2019-12-05 04:02:27 +00:00
module github.com/portainer/portainer/api
2021-07-14 01:10:42 +00:00
go 1.16
2019-12-05 04:02:27 +00:00
require (
2021-09-06 07:58:26 +00:00
github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm v0.0.0-20210617225240-d185dfc1b5a1 // indirect
2021-05-24 05:27:07 +00:00
github.com/Microsoft/go-winio v0.4.16
2021-09-06 07:58:26 +00:00
github.com/alecthomas/template v0.0.0-20190718012654-fb15b899a751 // indirect
github.com/alecthomas/units v0.0.0-20210208195552-ff826a37aa15 // indirect
github.com/asaskevich/govalidator v0.0.0-20200428143746-21a406dcc535
2019-12-05 04:02:27 +00:00
github.com/boltdb/bolt v1.3.1
2020-02-14 20:09:45 +00:00
github.com/containerd/containerd v1.3.1 // indirect
2019-12-05 04:02:27 +00:00
github.com/coreos/go-semver v0.3.0
github.com/dchest/uniuri v0.0.0-20160212164326-8902c56451e9
github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go v3.2.0+incompatible
github.com/docker/cli v0.0.0-20191126203649-54d085b857e9
2021-09-06 07:58:26 +00:00
github.com/docker/distribution v2.7.1+incompatible // indirect
github.com/docker/docker v0.7.3-0.20190327010347-be7ac8be2ae0
github.com/docker/go-connections v0.4.0 // indirect
github.com/docker/go-units v0.4.0 // indirect
2019-12-05 04:02:27 +00:00
github.com/g07cha/defender v0.0.0-20180505193036-5665c627c814
2021-05-24 05:27:07 +00:00
github.com/go-git/go-git/v5 v5.3.0
2020-04-29 02:25:25 +00:00
github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3 v3.1.8
2021-02-23 23:06:20 +00:00
github.com/gofrs/uuid v3.2.0+incompatible
2019-12-05 04:02:27 +00:00
github.com/gorilla/mux v1.7.3
github.com/gorilla/securecookie v1.1.1
github.com/gorilla/websocket v1.4.1
2021-05-24 05:27:07 +00:00
github.com/joho/godotenv v1.3.0
2019-12-05 04:02:27 +00:00
github.com/jpillora/chisel v0.0.0-20190724232113-f3a8df20e389
2021-09-06 07:58:26 +00:00
github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.10
2019-12-05 04:02:27 +00:00
github.com/koding/websocketproxy v0.0.0-20181220232114-7ed82d81a28c
github.com/mattn/go-shellwords v1.0.6 // indirect
github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure v1.1.2 // indirect
2021-09-06 07:58:26 +00:00
github.com/morikuni/aec v1.0.0 // indirect
github.com/opencontainers/go-digest v1.0.0 // indirect
github.com/opencontainers/image-spec v1.0.1 // indirect
2019-12-05 04:02:27 +00:00
github.com/orcaman/concurrent-map v0.0.0-20190826125027-8c72a8bb44f6
2021-04-06 10:08:43 +00:00
github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1
2021-09-09 20:25:55 +00:00
github.com/portainer/docker-compose-wrapper v0.0.0-20210909083948-8be0d98451a1
2021-08-10 04:59:47 +00:00
github.com/portainer/libcrypto v0.0.0-20210422035235-c652195c5c3a
feat(helm/templates): helm app templates EE-943 (#5449)
* feat(helm): add helm chart backport to ce EE-1409 (#5425)
* EE-1311 Helm Chart Backport from EE
* backport to ce
Co-authored-by: Matt Hook <hookenz@gmail.com>
* feat(helm): list and configure helm chart (#5431)
* backport and tidyup code
* --amend
* using rocket icon for charts
* helm chart bugfix - clear category button
* added matomo analytics for helm chart install
* fix web editor exit warning without changes
* editor modified exit bugfix
* fixed notifications typo
* updated helm template text
* helper text to convey slow helm templates load
Co-authored-by: zees-dev <dev.786zshan@gmail.com>
* removing redundant time-consuming api call by using prop attribute
* feat(helm) helm chart backport from ee EE-1311 (#5436)
* Add missing defaultHelmRepoUrl and mock testing
* Backport EE-1477
* Backport updates to helm tests from EE
* add https by default changes and ssl to tls renaming from EE
* Port install integration test. Disabled by default to pass CI checks
* merged changes from EE for the integration test
* kube proxy whitelist updated to support internal helm install command
Co-authored-by: zees-dev <dev.786zshan@gmail.com>
* Pull in all changes from tech review in EE-943
* added helm to sidebar after rebase, sync CE with EE
* bugfix: kubectl shell not opening - bearer token bug
* tidy go modules & remove yarn-error.log
* removed redundant handler (not used) - to match EE
* resolved merge conflicts, updated code
* feat(helm/views): helm release and application views EE-1236 (#5529)
* feat(helm): add helm chart backport to ce EE-1409 (#5425)
* EE-1311 Helm Chart Backport from EE
* backport to ce
Co-authored-by: Matt Hook <hookenz@gmail.com>
* Pull in all changes from tech review in EE-943
* added helm to sidebar after rebase, sync CE with EE
* removed redundant handler (not used) - to match EE
* feat(helm) display helm charts - backend EE-1236
* copy over components for new applications view EE-1236
* Add new applications datatable component
* Add more migrated files
* removed test not applicable to CE
* baclkported EE app data table code to CE
* removed redundant helm repo url
* resolved conflicts, updated code
* using endpoint middleware
* PR review fixes
* using constants, openapi updated
Co-authored-by: Richard Wei <54336863+WaysonWei@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: zees-dev <dev.786zshan@gmail.com>
* fixed test conflicts, go linted
* feat(helm/templates-add): helm templates add repo for user support EE-1278 (#5514)
* feat(helm): add helm chart backport to ce EE-1409 (#5425)
* EE-1311 Helm Chart Backport from EE
* backport to ce
Co-authored-by: Matt Hook <hookenz@gmail.com>
* feat(helm) helm chart backport from ee EE-1311 (#5436)
* Add missing defaultHelmRepoUrl and mock testing
* Backport EE-1477
* Backport updates to helm tests from EE
* add https by default changes and ssl to tls renaming from EE
* Port install integration test. Disabled by default to pass CI checks
* merged changes from EE for the integration test
* kube proxy whitelist updated to support internal helm install command
Co-authored-by: zees-dev <dev.786zshan@gmail.com>
* Pull in all changes from tech review in EE-943
* feat(helm): add helm chart backport to ce EE-1409 (#5425)
* EE-1311 Helm Chart Backport from EE
* backport to ce
Co-authored-by: Matt Hook <hookenz@gmail.com>
* Pull in all changes from tech review in EE-943
* added helm to sidebar after rebase, sync CE with EE
* backport EE-1278, squashed, diffed, updated
* helm install openapi spec update
* resolved conflicts, updated code
* - matching ee codebase at 0afe57034449ee0e9f333d92c252a13995a93019
- helm install using endpoint middleware
- remove trailing slash from added/persisted helm repo urls
* feat(helm) use libhelm url validator and improved path assembly EE-1554 (#5561)
* feat(helm/userrepos) fix getting global repo for ordinary users EE-1562 (#5567)
* feat(helm/userrepos) fix getting global repo for ordinary users EE-1562
* post review changes and further backported changes from EE
* resolved conflicts, updated code
* fixed helm_install handler unit test
* user cannot add existing repo if suffix is '/' (#5571)
* feat(helm/docs) fix broken swagger docs EE-1278 (#5572)
* Fix swagger docs
* minor correction
* fix(helm): migrating code from user handler to helm handler (#5573)
* - migrated user_helm_repos to helm endpoint handler
- migrated api operations from user factory/service to helm factory/service
- passing endpointId into helm service/factory as endpoint provider is deprecated
* upgrade libhelm to hide secrets
Co-authored-by: Matt Hook <hookenz@gmail.com>
* removed duplicate file - due to merge conflict
* dependency injection in helm factory
Co-authored-by: Richard Wei <54336863+WaysonWei@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Matt Hook <hookenz@gmail.com>
* kubernetes.templates -> kubernetes.templates.helm name conflict fix
* Validate the URL added as a public helm repo (#5579)
* fix(helm): helm app deletion fix EE-1581 (#5582)
* updated helm lib to show correct error on uninstall failure
* passing down helm app namespace on deletion
* fix(k8s): EE-1591 non-admin users cannot deploy charts containing secrets (#5590)
Co-authored-by: Simon Meng <simon.meng@portainer.io>
* fix(helm): helm epic bugfixes EE-1582 EE-1593 (#5585)
* - trim trailing slash and lowercase before persisting helm repo
- browser helm templates url /kubernetes/templates/templates -> /kubernetes/templates/helm
- fix publish url
- fix helm repo add refresh
- semi-fix k8s app expansion
* Tidy up swagger documentation related to helm. Make json consistent
* fixed helm release page for non-default namespaces
* k8s app view table expansion bugfix
* EE-1593: publish url load balancer fallback
Co-authored-by: Matt Hook <hookenz@gmail.com>
* k8s app list fix for charts with deployments containing multiple pods - which use the same label (#5599)
* fix(kubernetes): app list view fix for secrets with long keys or values EE-1600 (#5600)
* k8s app secrets key value text overflow ellipses
* wrapping key value pairs instead of ellipses
* fix(helm): helm apps bundling issue across different namespaces EE-1619 (#5602)
* helm apps bundling issue across different namespaces
* - code comments and indentation to ease reading
- moved namespace calc out of loop
* feat(helm/test) disable slow helm search test by default EE-1599 (#5598)
* skip helm_repo_search as it's an integration test
* switch to portainer built in integration test checker
* make module order match EE
* don't print test struct out when skipping integration test
Co-authored-by: Richard Wei <54336863+WaysonWei@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Matt Hook <hookenz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: cong meng <mcpacino@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Simon Meng <simon.meng@portainer.io>
2021-09-10 02:06:57 +00:00
github.com/portainer/libhelm v0.0.0-20210906035629-b5635edd5d97
2019-12-05 04:02:27 +00:00
github.com/portainer/libhttp v0.0.0-20190806161843-ba068f58be33
2021-08-17 01:12:07 +00:00
github.com/robfig/cron/v3 v3.0.1
2021-08-03 23:26:22 +00:00
github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.8.1
2021-07-21 01:56:28 +00:00
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.7.0
2021-09-06 07:58:26 +00:00
github.com/xeipuuv/gojsonschema v1.2.0 // indirect
2021-05-24 05:27:07 +00:00
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20210322153248-0c34fe9e7dc2
2020-08-05 08:36:46 +00:00
golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.0.0-20190604053449-0f29369cfe45
2019-12-05 04:02:27 +00:00
gopkg.in/alecthomas/kingpin.v2 v2.2.6
2021-09-02 05:28:51 +00:00
gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.0-20210107192922-496545a6307b
2021-09-06 07:58:26 +00:00
gotest.tools v2.2.0+incompatible // indirect
2020-07-05 23:21:03 +00:00
k8s.io/api v0.17.2
k8s.io/apimachinery v0.17.2
k8s.io/client-go v0.17.2
2019-12-05 04:02:27 +00:00
2020-02-19 19:20:45 +00:00
replace github.com/docker/docker => github.com/docker/engine v1.4.2-0.20200204220554-5f6d6f3f2203
2021-05-24 05:27:07 +00:00
replace golang.org/x/sys => golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190826190057-c7b8b68b1456