2020-07-05 23:21:03 +00:00
import angular from 'angular' ;
2021-01-25 01:14:35 +00:00
import { KubernetesConfigurationFormValues } from 'Kubernetes/models/configuration/formvalues' ;
2020-07-05 23:21:03 +00:00
import { KubernetesConfigurationTypes } from 'Kubernetes/models/configuration/models' ;
import KubernetesConfigurationHelper from 'Kubernetes/helpers/configurationHelper' ;
2021-01-25 01:14:35 +00:00
import KubernetesConfigurationConverter from 'Kubernetes/converters/configuration' ;
2020-07-05 23:21:03 +00:00
import KubernetesEventHelper from 'Kubernetes/helpers/eventHelper' ;
import _ from 'lodash-es' ;
class KubernetesConfigurationController {
/* @ngInject */
constructor (
$async ,
$state ,
2021-03-20 21:13:27 +00:00
$window ,
2020-07-14 05:39:13 +00:00
clipboard ,
2020-07-05 23:21:03 +00:00
Notifications ,
LocalStorage ,
KubernetesConfigurationService ,
2021-01-25 01:14:35 +00:00
KubernetesConfigMapService ,
KubernetesSecretService ,
2020-07-05 23:21:03 +00:00
KubernetesResourcePoolService ,
ModalService ,
KubernetesApplicationService ,
KubernetesEventService ,
) {
this . $async = $async ;
this . $state = $state ;
2021-03-20 21:13:27 +00:00
this . $window = $window ;
2020-07-14 05:39:13 +00:00
this . clipboard = clipboard ;
2020-07-05 23:21:03 +00:00
this . Notifications = Notifications ;
this . LocalStorage = LocalStorage ;
this . ModalService = ModalService ;
this . KubernetesConfigurationService = KubernetesConfigurationService ;
this . KubernetesResourcePoolService = KubernetesResourcePoolService ;
this . KubernetesApplicationService = KubernetesApplicationService ;
this . KubernetesEventService = KubernetesEventService ;
this . KubernetesConfigurationTypes = KubernetesConfigurationTypes ;
this . KubernetesNamespaceHelper = KubernetesNamespaceHelper ;
2021-01-25 01:14:35 +00:00
this . KubernetesConfigMapService = KubernetesConfigMapService ;
this . KubernetesSecretService = KubernetesSecretService ;
2020-07-05 23:21:03 +00:00
this . onInit = this . onInit . bind ( this ) ;
this . getConfigurationAsync = this . getConfigurationAsync . bind ( this ) ;
this . getEvents = this . getEvents . bind ( this ) ;
this . getEventsAsync = this . getEventsAsync . bind ( this ) ;
this . getApplications = this . getApplications . bind ( this ) ;
this . getApplicationsAsync = this . getApplicationsAsync . bind ( this ) ;
this . getConfigurationsAsync = this . getConfigurationsAsync . bind ( this ) ;
this . updateConfiguration = this . updateConfiguration . bind ( this ) ;
this . updateConfigurationAsync = this . updateConfigurationAsync . bind ( this ) ;
isSystemNamespace ( ) {
return this . KubernetesNamespaceHelper . isSystemNamespace ( this . configuration . Namespace ) ;
selectTab ( index ) {
this . LocalStorage . storeActiveTab ( 'configuration' , index ) ;
showEditor ( ) {
this . state . showEditorTab = true ;
this . selectTab ( 2 ) ;
2020-07-14 05:39:13 +00:00
copyConfigurationValue ( idx ) {
this . clipboard . copyText ( this . formValues . Data [ idx ] . Value ) ;
$ ( '#copyValueNotification_' + idx )
. show ( )
. fadeOut ( 2500 ) ;
2020-07-05 23:21:03 +00:00
isFormValid ( ) {
if ( this . formValues . IsSimple ) {
return this . formValues . Data . length > 0 && this . state . isDataValid ;
return this . state . isDataValid ;
2020-08-15 00:12:56 +00:00
// TODO: refactor
// It looks like we're still doing a create/delete process but we've decided to get rid of this
// approach.
2020-07-05 23:21:03 +00:00
async updateConfigurationAsync ( ) {
try {
this . state . actionInProgress = true ;
if (
this . formValues . Type !== this . configuration . Type ||
this . formValues . ResourcePool . Namespace . Name !== this . configuration . Namespace ||
this . formValues . Name !== this . configuration . Name
) {
await this . KubernetesConfigurationService . create ( this . formValues ) ;
await this . KubernetesConfigurationService . delete ( this . configuration ) ;
this . Notifications . success ( 'Configuration succesfully updated' ) ;
this . $state . go (
'kubernetes.configurations.configuration' ,
namespace : this . formValues . ResourcePool . Namespace . Name ,
name : this . formValues . Name ,
} ,
{ reload : true }
) ;
} else {
2020-08-15 00:42:04 +00:00
await this . KubernetesConfigurationService . update ( this . formValues , this . configuration ) ;
2020-07-05 23:21:03 +00:00
this . Notifications . success ( 'Configuration succesfully updated' ) ;
this . $state . reload ( ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
this . Notifications . error ( 'Failure' , err , 'Unable to update configuration' ) ;
} finally {
this . state . actionInProgress = false ;
updateConfiguration ( ) {
if ( this . configuration . Used ) {
const plural = this . configuration . Applications . length > 1 ? 's' : '' ;
this . ModalService . confirmUpdate (
` The changes will be propagated to ${ this . configuration . Applications . length } running application ${ plural } . Are you sure you want to update this configuration? ` ,
( confirmed ) => {
if ( confirmed ) {
return this . $async ( this . updateConfigurationAsync ) ;
) ;
} else {
return this . $async ( this . updateConfigurationAsync ) ;
async getConfigurationAsync ( ) {
try {
this . state . configurationLoading = true ;
const name = this . $transition$ . params ( ) . name ;
const namespace = this . $transition$ . params ( ) . namespace ;
2021-01-25 01:14:35 +00:00
const [ configMap , secret ] = await Promise . allSettled ( [ this . KubernetesConfigMapService . get ( namespace , name ) , this . KubernetesSecretService . get ( namespace , name ) ] ) ;
if ( secret . status === 'fulfilled' ) {
this . configuration = KubernetesConfigurationConverter . secretToConfiguration ( secret . value ) ;
this . formValues . Data = secret . value . Data ;
} else {
this . configuration = KubernetesConfigurationConverter . configMapToConfiguration ( configMap . value ) ;
this . formValues . Data = configMap . value . Data ;
this . formValues . ResourcePool = _ . find ( this . resourcePools , ( resourcePool ) => resourcePool . Namespace . Name === this . configuration . Namespace ) ;
this . formValues . Id = this . configuration . Id ;
this . formValues . Name = this . configuration . Name ;
this . formValues . Type = this . configuration . Type ;
2021-03-20 21:13:27 +00:00
this . oldDataYaml = this . formValues . DataYaml ;
2020-07-05 23:21:03 +00:00
} catch ( err ) {
this . Notifications . error ( 'Failure' , err , 'Unable to retrieve configuration' ) ;
} finally {
this . state . configurationLoading = false ;
getConfiguration ( ) {
return this . $async ( this . getConfigurationAsync ) ;
async getApplicationsAsync ( namespace ) {
try {
this . state . applicationsLoading = true ;
const applications = await this . KubernetesApplicationService . get ( namespace ) ;
this . configuration . Applications = KubernetesConfigurationHelper . getUsingApplications ( this . configuration , applications ) ;
KubernetesConfigurationHelper . setConfigurationUsed ( this . configuration ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
this . Notifications . error ( 'Failure' , err , 'Unable to retrieve applications' ) ;
} finally {
this . state . applicationsLoading = false ;
getApplications ( namespace ) {
return this . $async ( this . getApplicationsAsync , namespace ) ;
hasEventWarnings ( ) {
return this . state . eventWarningCount ;
async getEventsAsync ( namespace ) {
try {
this . state . eventsLoading = true ;
this . events = await this . KubernetesEventService . get ( namespace ) ;
this . events = _ . filter ( this . events , ( event ) => event . Involved . uid === this . configuration . Id ) ;
this . state . eventWarningCount = KubernetesEventHelper . warningCount ( this . events ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
this . Notifications ( 'Failure' , err , 'Unable to retrieve events' ) ;
} finally {
this . state . eventsLoading = false ;
getEvents ( namespace ) {
return this . $async ( this . getEventsAsync , namespace ) ;
async getConfigurationsAsync ( ) {
try {
this . configurations = await this . KubernetesConfigurationService . get ( ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
this . Notifications . error ( 'Failure' , err , 'Unable to retrieve configurations' ) ;
getConfigurations ( ) {
return this . $async ( this . getConfigurationsAsync ) ;
2021-02-22 23:53:33 +00:00
tagUsedDataKeys ( ) {
const configName = this . $transition$ . params ( ) . name ;
const usedDataKeys = _ . uniq (
this . configuration . Applications . flatMap ( ( app ) =>
app . Env . filter ( ( e ) => e . valueFrom && e . valueFrom . configMapKeyRef && e . valueFrom . configMapKeyRef . name === configName ) . map ( ( e ) => e . name )
) ;
this . formValues . Data = this . formValues . Data . map ( ( variable ) => {
if ( ! usedDataKeys . includes ( variable . Key ) ) {
return variable ;
return { ... variable , Used : true } ;
} ) ;
2021-03-20 21:13:27 +00:00
async uiCanExit ( ) {
if ( ! this . formValues . IsSimple && this . formValues . DataYaml !== this . oldDataYaml && this . state . isEditorDirty ) {
return this . ModalService . confirmWebEditorDiscard ( ) ;
2020-07-05 23:21:03 +00:00
async onInit ( ) {
try {
this . state = {
actionInProgress : false ,
configurationLoading : true ,
applicationsLoading : true ,
eventsLoading : true ,
showEditorTab : false ,
viewReady : false ,
eventWarningCount : 0 ,
activeTab : 0 ,
currentName : this . $state . $current . name ,
isDataValid : true ,
2021-03-20 21:13:27 +00:00
isEditorDirty : false ,
2020-07-05 23:21:03 +00:00
} ;
this . state . activeTab = this . LocalStorage . getActiveTab ( 'configuration' ) ;
this . formValues = new KubernetesConfigurationFormValues ( ) ;
this . resourcePools = await this . KubernetesResourcePoolService . get ( ) ;
await this . getConfiguration ( ) ;
await this . getApplications ( this . configuration . Namespace ) ;
await this . getEvents ( this . configuration . Namespace ) ;
await this . getConfigurations ( ) ;
2021-02-22 23:53:33 +00:00
this . tagUsedDataKeys ( ) ;
2020-07-05 23:21:03 +00:00
} catch ( err ) {
this . Notifications . error ( 'Failure' , err , 'Unable to load view data' ) ;
} finally {
this . state . viewReady = true ;
2021-03-20 21:13:27 +00:00
this . $window . onbeforeunload = ( ) => {
if ( ! this . formValues . IsSimple && this . formValues . DataYaml !== this . oldDataYaml && this . state . isEditorDirty ) {
return '' ;
} ;
2020-07-05 23:21:03 +00:00
$onInit ( ) {
return this . $async ( this . onInit ) ;
$onDestroy ( ) {
if ( this . state . currentName !== this . $state . $current . name ) {
this . LocalStorage . storeActiveTab ( 'configuration' , 0 ) ;
export default KubernetesConfigurationController ;
angular . module ( 'portainer.kubernetes' ) . controller ( 'KubernetesConfigurationController' , KubernetesConfigurationController ) ;