2023-05-14 02:26:11 +00:00
import { Form , Formik } from 'formik' ;
import { addPlural } from '@/portainer/helpers/strings' ;
import { useUpdateEnvironmentsRelationsMutation } from '@/react/portainer/environments/queries/useUpdateEnvironmentsRelationsMutation' ;
import { notifySuccess } from '@/portainer/services/notifications' ;
2023-06-07 23:02:36 +00:00
import { BetaAlert } from '@/react/portainer/environments/update-schedules/common/BetaAlert' ;
2023-05-14 02:26:11 +00:00
import { Checkbox } from '@@/form-components/Checkbox' ;
import { FormControl } from '@@/form-components/FormControl' ;
import { OnSubmit , Modal } from '@@/modals' ;
import { TextTip } from '@@/Tip/TextTip' ;
import { Button , LoadingButton } from '@@/buttons' ;
import { WaitingRoomEnvironment } from '../../types' ;
import { GroupSelector , EdgeGroupsSelector , TagSelector } from './Selectors' ;
import { FormValues } from './types' ;
import { isAssignedToGroup } from './utils' ;
import { createPayload } from './createPayload' ;
export function AssignmentDialog ( {
onSubmit ,
environments ,
} : {
onSubmit : OnSubmit < boolean > ;
environments : Array < WaitingRoomEnvironment > ;
} ) {
const assignRelationsMutation = useUpdateEnvironmentsRelationsMutation ( ) ;
const initialValues : FormValues = {
group : 1 ,
overrideGroup : false ,
edgeGroups : [ ] ,
overrideEdgeGroups : false ,
tags : [ ] ,
overrideTags : false ,
} ;
const hasPreAssignedEdgeGroups = environments . some (
( e ) = > e . EdgeGroups ? . length > 0
) ;
const hasPreAssignedTags = environments . some ( ( e ) = > e . TagIds . length > 0 ) ;
const hasPreAssignedGroup = environments . some ( ( e ) = > isAssignedToGroup ( e ) ) ;
return (
< Modal
aria - label = "Associate and assignment"
onDismiss = { ( ) = > onSubmit ( ) }
size = "lg"
< Modal.Header
title = { ` Associate with assignment ( ${ addPlural (
environments . length ,
'selected edge environment'
) } ) ` }
/ >
< Formik onSubmit = { handleSubmit } initialValues = { initialValues } >
{ ( { values , setFieldValue , errors } ) = > (
< Form noValidate >
< Modal.Body >
< div >
< FormControl
size = "vertical"
label = "Group"
tooltip = "For managing RBAC with user access"
errors = { errors . group }
< GroupSelector / >
{ hasPreAssignedGroup && (
< div className = "mt-2" >
< Checkbox
label = "Override pre-assigned group"
2024-04-11 00:11:38 +00:00
data - cy = "override-group-checkbox"
2023-05-14 02:26:11 +00:00
id = "overrideGroup"
bold = { false }
checked = { values . overrideGroup }
onChange = { ( e ) = >
setFieldValue ( 'overrideGroup' , e . target . checked )
/ >
< / div >
) }
< / FormControl >
< FormControl
size = "vertical"
label = "Edge Groups"
tooltip = "Required to manage edge job and edge stack deployments"
errors = { errors . edgeGroups }
< EdgeGroupsSelector / >
{ hasPreAssignedEdgeGroups && (
< div className = "mt-2" >
< Checkbox
label = "Override pre-assigned edge groups"
2024-04-11 00:11:38 +00:00
data - cy = "override-edge-groups-checkbox"
2023-05-14 02:26:11 +00:00
bold = { false }
id = "overrideEdgeGroups"
checked = { values . overrideEdgeGroups }
onChange = { ( e ) = >
setFieldValue ( 'overrideEdgeGroups' , e . target . checked )
/ >
< / div >
) }
< / FormControl >
< div className = "mb-3" >
< TextTip color = "blue" >
Edge group ( s ) created here are static only , use tags to
assign to dynamic edge groups
< / TextTip >
< / div >
< FormControl
size = "vertical"
label = "Tags"
tooltip = "Assigning tags will auto populate environments to dynamic edge groups that these tags are assigned to and any ege jobs or stacks that are deployed to that edge group"
errors = { errors . tags }
< TagSelector / >
{ hasPreAssignedTags && (
< div className = "mt-2" >
< Checkbox
label = "Override pre-assigned tags"
2024-04-11 00:11:38 +00:00
data - cy = "override-tags-checkbox"
2023-05-14 02:26:11 +00:00
bold = { false }
id = "overrideTags"
checked = { values . overrideTags }
onChange = { ( e ) = >
setFieldValue ( 'overrideTags' , e . target . checked )
/ >
< / div >
) }
< / FormControl >
< / div >
< / Modal.Body >
< Modal.Footer >
2024-04-11 00:11:38 +00:00
< Button
onClick = { ( ) = > onSubmit ( ) }
color = "default"
data - cy = "waiting-room-cancel-assignment-button"
2023-05-14 02:26:11 +00:00
< / Button >
< LoadingButton
isLoading = { assignRelationsMutation . isLoading }
2024-04-11 00:11:38 +00:00
data - cy = "waiting-room-associate-button"
2023-05-14 02:26:11 +00:00
loadingText = "Associating..."
< / LoadingButton >
< / Modal.Footer >
2023-06-07 23:02:36 +00:00
< div className = "mt-2" >
< BetaAlert
message = {
< >
< b > Beta Feature < / b > - This feature is currently in beta ,
some functions might not work as expected .
< / >
/ >
< / div >
2023-05-14 02:26:11 +00:00
< / Form >
) }
< / Formik >
< / Modal >
) ;
function handleSubmit ( values : FormValues ) {
assignRelationsMutation . mutate (
Object . fromEntries ( environments . map ( ( e ) = > createPayload ( e , values ) ) ) ,
onSuccess : ( ) = > {
notifySuccess ( 'Success' , 'Edge environments assigned successfully' ) ;
onSubmit ( true ) ;
} ,
) ;