
return keyValuePreferences;
return [];
helper.translateConstraintsToKeyValue = function(constraints) {
function getOperator(constraint) {
var indexEquals = constraint.indexOf('==');
if (indexEquals >= 0) {
return [indexEquals, '=='];
2017-07-10 07:33:09 +00:00
2017-10-15 17:24:40 +00:00
return [constraint.indexOf('!='), '!='];
if (constraints) {
var keyValueConstraints = [];
constraints.forEach(function(constraint) {
var operatorIndices = getOperator(constraint);
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var key = constraint.slice(0, operatorIndices[0]);
var operator = operatorIndices[1];
var value = constraint.slice(operatorIndices[0] + 2);
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key: key,
value: value,
operator: operator,
originalKey: key,
originalValue: value
2017-07-10 07:33:09 +00:00
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return keyValueConstraints;
2017-07-10 07:33:09 +00:00
2017-01-31 23:26:29 +00:00
2017-10-15 17:24:40 +00:00
2017-12-05 19:12:54 +00:00
helper.translateHumanDurationToNanos = function(humanDuration) {
2017-12-07 20:05:45 +00:00
var nanos;
2017-12-05 19:12:54 +00:00
var regex = /^([0-9]+)(h|m|s|ms|us|ns)$/i;
var matches = humanDuration.match(regex);
if (matches !== null && matches.length === 3) {
var duration = parseInt(matches[1], 10);
var unit = matches[2];
// Moment.js cannot use micro or nanoseconds
switch (unit) {
case 'ns':
nanos = duration;
case 'us':
nanos = duration * 1000;
nanos = moment.duration(duration, unit).asMilliseconds() * 1000000;
return nanos;
// Convert nanoseconds to the higher unit possible
// e.g 1840 nanoseconds = 1804ns
// e.g 300000000000 nanoseconds = 5m
// e.g 3510000000000 nanoseconds = 3510s
// e.g 3540000000000 nanoseconds = 59m
// e.g 3600000000000 nanoseconds = 1h
helper.translateNanosToHumanDuration = function(nanos) {
var humanDuration = '0s';
var conversionFromNano = {};
conversionFromNano['ns'] = 1;
conversionFromNano['us'] = conversionFromNano['ns'] * 1000;
conversionFromNano['ms'] = conversionFromNano['us'] * 1000;
conversionFromNano['s'] = conversionFromNano['ms'] * 1000;
conversionFromNano['m'] = conversionFromNano['s'] * 60;
conversionFromNano['h'] = conversionFromNano['m'] * 60;
Object.keys(conversionFromNano).forEach(function(unit) {
if ( nanos % conversionFromNano[unit] === 0 && (nanos / conversionFromNano[unit]) > 0) {
humanDuration = (nanos / conversionFromNano[unit]) + unit;
return humanDuration;
2017-10-15 17:24:40 +00:00
return helper;
2017-01-31 23:26:29 +00:00