2022-05-19 20:13:51 +00:00
package edgestacks
import (
portainer "github.com/portainer/portainer/api"
2022-12-01 06:40:52 +00:00
2022-05-19 20:13:51 +00:00
2022-09-28 17:56:32 +00:00
2022-05-19 20:13:51 +00:00
type gitService struct {
cloneErr error
id string
func (g *gitService) CloneRepository(destination, repositoryURL, referenceName, username, password string) error {
return g.cloneErr
func (g *gitService) LatestCommitID(repositoryURL, referenceName, username, password string) (string, error) {
return g.id, nil
2022-09-21 05:47:02 +00:00
func (g *gitService) ListRefs(repositoryURL, username, password string, hardRefresh bool) ([]string, error) {
return nil, nil
func (g *gitService) ListFiles(repositoryURL, referenceName, username, password string, hardRefresh bool, includedExts []string) ([]string, error) {
return nil, nil
2022-05-19 20:13:51 +00:00
// Helpers
func setupHandler(t *testing.T) (*Handler, string, func()) {
2022-09-14 05:59:47 +00:00
_, store, storeTeardown := datastore.MustNewTestStore(t, true, true)
2022-05-19 20:13:51 +00:00
jwtService, err := jwt.NewService("1h", store)
if err != nil {
user := &portainer.User{ID: 2, Username: "admin", Role: portainer.AdministratorRole}
err = store.User().Create(user)
if err != nil {
apiKeyService := apikey.NewAPIKeyService(store.APIKeyRepository(), store.User())
rawAPIKey, _, err := apiKeyService.GenerateApiKey(*user, "test")
if err != nil {
2022-12-01 06:40:52 +00:00
edgeStacksService := edgestacks.NewService(store)
2022-05-19 20:13:51 +00:00
handler := NewHandler(
security.NewRequestBouncer(store, jwtService, apiKeyService),
2022-12-01 06:40:52 +00:00
2022-05-19 20:13:51 +00:00
2022-09-14 05:59:47 +00:00
tmpDir := t.TempDir()
2022-05-19 20:13:51 +00:00
fs, err := filesystem.NewService(tmpDir, "")
if err != nil {
handler.FileService = fs
settings, err := handler.DataStore.Settings().Settings()
if err != nil {
settings.EnableEdgeComputeFeatures = true
err = handler.DataStore.Settings().UpdateSettings(settings)
if err != nil {
handler.GitService = &gitService{errors.New("Clone error"), "git-service-id"}
return handler, rawAPIKey, storeTeardown
func createEndpoint(t *testing.T, store dataservices.DataStore) portainer.Endpoint {
endpointID := portainer.EndpointID(5)
endpoint := portainer.Endpoint{
ID: endpointID,
Name: "test-endpoint-" + strconv.Itoa(int(endpointID)),
Type: portainer.EdgeAgentOnDockerEnvironment,
URL: "https://portainer.io:9443",
EdgeID: "edge-id",
LastCheckInDate: time.Now().Unix(),
err := store.Endpoint().Create(&endpoint)
if err != nil {
return endpoint
func createEdgeStack(t *testing.T, store dataservices.DataStore, endpointID portainer.EndpointID) portainer.EdgeStack {
edgeGroup := portainer.EdgeGroup{
ID: 1,
Name: "EdgeGroup 1",
Dynamic: false,
TagIDs: nil,
Endpoints: []portainer.EndpointID{endpointID},
PartialMatch: false,
err := store.EdgeGroup().Create(&edgeGroup)
if err != nil {
edgeStackID := portainer.EdgeStackID(14)
edgeStack := portainer.EdgeStack{
ID: edgeStackID,
Name: "test-edge-stack-" + strconv.Itoa(int(edgeStackID)),
Status: map[portainer.EndpointID]portainer.EdgeStackStatus{
endpointID: {Type: portainer.StatusOk, Error: "", EndpointID: endpointID},
CreationDate: time.Now().Unix(),
EdgeGroups: []portainer.EdgeGroupID{edgeGroup.ID},
ProjectPath: "/project/path",
EntryPoint: "entrypoint",
Version: 237,
ManifestPath: "/manifest/path",
DeploymentType: portainer.EdgeStackDeploymentKubernetes,
endpointRelation := portainer.EndpointRelation{
EndpointID: endpointID,
EdgeStacks: map[portainer.EdgeStackID]bool{
edgeStack.ID: true,
err = store.EdgeStack().Create(edgeStack.ID, &edgeStack)
if err != nil {
err = store.EndpointRelation().Create(&endpointRelation)
if err != nil {
return edgeStack
// Inspect
func TestInspectInvalidEdgeID(t *testing.T) {
handler, rawAPIKey, teardown := setupHandler(t)
defer teardown()
cases := []struct {
Name string
EdgeStackID string
ExpectedStatusCode int
{"Invalid EdgeStackID", "x", 400},
{"Non-existing EdgeStackID", "5", 404},
for _, tc := range cases {
t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/edge_stacks/"+tc.EdgeStackID, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("request error:", err)
req.Header.Add("x-api-key", rawAPIKey)
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
handler.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != tc.ExpectedStatusCode {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("expected a %d response, found: %d", tc.ExpectedStatusCode, rec.Code))
// Create
func TestCreateAndInspect(t *testing.T) {
handler, rawAPIKey, teardown := setupHandler(t)
defer teardown()
// Create Endpoint, EdgeGroup and EndpointRelation
endpoint := createEndpoint(t, handler.DataStore)
edgeGroup := portainer.EdgeGroup{
ID: 1,
Name: "EdgeGroup 1",
Dynamic: false,
TagIDs: nil,
Endpoints: []portainer.EndpointID{endpoint.ID},
PartialMatch: false,
err := handler.DataStore.EdgeGroup().Create(&edgeGroup)
if err != nil {
endpointRelation := portainer.EndpointRelation{
EndpointID: endpoint.ID,
EdgeStacks: map[portainer.EdgeStackID]bool{},
err = handler.DataStore.EndpointRelation().Create(&endpointRelation)
if err != nil {
payload := swarmStackFromFileContentPayload{
Name: "Test Stack",
StackFileContent: "stack content",
EdgeGroups: []portainer.EdgeGroupID{1},
DeploymentType: portainer.EdgeStackDeploymentCompose,
jsonPayload, err := json.Marshal(payload)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("JSON marshal error:", err)
r := bytes.NewBuffer(jsonPayload)
// Create EdgeStack
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "/edge_stacks?method=string", r)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("request error:", err)
req.Header.Add("x-api-key", rawAPIKey)
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
handler.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("expected a %d response, found: %d", http.StatusOK, rec.Code))
data := portainer.EdgeStack{}
err = json.NewDecoder(rec.Body).Decode(&data)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error decoding response:", err)
// Inspect
req, err = http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, fmt.Sprintf("/edge_stacks/%d", data.ID), nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("request error:", err)
req.Header.Add("x-api-key", rawAPIKey)
rec = httptest.NewRecorder()
handler.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("expected a %d response, found: %d", http.StatusOK, rec.Code))
data = portainer.EdgeStack{}
err = json.NewDecoder(rec.Body).Decode(&data)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error decoding response:", err)
if payload.Name != data.Name {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("expected EdgeStack Name %s, found %s", payload.Name, data.Name))
func TestCreateWithInvalidPayload(t *testing.T) {
handler, rawAPIKey, teardown := setupHandler(t)
defer teardown()
endpoint := createEndpoint(t, handler.DataStore)
edgeStack := createEdgeStack(t, handler.DataStore, endpoint.ID)
cases := []struct {
Name string
Payload interface{}
QueryString string
ExpectedStatusCode int
Name: "Invalid query string parameter",
Payload: swarmStackFromFileContentPayload{},
QueryString: "invalid=query-string",
ExpectedStatusCode: 400,
Name: "Invalid creation method",
Payload: swarmStackFromFileContentPayload{},
QueryString: "method=invalid-creation-method",
ExpectedStatusCode: 500,
Name: "Empty swarmStackFromFileContentPayload with string method",
Payload: swarmStackFromFileContentPayload{},
QueryString: "method=string",
2022-11-15 20:40:56 +00:00
ExpectedStatusCode: 400,
2022-05-19 20:13:51 +00:00
Name: "Empty swarmStackFromFileContentPayload with repository method",
Payload: swarmStackFromFileContentPayload{},
QueryString: "method=repository",
2022-11-15 20:40:56 +00:00
ExpectedStatusCode: 400,
2022-05-19 20:13:51 +00:00
Name: "Empty swarmStackFromFileContentPayload with file method",
Payload: swarmStackFromFileContentPayload{},
QueryString: "method=file",
2022-11-15 20:40:56 +00:00
ExpectedStatusCode: 400,
2022-05-19 20:13:51 +00:00
Name: "Duplicated EdgeStack Name",
Payload: swarmStackFromFileContentPayload{
Name: edgeStack.Name,
StackFileContent: "content",
EdgeGroups: edgeStack.EdgeGroups,
DeploymentType: edgeStack.DeploymentType,
QueryString: "method=string",
ExpectedStatusCode: 500,
Name: "Empty EdgeStack Groups",
Payload: swarmStackFromFileContentPayload{
Name: edgeStack.Name,
StackFileContent: "content",
EdgeGroups: []portainer.EdgeGroupID{},
DeploymentType: edgeStack.DeploymentType,
QueryString: "method=string",
2022-11-15 20:40:56 +00:00
ExpectedStatusCode: 400,
2022-05-19 20:13:51 +00:00
Name: "EdgeStackDeploymentKubernetes with Docker endpoint",
Payload: swarmStackFromFileContentPayload{
Name: "Stack name",
StackFileContent: "content",
EdgeGroups: []portainer.EdgeGroupID{1},
DeploymentType: portainer.EdgeStackDeploymentKubernetes,
QueryString: "method=string",
ExpectedStatusCode: 500,
Name: "Empty Stack File Content",
Payload: swarmStackFromFileContentPayload{
Name: "Stack name",
StackFileContent: "",
EdgeGroups: []portainer.EdgeGroupID{1},
DeploymentType: portainer.EdgeStackDeploymentCompose,
QueryString: "method=string",
2022-11-15 20:40:56 +00:00
ExpectedStatusCode: 400,
2022-05-19 20:13:51 +00:00
Name: "Clone Git respository error",
Payload: swarmStackFromGitRepositoryPayload{
Name: "Stack name",
RepositoryURL: "github.com/portainer/portainer",
RepositoryReferenceName: "ref name",
RepositoryAuthentication: false,
RepositoryUsername: "",
RepositoryPassword: "",
FilePathInRepository: "/file/path",
EdgeGroups: []portainer.EdgeGroupID{1},
DeploymentType: portainer.EdgeStackDeploymentCompose,
QueryString: "method=repository",
ExpectedStatusCode: 500,
for _, tc := range cases {
t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
jsonPayload, err := json.Marshal(tc.Payload)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("JSON marshal error:", err)
r := bytes.NewBuffer(jsonPayload)
// Create EdgeStack
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, fmt.Sprintf("/edge_stacks?%s", tc.QueryString), r)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("request error:", err)
req.Header.Add("x-api-key", rawAPIKey)
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
handler.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != tc.ExpectedStatusCode {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("expected a %d response, found: %d", tc.ExpectedStatusCode, rec.Code))
// Delete
func TestDeleteAndInspect(t *testing.T) {
handler, rawAPIKey, teardown := setupHandler(t)
defer teardown()
// Create
endpoint := createEndpoint(t, handler.DataStore)
edgeStack := createEdgeStack(t, handler.DataStore, endpoint.ID)
// Inspect
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, fmt.Sprintf("/edge_stacks/%d", edgeStack.ID), nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("request error:", err)
req.Header.Add("x-api-key", rawAPIKey)
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
handler.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("expected a %d response, found: %d", http.StatusOK, rec.Code))
data := portainer.EdgeStack{}
err = json.NewDecoder(rec.Body).Decode(&data)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error decoding response:", err)
if data.ID != edgeStack.ID {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("expected EdgeStackID %d, found %d", int(edgeStack.ID), data.ID))
// Delete
req, err = http.NewRequest(http.MethodDelete, fmt.Sprintf("/edge_stacks/%d", edgeStack.ID), nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("request error:", err)
req.Header.Add("x-api-key", rawAPIKey)
rec = httptest.NewRecorder()
handler.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != http.StatusNoContent {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("expected a %d response, found: %d", http.StatusNoContent, rec.Code))
// Inspect
req, err = http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, fmt.Sprintf("/edge_stacks/%d", edgeStack.ID), nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("request error:", err)
req.Header.Add("x-api-key", rawAPIKey)
rec = httptest.NewRecorder()
handler.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != http.StatusNotFound {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("expected a %d response, found: %d", http.StatusNotFound, rec.Code))
func TestDeleteInvalidEdgeStack(t *testing.T) {
handler, rawAPIKey, teardown := setupHandler(t)
defer teardown()
cases := []struct {
Name string
URL string
ExpectedStatusCode int
{Name: "Non-existing EdgeStackID", URL: "/edge_stacks/-1", ExpectedStatusCode: http.StatusNotFound},
{Name: "Invalid EdgeStackID", URL: "/edge_stacks/aaaaaaa", ExpectedStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest},
for _, tc := range cases {
t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodDelete, tc.URL, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("request error:", err)
req.Header.Add("x-api-key", rawAPIKey)
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
handler.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != tc.ExpectedStatusCode {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("expected a %d response, found: %d", tc.ExpectedStatusCode, rec.Code))
// Update
func TestUpdateAndInspect(t *testing.T) {
handler, rawAPIKey, teardown := setupHandler(t)
defer teardown()
endpoint := createEndpoint(t, handler.DataStore)
edgeStack := createEdgeStack(t, handler.DataStore, endpoint.ID)
// Update edge stack: create new Endpoint, EndpointRelation and EdgeGroup
endpointID := portainer.EndpointID(6)
newEndpoint := portainer.Endpoint{
ID: endpointID,
Name: "test-endpoint-" + strconv.Itoa(int(endpointID)),
Type: portainer.EdgeAgentOnDockerEnvironment,
URL: "https://portainer.io:9443",
EdgeID: "edge-id",
LastCheckInDate: time.Now().Unix(),
err := handler.DataStore.Endpoint().Create(&newEndpoint)
if err != nil {
endpointRelation := portainer.EndpointRelation{
EndpointID: endpointID,
EdgeStacks: map[portainer.EdgeStackID]bool{
edgeStack.ID: true,
err = handler.DataStore.EndpointRelation().Create(&endpointRelation)
if err != nil {
newEdgeGroup := portainer.EdgeGroup{
ID: 2,
Name: "EdgeGroup 2",
Dynamic: false,
TagIDs: nil,
Endpoints: []portainer.EndpointID{newEndpoint.ID},
PartialMatch: false,
err = handler.DataStore.EdgeGroup().Create(&newEdgeGroup)
if err != nil {
newVersion := 238
payload := updateEdgeStackPayload{
StackFileContent: "update-test",
Version: &newVersion,
EdgeGroups: append(edgeStack.EdgeGroups, newEdgeGroup.ID),
DeploymentType: portainer.EdgeStackDeploymentCompose,
jsonPayload, err := json.Marshal(payload)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("request error:", err)
r := bytes.NewBuffer(jsonPayload)
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPut, fmt.Sprintf("/edge_stacks/%d", edgeStack.ID), r)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("request error:", err)
req.Header.Add("x-api-key", rawAPIKey)
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
handler.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("expected a %d response, found: %d", http.StatusOK, rec.Code))
// Get updated edge stack
req, err = http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, fmt.Sprintf("/edge_stacks/%d", edgeStack.ID), nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("request error:", err)
req.Header.Add("x-api-key", rawAPIKey)
rec = httptest.NewRecorder()
handler.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("expected a %d response, found: %d", http.StatusOK, rec.Code))
data := portainer.EdgeStack{}
err = json.NewDecoder(rec.Body).Decode(&data)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error decoding response:", err)
if data.Version != *payload.Version {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("expected EdgeStackID %d, found %d", edgeStack.Version, data.Version))
if data.DeploymentType != payload.DeploymentType {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("expected DeploymentType %d, found %d", edgeStack.DeploymentType, data.DeploymentType))
if !reflect.DeepEqual(data.EdgeGroups, payload.EdgeGroups) {
t.Fatalf("expected EdgeGroups to be equal")
func TestUpdateWithInvalidEdgeGroups(t *testing.T) {
handler, rawAPIKey, teardown := setupHandler(t)
defer teardown()
endpoint := createEndpoint(t, handler.DataStore)
edgeStack := createEdgeStack(t, handler.DataStore, endpoint.ID)
//newEndpoint := createEndpoint(t, handler.DataStore)
newEdgeGroup := portainer.EdgeGroup{
ID: 2,
Name: "EdgeGroup 2",
Dynamic: false,
TagIDs: nil,
Endpoints: []portainer.EndpointID{8889},
PartialMatch: false,
newVersion := 238
cases := []struct {
Name string
Payload updateEdgeStackPayload
ExpectedStatusCode int
"Update with non-existing EdgeGroupID",
StackFileContent: "error-test",
Version: &newVersion,
EdgeGroups: []portainer.EdgeGroupID{9999},
DeploymentType: edgeStack.DeploymentType,
"Update with invalid EdgeGroup (non-existing Endpoint)",
StackFileContent: "error-test",
Version: &newVersion,
EdgeGroups: []portainer.EdgeGroupID{2},
DeploymentType: edgeStack.DeploymentType,
"Update DeploymentType from Docker to Kubernetes",
StackFileContent: "error-test",
Version: &newVersion,
EdgeGroups: []portainer.EdgeGroupID{1},
DeploymentType: portainer.EdgeStackDeploymentKubernetes,
for _, tc := range cases {
t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
jsonPayload, err := json.Marshal(tc.Payload)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("JSON marshal error:", err)
r := bytes.NewBuffer(jsonPayload)
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPut, fmt.Sprintf("/edge_stacks/%d", edgeStack.ID), r)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("request error:", err)
req.Header.Add("x-api-key", rawAPIKey)
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
handler.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != tc.ExpectedStatusCode {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("expected a %d response, found: %d", tc.ExpectedStatusCode, rec.Code))
func TestUpdateWithInvalidPayload(t *testing.T) {
handler, rawAPIKey, teardown := setupHandler(t)
defer teardown()
endpoint := createEndpoint(t, handler.DataStore)
edgeStack := createEdgeStack(t, handler.DataStore, endpoint.ID)
newVersion := 238
cases := []struct {
Name string
Payload updateEdgeStackPayload
ExpectedStatusCode int
"Update with empty StackFileContent",
StackFileContent: "",
Version: &newVersion,
EdgeGroups: edgeStack.EdgeGroups,
DeploymentType: edgeStack.DeploymentType,
"Update with empty EdgeGroups",
StackFileContent: "error-test",
Version: &newVersion,
EdgeGroups: []portainer.EdgeGroupID{},
DeploymentType: edgeStack.DeploymentType,
for _, tc := range cases {
t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
jsonPayload, err := json.Marshal(tc.Payload)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("request error:", err)
r := bytes.NewBuffer(jsonPayload)
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPut, fmt.Sprintf("/edge_stacks/%d", edgeStack.ID), r)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("request error:", err)
req.Header.Add("x-api-key", rawAPIKey)
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
handler.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != tc.ExpectedStatusCode {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("expected a %d response, found: %d", tc.ExpectedStatusCode, rec.Code))
// Update Status
func TestUpdateStatusAndInspect(t *testing.T) {
handler, rawAPIKey, teardown := setupHandler(t)
defer teardown()
endpoint := createEndpoint(t, handler.DataStore)
edgeStack := createEdgeStack(t, handler.DataStore, endpoint.ID)
// Update edge stack status
newStatus := portainer.StatusError
payload := updateStatusPayload{
Error: "test-error",
Status: &newStatus,
2022-12-01 06:40:52 +00:00
EndpointID: endpoint.ID,
2022-05-19 20:13:51 +00:00
jsonPayload, err := json.Marshal(payload)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("request error:", err)
r := bytes.NewBuffer(jsonPayload)
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPut, fmt.Sprintf("/edge_stacks/%d/status", edgeStack.ID), r)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("request error:", err)
req.Header.Set(portainer.PortainerAgentEdgeIDHeader, endpoint.EdgeID)
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
handler.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("expected a %d response, found: %d", http.StatusOK, rec.Code))
// Get updated edge stack
req, err = http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, fmt.Sprintf("/edge_stacks/%d", edgeStack.ID), nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("request error:", err)
req.Header.Add("x-api-key", rawAPIKey)
rec = httptest.NewRecorder()
handler.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("expected a %d response, found: %d", http.StatusOK, rec.Code))
data := portainer.EdgeStack{}
err = json.NewDecoder(rec.Body).Decode(&data)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error decoding response:", err)
if data.Status[endpoint.ID].Type != *payload.Status {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("expected EdgeStackStatusType %d, found %d", payload.Status, data.Status[endpoint.ID].Type))
if data.Status[endpoint.ID].Error != payload.Error {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("expected EdgeStackStatusError %s, found %s", payload.Error, data.Status[endpoint.ID].Error))
2022-12-01 06:40:52 +00:00
if data.Status[endpoint.ID].EndpointID != payload.EndpointID {
2022-05-19 20:13:51 +00:00
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("expected EndpointID %d, found %d", payload.EndpointID, data.Status[endpoint.ID].EndpointID))
func TestUpdateStatusWithInvalidPayload(t *testing.T) {
handler, _, teardown := setupHandler(t)
defer teardown()
endpoint := createEndpoint(t, handler.DataStore)
edgeStack := createEdgeStack(t, handler.DataStore, endpoint.ID)
// Update edge stack status
statusError := portainer.StatusError
statusOk := portainer.StatusOk
cases := []struct {
Name string
Payload updateStatusPayload
ExpectedErrorMessage string
ExpectedStatusCode int
"Update with nil Status",
Error: "test-error",
Status: nil,
2022-12-01 06:40:52 +00:00
EndpointID: endpoint.ID,
2022-05-19 20:13:51 +00:00
"Invalid status",
"Update with error status and empty error message",
Error: "",
Status: &statusError,
2022-12-01 06:40:52 +00:00
EndpointID: endpoint.ID,
2022-05-19 20:13:51 +00:00
"Error message is mandatory when status is error",
2022-12-01 06:40:52 +00:00
"Update with missing EndpointID",
2022-05-19 20:13:51 +00:00
Error: "",
Status: &statusOk,
2022-12-01 06:40:52 +00:00
EndpointID: 0,
2022-05-19 20:13:51 +00:00
"Invalid EnvironmentID",
for _, tc := range cases {
t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
jsonPayload, err := json.Marshal(tc.Payload)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("request error:", err)
r := bytes.NewBuffer(jsonPayload)
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPut, fmt.Sprintf("/edge_stacks/%d/status", edgeStack.ID), r)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("request error:", err)
req.Header.Set(portainer.PortainerAgentEdgeIDHeader, endpoint.EdgeID)
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
handler.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != tc.ExpectedStatusCode {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("expected a %d response, found: %d", tc.ExpectedStatusCode, rec.Code))
// Delete Status
func TestDeleteStatus(t *testing.T) {
handler, _, teardown := setupHandler(t)
defer teardown()
endpoint := createEndpoint(t, handler.DataStore)
edgeStack := createEdgeStack(t, handler.DataStore, endpoint.ID)
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodDelete, fmt.Sprintf("/edge_stacks/%d/status/%d", edgeStack.ID, endpoint.ID), nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("request error:", err)
req.Header.Set(portainer.PortainerAgentEdgeIDHeader, endpoint.EdgeID)
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
handler.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
if rec.Code != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf(fmt.Sprintf("expected a %d response, found: %d", http.StatusOK, rec.Code))