
298 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

module.exports = function (grunt) {
// Default task.
grunt.registerTask('default', ['jshint', 'build', 'karma:unit']);
grunt.registerTask('build', [
grunt.registerTask('release', [
2016-06-16 05:37:57 +00:00
Rdash theme integration (#1) * Adding latest build to dist. * Adding latest build to dist. * Bump other app version. * Build latest changes. * Bump version to 0.7.0. * Version bump to 0.9.0-beta and remote API 1.20. * Whoah there, back down to 0.8.0-beta. * Merge branch 'crosbymichael-master' into crosbymichael-dist * Add volume options in volume creation form * display swarm cluster information in Swarm tab * update LICENSE * update repository URL in status bar * remove console logs * do not display Swarm containers anywhere in the UI * update position for add/remove option on Volumes page * compliant with swarm == 1.2.0 API support * update nginx-basic-auth examples with latest nginx and swarm example * Updated .gitignore * update .gitignore * reverted entry for dist/uifordocker in .gitignore * WIP * fix linter issues * added logo * update repository URL * update .gitignore (ignore dist/*) * add lodash * add containers actions binding (start, stop...) * replace image icon * bind remove image action * bind network remove action * bind volume remove action * update logo * wip on container details * update logo scaling, favicon and page title * wip container view * add containers actions in container view * add image view * add network view * remove useless data in tables * add pull image, create network modals * add create volume modal * update style for createVolume options * add start container modal * create volume modal now use a select to display drivers * add container stats * add containerTop view in stats view * fix trimcontainername filter * add container logs view * updated .gitignore * remove useless files/modules * remove useless chart in image view * replace $location usage with $state.go * remove useless swarm example
2016-06-02 05:34:03 +00:00
2016-03-19 22:30:47 +00:00
2016-07-06 02:20:29 +00:00
grunt.registerTask('lint', ['jshint']);
grunt.registerTask('test-watch', ['karma:watch']);
grunt.registerTask('run', ['if:binaryNotExist', 'build', 'shell:buildImage', 'shell:run']);
grunt.registerTask('run-swarm', ['if:binaryNotExist', 'build', 'shell:buildImage', 'shell:runSwarm', 'watch:buildSwarm']);
grunt.registerTask('run-dev', ['if:binaryNotExist', 'shell:buildImage', 'shell:run', 'watch:build']);
grunt.registerTask('run-ssl', ['if:binaryNotExist', 'shell:buildImage', 'shell:runSsl', 'watch:buildSsl']);
Rdash theme integration (#1) * Adding latest build to dist. * Adding latest build to dist. * Bump other app version. * Build latest changes. * Bump version to 0.7.0. * Version bump to 0.9.0-beta and remote API 1.20. * Whoah there, back down to 0.8.0-beta. * Merge branch 'crosbymichael-master' into crosbymichael-dist * Add volume options in volume creation form * display swarm cluster information in Swarm tab * update LICENSE * update repository URL in status bar * remove console logs * do not display Swarm containers anywhere in the UI * update position for add/remove option on Volumes page * compliant with swarm == 1.2.0 API support * update nginx-basic-auth examples with latest nginx and swarm example * Updated .gitignore * update .gitignore * reverted entry for dist/uifordocker in .gitignore * WIP * fix linter issues * added logo * update repository URL * update .gitignore (ignore dist/*) * add lodash * add containers actions binding (start, stop...) * replace image icon * bind remove image action * bind network remove action * bind volume remove action * update logo * wip on container details * update logo scaling, favicon and page title * wip container view * add containers actions in container view * add image view * add network view * remove useless data in tables * add pull image, create network modals * add create volume modal * update style for createVolume options * add start container modal * create volume modal now use a select to display drivers * add container stats * add containerTop view in stats view * fix trimcontainername filter * add container logs view * updated .gitignore * remove useless files/modules * remove useless chart in image view * replace $location usage with $state.go * remove useless swarm example
2016-06-02 05:34:03 +00:00
grunt.registerTask('clear', ['clean:app']);
// Print a timestamp (useful for when watching)
grunt.registerTask('timestamp', function () {
var karmaConfig = function (configFile, customOptions) {
var options = {configFile: configFile, keepalive: true};
var travisOptions = process.env.TRAVIS && {browsers: ['Firefox'], reporters: 'dots'};
return grunt.util._.extend(options, customOptions, travisOptions);
// Project configuration.
distdir: 'dist',
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
2015-08-29 07:38:03 +00:00
remoteApiVersion: 'v1.20',
banner: '/*! <%= pkg.title || pkg.name %> - v<%= pkg.version %> - <%= grunt.template.today("yyyy-mm-dd") %>\n' +
'<%= pkg.homepage ? " * " + pkg.homepage + "\\n" : "" %>' +
' * Copyright (c) <%= grunt.template.today("yyyy") %> <%= pkg.author %>;\n' +
' * Licensed <%= _.pluck(pkg.licenses, "type").join(", ") %>\n */\n',
src: {
2015-01-19 05:20:49 +00:00
js: ['app/**/*.js', '!app/**/*.spec.js'],
jsTpl: ['<%= distdir %>/templates/**/*.js'],
2015-09-13 21:39:51 +00:00
jsVendor: [
2016-06-08 06:22:49 +00:00
2016-07-26 23:08:18 +00:00
'assets/js/jquery.gritter.js', // Using custom version to fix error in minified build due to "use strict"
2015-09-13 21:39:51 +00:00
'assets/js/legend.js' // Not a bower package
specs: ['test/**/*.spec.js'],
scenarios: ['test/**/*.scenario.js'],
html: ['index.html'],
2015-09-13 21:39:51 +00:00
tpl: ['app/components/**/*.html'],
css: ['assets/css/app.css'],
cssVendor: [
Rdash theme integration (#1) * Adding latest build to dist. * Adding latest build to dist. * Bump other app version. * Build latest changes. * Bump version to 0.7.0. * Version bump to 0.9.0-beta and remote API 1.20. * Whoah there, back down to 0.8.0-beta. * Merge branch 'crosbymichael-master' into crosbymichael-dist * Add volume options in volume creation form * display swarm cluster information in Swarm tab * update LICENSE * update repository URL in status bar * remove console logs * do not display Swarm containers anywhere in the UI * update position for add/remove option on Volumes page * compliant with swarm == 1.2.0 API support * update nginx-basic-auth examples with latest nginx and swarm example * Updated .gitignore * update .gitignore * reverted entry for dist/uifordocker in .gitignore * WIP * fix linter issues * added logo * update repository URL * update .gitignore (ignore dist/*) * add lodash * add containers actions binding (start, stop...) * replace image icon * bind remove image action * bind network remove action * bind volume remove action * update logo * wip on container details * update logo scaling, favicon and page title * wip container view * add containers actions in container view * add image view * add network view * remove useless data in tables * add pull image, create network modals * add create volume modal * update style for createVolume options * add start container modal * create volume modal now use a select to display drivers * add container stats * add containerTop view in stats view * fix trimcontainername filter * add container logs view * updated .gitignore * remove useless files/modules * remove useless chart in image view * replace $location usage with $state.go * remove useless swarm example
2016-06-02 05:34:03 +00:00
2016-06-08 06:22:49 +00:00
2015-09-13 21:39:51 +00:00
clean: {
all: ['<%= distdir %>/*'],
2016-04-30 02:57:27 +00:00
app: ['<%= distdir %>/*', '!<%= distdir %>/ui-for-docker'],
2015-09-13 21:39:51 +00:00
tmpl: ['<%= distdir %>/templates']
copy: {
assets: {
2015-09-13 21:39:51 +00:00
files: [
Rdash theme integration (#1) * Adding latest build to dist. * Adding latest build to dist. * Bump other app version. * Build latest changes. * Bump version to 0.7.0. * Version bump to 0.9.0-beta and remote API 1.20. * Whoah there, back down to 0.8.0-beta. * Merge branch 'crosbymichael-master' into crosbymichael-dist * Add volume options in volume creation form * display swarm cluster information in Swarm tab * update LICENSE * update repository URL in status bar * remove console logs * do not display Swarm containers anywhere in the UI * update position for add/remove option on Volumes page * compliant with swarm == 1.2.0 API support * update nginx-basic-auth examples with latest nginx and swarm example * Updated .gitignore * update .gitignore * reverted entry for dist/uifordocker in .gitignore * WIP * fix linter issues * added logo * update repository URL * update .gitignore (ignore dist/*) * add lodash * add containers actions binding (start, stop...) * replace image icon * bind remove image action * bind network remove action * bind volume remove action * update logo * wip on container details * update logo scaling, favicon and page title * wip container view * add containers actions in container view * add image view * add network view * remove useless data in tables * add pull image, create network modals * add create volume modal * update style for createVolume options * add start container modal * create volume modal now use a select to display drivers * add container stats * add containerTop view in stats view * fix trimcontainername filter * add container logs view * updated .gitignore * remove useless files/modules * remove useless chart in image view * replace $location usage with $state.go * remove useless swarm example
2016-06-02 05:34:03 +00:00
{dest: '<%= distdir %>/fonts/', src: '*.{ttf,woff,woff2,eof,svg}', expand: true, cwd: 'bower_components/bootstrap/fonts/'},
{dest: '<%= distdir %>/fonts/', src: '*.{ttf,woff,woff2,eof,svg}', expand: true, cwd: 'bower_components/font-awesome/fonts/'},
{dest: '<%= distdir %>/fonts/', src: '*.{ttf,woff,woff2,eof,svg}', expand: true, cwd: 'bower_components/rdash-ui/dist/fonts/'},
dest: '<%= distdir %>/images/',
src: ['**', '!trees.jpg'],
expand: true,
cwd: 'bower_components/jquery.gritter/images/'
Rdash theme integration (#1) * Adding latest build to dist. * Adding latest build to dist. * Bump other app version. * Build latest changes. * Bump version to 0.7.0. * Version bump to 0.9.0-beta and remote API 1.20. * Whoah there, back down to 0.8.0-beta. * Merge branch 'crosbymichael-master' into crosbymichael-dist * Add volume options in volume creation form * display swarm cluster information in Swarm tab * update LICENSE * update repository URL in status bar * remove console logs * do not display Swarm containers anywhere in the UI * update position for add/remove option on Volumes page * compliant with swarm == 1.2.0 API support * update nginx-basic-auth examples with latest nginx and swarm example * Updated .gitignore * update .gitignore * reverted entry for dist/uifordocker in .gitignore * WIP * fix linter issues * added logo * update repository URL * update .gitignore (ignore dist/*) * add lodash * add containers actions binding (start, stop...) * replace image icon * bind remove image action * bind network remove action * bind volume remove action * update logo * wip on container details * update logo scaling, favicon and page title * wip container view * add containers actions in container view * add image view * add network view * remove useless data in tables * add pull image, create network modals * add create volume modal * update style for createVolume options * add start container modal * create volume modal now use a select to display drivers * add container stats * add containerTop view in stats view * fix trimcontainername filter * add container logs view * updated .gitignore * remove useless files/modules * remove useless chart in image view * replace $location usage with $state.go * remove useless swarm example
2016-06-02 05:34:03 +00:00
dest: '<%= distdir %>/images/',
src: ['**'],
expand: true,
Rdash theme integration (#1) * Adding latest build to dist. * Adding latest build to dist. * Bump other app version. * Build latest changes. * Bump version to 0.7.0. * Version bump to 0.9.0-beta and remote API 1.20. * Whoah there, back down to 0.8.0-beta. * Merge branch 'crosbymichael-master' into crosbymichael-dist * Add volume options in volume creation form * display swarm cluster information in Swarm tab * update LICENSE * update repository URL in status bar * remove console logs * do not display Swarm containers anywhere in the UI * update position for add/remove option on Volumes page * compliant with swarm == 1.2.0 API support * update nginx-basic-auth examples with latest nginx and swarm example * Updated .gitignore * update .gitignore * reverted entry for dist/uifordocker in .gitignore * WIP * fix linter issues * added logo * update repository URL * update .gitignore (ignore dist/*) * add lodash * add containers actions binding (start, stop...) * replace image icon * bind remove image action * bind network remove action * bind volume remove action * update logo * wip on container details * update logo scaling, favicon and page title * wip container view * add containers actions in container view * add image view * add network view * remove useless data in tables * add pull image, create network modals * add create volume modal * update style for createVolume options * add start container modal * create volume modal now use a select to display drivers * add container stats * add containerTop view in stats view * fix trimcontainername filter * add container logs view * updated .gitignore * remove useless files/modules * remove useless chart in image view * replace $location usage with $state.go * remove useless swarm example
2016-06-02 05:34:03 +00:00
cwd: 'assets/images/'
2015-09-13 21:39:51 +00:00
{dest: '<%= distdir %>/ico', src: '**', expand: true, cwd: 'assets/ico'}
karma: {
unit: {options: karmaConfig('test/unit/karma.conf.js')},
watch: {options: karmaConfig('test/unit/karma.conf.js', {singleRun: false, autoWatch: true})}
html2js: {
app: {
options: {
base: '.'
2015-09-13 21:39:51 +00:00
src: ['<%= src.tpl %>'],
dest: '<%= distdir %>/templates/app.js',
module: '<%= pkg.name %>.templates'
concat: {
dist: {
options: {
banner: "<%= banner %>",
process: true
src: ['<%= src.js %>', '<%= src.jsTpl %>'],
dest: '<%= distdir %>/js/<%= pkg.name %>.js'
2015-09-13 21:39:51 +00:00
vendor: {
src: ['<%= src.jsVendor %>'],
dest: '<%= distdir %>/js/vendor.js'
2015-09-13 21:39:51 +00:00
index: {
src: ['index.html'],
dest: '<%= distdir %>/index.html',
options: {
process: true
angular: {
src: ['bower_components/angular/angular.min.js',
2016-06-08 06:22:49 +00:00
dest: '<%= distdir %>/js/angular.js'
uglify: {
dist: {
options: {
banner: "<%= banner %>"
src: ['<%= src.js %>', '<%= src.jsTpl %>'],
dest: '<%= distdir %>/js/<%= pkg.name %>.js'
2015-09-13 21:39:51 +00:00
vendor: {
options: {
preserveComments: 'some' // Preserve license comments
2015-09-13 21:39:51 +00:00
src: ['<%= src.jsVendor %>'],
dest: '<%= distdir %>/js/vendor.js'
2015-09-13 21:39:51 +00:00
angular: {
options: {
preserveComments: 'some' // Preserve license comments
src: ['<%= concat.angular.src %>'],
dest: '<%= distdir %>/js/angular.js'
recess: { // TODO: not maintained, unable to preserve license comments, switch out for something better.
build: {
files: {
'<%= distdir %>/css/<%= pkg.name %>.css': ['<%= src.css %>'],
'<%= distdir %>/css/vendor.css': ['<%= src.cssVendor %>']
options: {
compile: true,
noOverqualifying: false // TODO: Added because of .nav class, rename
min: {
files: {
'<%= distdir %>/css/<%= pkg.name %>.css': ['<%= src.css %>'],
'<%= distdir %>/css/vendor.css': ['<%= src.cssVendor %>']
options: {
compile: true,
compress: true,
noOverqualifying: false // TODO: Added because of .nav class, rename
watch: {
all: {
files: ['<%= src.js %>', '<%= src.specs %>', '<%= src.css %>', '<%= src.tpl %>', '<%= src.html %>'],
tasks: ['default', 'timestamp']
build: {
files: ['<%= src.js %>', '<%= src.specs %>', '<%= src.css %>', '<%= src.tpl %>', '<%= src.html %>'],
tasks: ['build', 'shell:buildImage', 'shell:run', 'shell:cleanImages']
* Why don't we just use a host volume
* http.FileServer uses sendFile which virtualbox hates
* Tried using a host volume with -v, copying files with `docker cp`, restating container, none worked
* Rebuilding image on each change was only method that worked, takes ~4s per change to update
Rdash theme integration (#1) * Adding latest build to dist. * Adding latest build to dist. * Bump other app version. * Build latest changes. * Bump version to 0.7.0. * Version bump to 0.9.0-beta and remote API 1.20. * Whoah there, back down to 0.8.0-beta. * Merge branch 'crosbymichael-master' into crosbymichael-dist * Add volume options in volume creation form * display swarm cluster information in Swarm tab * update LICENSE * update repository URL in status bar * remove console logs * do not display Swarm containers anywhere in the UI * update position for add/remove option on Volumes page * compliant with swarm == 1.2.0 API support * update nginx-basic-auth examples with latest nginx and swarm example * Updated .gitignore * update .gitignore * reverted entry for dist/uifordocker in .gitignore * WIP * fix linter issues * added logo * update repository URL * update .gitignore (ignore dist/*) * add lodash * add containers actions binding (start, stop...) * replace image icon * bind remove image action * bind network remove action * bind volume remove action * update logo * wip on container details * update logo scaling, favicon and page title * wip container view * add containers actions in container view * add image view * add network view * remove useless data in tables * add pull image, create network modals * add create volume modal * update style for createVolume options * add start container modal * create volume modal now use a select to display drivers * add container stats * add containerTop view in stats view * fix trimcontainername filter * add container logs view * updated .gitignore * remove useless files/modules * remove useless chart in image view * replace $location usage with $state.go * remove useless swarm example
2016-06-02 05:34:03 +00:00
buildSwarm: {
files: ['<%= src.js %>', '<%= src.specs %>', '<%= src.css %>', '<%= src.tpl %>', '<%= src.html %>'],
tasks: ['build', 'shell:buildImage', 'shell:runSwarm', 'shell:cleanImages']
buildSsl: {
files: ['<%= src.js %>', '<%= src.specs %>', '<%= src.css %>', '<%= src.tpl %>', '<%= src.html %>'],
tasks: ['build', 'shell:buildImage', 'shell:runSsl', 'shell:cleanImages']
jshint: {
2015-09-13 21:39:51 +00:00
files: ['gruntFile.js', '<%= src.js %>', '<%= src.specs %>', '<%= src.scenarios %>'],
options: {
curly: true,
eqeqeq: true,
immed: true,
latedef: true,
newcap: true,
noarg: true,
sub: true,
boss: true,
eqnull: true,
globals: {
2015-01-04 00:39:40 +00:00
angular: false,
'$': false
shell: {
buildImage: {
2016-04-30 02:57:27 +00:00
command: 'docker build --rm -t ui-for-docker .'
buildBinary: {
command: [
'docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/src centurylink/golang-builder',
2016-04-30 02:57:27 +00:00
'shasum ui-for-docker > ui-for-docker-checksum.txt',
'mkdir -p dist',
2016-04-30 02:57:27 +00:00
'mv ui-for-docker dist/'
].join(' && ')
run: {
command: [
2016-04-30 02:57:27 +00:00
'docker stop ui-for-docker',
'docker rm ui-for-docker',
'docker run --privileged -d -p 9000:9000 -v /tmp/docker-ui:/data -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --name ui-for-docker ui-for-docker -d /data'
2016-01-24 23:03:20 +00:00
runSwarm: {
command: [
2016-04-30 02:57:27 +00:00
'docker stop ui-for-docker',
'docker rm ui-for-docker',
'docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -v /tmp/docker-ui:/data --name ui-for-docker ui-for-docker -H tcp:// --swarm -d /data'
runSsl: {
command: [
'docker stop ui-for-docker',
'docker rm ui-for-docker',
'docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -v /tmp/docker-ui:/data -v /tmp/docker-ssl:/certs --name ui-for-docker ui-for-docker -H tcp:// -d /data --tlsverify'
2016-01-24 23:03:20 +00:00
cleanImages: {
command: 'docker rmi $(docker images -q -f dangling=true)'
'if': {
binaryNotExist: {
options: {
2016-04-30 02:57:27 +00:00
executable: 'dist/ui-for-docker'
ifFalse: ['shell:buildBinary']