
340 lines
15 KiB
Raw Normal View History

<rd-header-title title-text="Container details"> </rd-header-title>
<a ui-sref="docker.containers">Containers</a> &gt; <a ui-sref="docker.containers.container({id: container.Id})">{{ container.Name | trimcontainername }}</a>
authorization="DockerContainerStart, DockerContainerStop, DockerContainerKill, DockerContainerRestart, DockerContainerPause, DockerContainerUnpause, DockerContainerDelete, DockerContainerCreate"
<div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12">
<rd-widget-header icon="fa-cogs" title-text="Actions"></rd-widget-header>
<rd-widget-body classes="padding">
<div class="btn-group" role="group" aria-label="...">
<button authorization="DockerContainerStart" class="btn btn-success btn-sm" ng-click="start()" ng-disabled="container.State.Running"
><i class="fa fa-play space-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>Start</button
<button authorization="DockerContainerStop" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" ng-click="stop()" ng-disabled="!container.State.Running"
><i class="fa fa-stop space-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>Stop</button
<button authorization="DockerContainerKill" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" ng-click="kill()" ng-disabled="!container.State.Running"
><i class="fa fa-bomb space-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>Kill</button
<button authorization="DockerContainerRestart" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" ng-click="restart()" ng-disabled="!container.State.Running"
><i class="fa fa-sync space-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>Restart</button
<button authorization="DockerContainerPause" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" ng-click="pause()" ng-disabled="!container.State.Running || container.State.Paused"
><i class="fa fa-pause space-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>Pause</button
<button authorization="DockerContainerUnpause" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" ng-click="unpause()" ng-disabled="!container.State.Paused"
><i class="fa fa-play space-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>Resume</button
<button authorization="DockerContainerDelete" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" ng-click="confirmRemove()"
><i class="fa fa-trash-alt space-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>Remove</button
<div class="btn-group" role="group" aria-label="..." ng-if="displayRecreateButton" authorization="DockerContainerCreate">
class="btn btn-danger btn-sm"
<span ng-hide="state.recreateContainerInProgress"><i class="fa fa-sync space-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>Recreate</span>
<span ng-show="state.recreateContainerInProgress">Recreation in progress...</span>
<a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" type="button" ui-sref="docker.containers.new({ from: container.Id, nodeName: nodeName })"
><i class="fa fa-copy space-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>Duplicate/Edit</a
Rdash theme integration (#1) * Adding latest build to dist. * Adding latest build to dist. * Bump other app version. * Build latest changes. * Bump version to 0.7.0. * Version bump to 0.9.0-beta and remote API 1.20. * Whoah there, back down to 0.8.0-beta. * Merge branch 'crosbymichael-master' into crosbymichael-dist * Add volume options in volume creation form * display swarm cluster information in Swarm tab * update LICENSE * update repository URL in status bar * remove console logs * do not display Swarm containers anywhere in the UI * update position for add/remove option on Volumes page * compliant with swarm == 1.2.0 API support * update nginx-basic-auth examples with latest nginx and swarm example * Updated .gitignore * update .gitignore * reverted entry for dist/uifordocker in .gitignore * WIP * fix linter issues * added logo * update repository URL * update .gitignore (ignore dist/*) * add lodash * add containers actions binding (start, stop...) * replace image icon * bind remove image action * bind network remove action * bind volume remove action * update logo * wip on container details * update logo scaling, favicon and page title * wip container view * add containers actions in container view * add image view * add network view * remove useless data in tables * add pull image, create network modals * add create volume modal * update style for createVolume options * add start container modal * create volume modal now use a select to display drivers * add container stats * add containerTop view in stats view * fix trimcontainername filter * add container logs view * updated .gitignore * remove useless files/modules * remove useless chart in image view * replace $location usage with $state.go * remove useless swarm example
2016-06-02 05:34:03 +00:00
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12">
<rd-widget-header icon="fa-server" title-text="Container status"></rd-widget-header>
<rd-widget-body classes="no-padding">
<table class="table">
<td>{{ container.Id }}</td>
<td ng-if="!container.edit">
{{ container.Name | trimcontainername }}
<a authorization="DockerContainerRename" href="" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Edit container name" ng-click="container.edit = true;"><i class="fa fa-edit"></i></a>
<td ng-if="container.edit">
<form ng-submit="renameContainer()">
<input type="text" class="containerNameInput" ng-model="container.newContainerName" />
<a href="" ng-click="container.edit = false;"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a>
<a href="" ng-click="renameContainer()"><i class="fa fa-check-square"></i></a>
<tr ng-if="container.NetworkSettings.IPAddress">
<td>IP address</td>
<td>{{ container.NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}</td>
<i class="fa fa-heartbeat space-right green-icon" ng-if="container.State.Running"></i>
<i class="fa fa-heartbeat space-right red-icon" ng-if="!container.State.Running && container.State.Status !== 'created'"></i>
{{ container.State | getstatetext }} for {{ activityTime
}}<span ng-if="!container.State.Running && container.State.Status !== 'created'"> with exit code {{ container.State.ExitCode }}</span>
<td>{{ container.Created | getisodate }}</td>
<tr ng-if="container.State.Running">
<td>Start time</td>
<td>{{ container.State.StartedAt | getisodate }}</td>
<tr ng-if="!container.State.Running && container.State.Status !== 'created'">
<td>{{ container.State.FinishedAt | getisodate }}</td>
<tr authorization="DockerContainerLogs, DockerContainerInspect, DockerContainerStats, DockerExecStart">
<td colspan="2">
<div class="btn-group" role="group" aria-label="...">
<a authorization="DockerContainerLogs" class="btn" type="button" ui-sref="docker.containers.container.logs({ id: container.Id })"
><i class="fa fa-file-alt space-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>Logs</a
<a authorization="DockerContainerInspect" class="btn" type="button" ui-sref="docker.containers.container.inspect({ id: container.Id })"
><i class="fa fa-info-circle space-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>Inspect</a
<a authorization="DockerContainerStats" class="btn" type="button" ui-sref="docker.containers.container.stats({ id: container.Id })"
><i class="fa fa-chart-area space-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>Stats</a
<a authorization="DockerExecStart" class="btn" type="button" ui-sref="docker.containers.container.exec({ id: container.Id })"
><i class="fa fa-terminal space-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>Console</a
<a authorization="DockerContainerAttach" class="btn" type="button" ui-sref="docker.containers.container.attach({ id: container.Id })"
><i class="fa fa-plug space-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>Attach</a
Rdash theme integration (#1) * Adding latest build to dist. * Adding latest build to dist. * Bump other app version. * Build latest changes. * Bump version to 0.7.0. * Version bump to 0.9.0-beta and remote API 1.20. * Whoah there, back down to 0.8.0-beta. * Merge branch 'crosbymichael-master' into crosbymichael-dist * Add volume options in volume creation form * display swarm cluster information in Swarm tab * update LICENSE * update repository URL in status bar * remove console logs * do not display Swarm containers anywhere in the UI * update position for add/remove option on Volumes page * compliant with swarm == 1.2.0 API support * update nginx-basic-auth examples with latest nginx and swarm example * Updated .gitignore * update .gitignore * reverted entry for dist/uifordocker in .gitignore * WIP * fix linter issues * added logo * update repository URL * update .gitignore (ignore dist/*) * add lodash * add containers actions binding (start, stop...) * replace image icon * bind remove image action * bind network remove action * bind volume remove action * update logo * wip on container details * update logo scaling, favicon and page title * wip container view * add containers actions in container view * add image view * add network view * remove useless data in tables * add pull image, create network modals * add create volume modal * update style for createVolume options * add start container modal * create volume modal now use a select to display drivers * add container stats * add containerTop view in stats view * fix trimcontainername filter * add container logs view * updated .gitignore * remove useless files/modules * remove useless chart in image view * replace $location usage with $state.go * remove useless swarm example
2016-06-02 05:34:03 +00:00
<!-- access-control-panel -->
<por-access-control-panel ng-if="container" resource-id="container.Id" resource-control="container.ResourceControl" resource-type="'container'"> </por-access-control-panel>
<!-- !access-control-panel -->
<div ng-if="container.State.Health" class="row">
<div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12">
<rd-widget-header icon="fa-server" title-text="Container health"></rd-widget-header>
<rd-widget-body classes="no-padding">
<table class="table">
{ healthy: 'fa fa-heartbeat space-right green-icon', unhealthy: 'fa fa-heartbeat space-right red-icon', starting: 'fa fa-heartbeat space-right orange-icon' }[
{{ container.State.Health.Status }}
<td>Failure count</td>
<td>{{ container.State.Health.FailingStreak }}</td>
<td>Last output</td>
<td>{{ container.State.Health.Log[container.State.Health.Log.length - 1].Output }}</td>
<div class="row" authorization="DockerImageCreate">
<div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12">
<rd-widget-header icon="fa-clone" title-text="Create image"></rd-widget-header>
<form class="form-horizontal">
<!-- tag-description -->
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<span class="small text-muted">
You can create an image from this container, this allows you to backup important data or save helpful configurations. You'll be able to spin up another container
based on this image afterward.
<!-- !tag-description -->
<!-- image-and-registry -->
feat(app): rework private registries and support private registries in kubernetes EE-30 (#5131) * feat(app): rework private registries and support private registries in kubernetes [EE-30] feat(api): backport private registries backend changes (#5072) * feat(api/bolt): backport bolt changes * feat(api/exec): backport exec changes * feat(api/http): backport http/handler/dockerhub changes * feat(api/http): backport http/handler/endpoints changes * feat(api/http): backport http/handler/registries changes * feat(api/http): backport http/handler/stacks changes * feat(api/http): backport http/handler changes * feat(api/http): backport http/proxy/factory/azure changes * feat(api/http): backport http/proxy/factory/docker changes * feat(api/http): backport http/proxy/factory/utils changes * feat(api/http): backport http/proxy/factory/kubernetes changes * feat(api/http): backport http/proxy/factory changes * feat(api/http): backport http/security changes * feat(api/http): backport http changes * feat(api/internal): backport internal changes * feat(api): backport api changes * feat(api/kubernetes): backport kubernetes changes * fix(api/http): changes on backend following backport feat(app): backport private registries frontend changes (#5056) * feat(app/docker): backport docker/components changes * feat(app/docker): backport docker/helpers changes * feat(app/docker): backport docker/views/container changes * feat(app/docker): backport docker/views/images changes * feat(app/docker): backport docker/views/registries changes * feat(app/docker): backport docker/views/services changes * feat(app/docker): backport docker changes * feat(app/kubernetes): backport kubernetes/components changes * feat(app/kubernetes): backport kubernetes/converters changes * feat(app/kubernetes): backport kubernetes/models changes * feat(app/kubernetes): backport kubernetes/registries changes * feat(app/kubernetes): backport kubernetes/services changes * feat(app/kubernetes): backport kubernetes/views/applications changes * feat(app/kubernetes): backport kubernetes/views/configurations changes * feat(app/kubernetes): backport kubernetes/views/configure changes * feat(app/kubernetes): backport kubernetes/views/resource-pools changes * feat(app/kubernetes): backport kubernetes/views changes * feat(app/portainer): backport portainer/components/accessManagement changes * feat(app/portainer): backport portainer/components/datatables changes * feat(app/portainer): backport portainer/components/forms changes * feat(app/portainer): backport portainer/components/registry-details changes * feat(app/portainer): backport portainer/models changes * feat(app/portainer): backport portainer/rest changes * feat(app/portainer): backport portainer/services changes * feat(app/portainer): backport portainer/views changes * feat(app/portainer): backport portainer changes * feat(app): backport app changes * config(project): gitignore + jsconfig changes gitignore all files under api/cmd/portainer but main.go and enable Code Editor autocomplete on import ... from '@/...' fix(app): fix pull rate limit checker fix(app/registries): sidebar menus and registry accesses users filtering fix(api): add missing kube client factory fix(kube): fetch dockerhub pull limits (#5133) fix(app): pre review fixes (#5142) * fix(app/registries): remove checkbox for endpointRegistries view * fix(endpoints): allow access to default namespace * fix(docker): fetch pull limits * fix(kube/ns): show selected registries for non admin Co-authored-by: Chaim Lev-Ari <chiptus@gmail.com> chore(webpack): ignore missing sourcemaps fix(registries): fetch registry config from url feat(kube/registries): ignore not found when deleting secret feat(db): move migration to db 31 fix(registries): fix bugs in PR EE-869 (#5169) * fix(registries): hide role * fix(endpoints): set empty access policy to edge endpoint * fix(registry): remove double arguments * fix(admin): ignore warning * feat(kube/configurations): tag registry secrets (#5157) * feat(kube/configurations): tag registry secrets * feat(kube/secrets): show registry secrets for admins * fix(registries): move dockerhub to beginning * refactor(registries): use endpoint scoped registries feat(registries): filter by namespace if supplied feat(access-managment): filter users for registry (#5191) * refactor(access-manage): move users selector to component * feat(access-managment): filter users for registry refactor(registries): sync code with CE (#5200) * refactor(registry): add inspect handler under endpoints * refactor(endpoint): sync endpoint_registries_list * refactor(endpoints): sync registry_access * fix(db): rename migration functions * fix(registries): show accesses for admin * fix(kube): set token on transport * refactor(kube): move secret help to bottom * fix(kuberentes): remove shouldLog parameter * style(auth): add description of security.IsAdmin * feat(security): allow admin access to registry * feat(edge): connect to edge endpoint when creating client * style(portainer): change deprecation version * refactor(sidebar): hide manage * refactor(containers): revert changes * style(container): remove whitespace * fix(endpoint): add handler to registy on endpointService * refactor(image): use endpointService.registries * fix(kueb/namespaces): rename resource pool to namespace * fix(kube/namespace): move selected registries * fix(api/registries): hide accesses on registry creation Co-authored-by: LP B <xAt0mZ@users.noreply.github.com> refactor(api): remove code duplication after rebase fix(app/registries): replace last registry api usage by endpoint registry api fix(api/endpoints): update registry access policies on endpoint deletion (#5226) [EE-1027] fix(db): update db version * fix(dockerhub): fetch rate limits * fix(registry/tests): supply restricred context * fix(registries): show proget registry only when selected * fix(registry): create dockerhub registry * feat(db): move migrations to db 32 Co-authored-by: Chaim Lev-Ari <chiptus@gmail.com>
2021-07-14 09:15:21 +00:00
<por-image-registry model="config.RegistryModel" auto-complete="true" label-class="col-sm-1" input-class="col-sm-11" endpoint="endpoint"></por-image-registry>
<!-- !image-and-registry -->
<!-- tag-note -->
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<span class="small text-muted">Note: if you don't specify the tag in the image name, <span class="label label-default">latest</span> will be used.</span>
<!-- !tag-note -->
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" ng-disabled="!config.RegistryModel.Image || config.commitInProgress" ng-click="commit()">Create</button>
2017-11-12 19:27:28 +00:00
Rdash theme integration (#1) * Adding latest build to dist. * Adding latest build to dist. * Bump other app version. * Build latest changes. * Bump version to 0.7.0. * Version bump to 0.9.0-beta and remote API 1.20. * Whoah there, back down to 0.8.0-beta. * Merge branch 'crosbymichael-master' into crosbymichael-dist * Add volume options in volume creation form * display swarm cluster information in Swarm tab * update LICENSE * update repository URL in status bar * remove console logs * do not display Swarm containers anywhere in the UI * update position for add/remove option on Volumes page * compliant with swarm == 1.2.0 API support * update nginx-basic-auth examples with latest nginx and swarm example * Updated .gitignore * update .gitignore * reverted entry for dist/uifordocker in .gitignore * WIP * fix linter issues * added logo * update repository URL * update .gitignore (ignore dist/*) * add lodash * add containers actions binding (start, stop...) * replace image icon * bind remove image action * bind network remove action * bind volume remove action * update logo * wip on container details * update logo scaling, favicon and page title * wip container view * add containers actions in container view * add image view * add network view * remove useless data in tables * add pull image, create network modals * add create volume modal * update style for createVolume options * add start container modal * create volume modal now use a select to display drivers * add container stats * add containerTop view in stats view * fix trimcontainername filter * add container logs view * updated .gitignore * remove useless files/modules * remove useless chart in image view * replace $location usage with $state.go * remove useless swarm example
2016-06-02 05:34:03 +00:00
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12">
<rd-widget-header icon="fa-server" title-text="Container details"></rd-widget-header>
<rd-widget-body classes="no-padding">
<table class="table container-details-table">
><a ui-sref="docker.images.image({ id: container.Image, nodeName: nodeName })">{{ container.Config.Image }}@{{ container.Image }}</a></td
<tr ng-if="portBindings.length > 0">
<td>Port configuration</td>
<div ng-repeat="portMapping in portBindings"> {{ portMapping.host }} <i class="fa fa-long-arrow-alt-right"></i> {{ portMapping.container }} </div>
><code>{{ container.Config.Cmd | command }}</code></td
><code>{{ container.Config.Entrypoint ? (container.Config.Entrypoint | command) : 'null' }}</code></td
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<tr ng-repeat="var in container.Config.Env track by $index">
<td>{{ var|key: '=' }}</td>
<td>{{ var|value: '=' }}</td>
<tr ng-if="!(container.Config.Labels | emptyobject)">
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<tr ng-repeat="(k, v) in container.Config.Labels">
<td>{{ k }}</td>
<td>{{ v }}</td>
<td>Restart policies</td>
update-restart-policy="updateRestartPolicy(name, maximumRetryCount)"
<tr ng-if="!(container.HostConfig.Sysctls | emptyobject)">
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<tr ng-repeat="(k, v) in container.HostConfig.Sysctls">
<td>{{ k }}</td>
<td>{{ v }}</td>
Rdash theme integration (#1) * Adding latest build to dist. * Adding latest build to dist. * Bump other app version. * Build latest changes. * Bump version to 0.7.0. * Version bump to 0.9.0-beta and remote API 1.20. * Whoah there, back down to 0.8.0-beta. * Merge branch 'crosbymichael-master' into crosbymichael-dist * Add volume options in volume creation form * display swarm cluster information in Swarm tab * update LICENSE * update repository URL in status bar * remove console logs * do not display Swarm containers anywhere in the UI * update position for add/remove option on Volumes page * compliant with swarm == 1.2.0 API support * update nginx-basic-auth examples with latest nginx and swarm example * Updated .gitignore * update .gitignore * reverted entry for dist/uifordocker in .gitignore * WIP * fix linter issues * added logo * update repository URL * update .gitignore (ignore dist/*) * add lodash * add containers actions binding (start, stop...) * replace image icon * bind remove image action * bind network remove action * bind volume remove action * update logo * wip on container details * update logo scaling, favicon and page title * wip container view * add containers actions in container view * add image view * add network view * remove useless data in tables * add pull image, create network modals * add create volume modal * update style for createVolume options * add start container modal * create volume modal now use a select to display drivers * add container stats * add containerTop view in stats view * fix trimcontainername filter * add container logs view * updated .gitignore * remove useless files/modules * remove useless chart in image view * replace $location usage with $state.go * remove useless swarm example
2016-06-02 05:34:03 +00:00
<div class="row" ng-if="container.Mounts.length > 0">
<div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12">
<rd-widget-header icon="fa-hdd" title-text="Volumes"></rd-widget-header>
<rd-widget-body classes="no-padding">
<table class="table">
<th>Path in container</th>
<tr ng-repeat="vol in container.Mounts">
<td ng-if="vol.Type === 'bind'">{{ vol.Source }}</td>
<td ng-if="vol.Type === 'volume'"
><a ui-sref="docker.volumes.volume({ id: vol.Name, nodeName: nodeName })">{{ vol.Name }}</a></td
<td>{{ vol.Destination }}</td>
Rdash theme integration (#1) * Adding latest build to dist. * Adding latest build to dist. * Bump other app version. * Build latest changes. * Bump version to 0.7.0. * Version bump to 0.9.0-beta and remote API 1.20. * Whoah there, back down to 0.8.0-beta. * Merge branch 'crosbymichael-master' into crosbymichael-dist * Add volume options in volume creation form * display swarm cluster information in Swarm tab * update LICENSE * update repository URL in status bar * remove console logs * do not display Swarm containers anywhere in the UI * update position for add/remove option on Volumes page * compliant with swarm == 1.2.0 API support * update nginx-basic-auth examples with latest nginx and swarm example * Updated .gitignore * update .gitignore * reverted entry for dist/uifordocker in .gitignore * WIP * fix linter issues * added logo * update repository URL * update .gitignore (ignore dist/*) * add lodash * add containers actions binding (start, stop...) * replace image icon * bind remove image action * bind network remove action * bind volume remove action * update logo * wip on container details * update logo scaling, favicon and page title * wip container view * add containers actions in container view * add image view * add network view * remove useless data in tables * add pull image, create network modals * add create volume modal * update style for createVolume options * add start container modal * create volume modal now use a select to display drivers * add container stats * add containerTop view in stats view * fix trimcontainername filter * add container logs view * updated .gitignore * remove useless files/modules * remove useless chart in image view * replace $location usage with $state.go * remove useless swarm example
2016-06-02 05:34:03 +00:00
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12">
title-text="Connected networks"
2018-05-06 07:15:57 +00:00