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package kubernetes
import (
portainer "github.com/portainer/portainer/api"
models "github.com/portainer/portainer/api/http/models/kubernetes"
httperror "github.com/portainer/portainer/pkg/libhttp/error"
k8serrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
// @id GetAllKubernetesIngressControllers
// @summary Get a list of ingress controllers
// @description Get a list of ingress controllers for the given environment. If the allowedOnly query parameter is set, only ingress controllers that are allowed by the environment's ingress configuration will be returned.
// @description **Access policy**: Authenticated user.
// @tags kubernetes
// @security ApiKeyAuth || jwt
// @produce json
// @param id path int true "Environment identifier"
// @param allowedOnly query boolean false "Only return allowed ingress controllers"
// @success 200 {object} models.K8sIngressControllers "Success"
// @failure 400 "Invalid request payload, such as missing required fields or fields not meeting validation criteria."
// @failure 401 "Unauthorized access - the user is not authenticated or does not have the necessary permissions. Ensure that you have provided a valid API key or JWT token, and that you have the required permissions."
// @failure 403 "Permission denied - the user is authenticated but does not have the necessary permissions to access the requested resource or perform the specified operation. Check your user roles and permissions."
// @failure 404 "Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier."
// @failure 500 "Server error occurred while attempting to retrieve ingress controllers"
// @router /kubernetes/{id}/ingresscontrollers [get]
func (handler *Handler) getAllKubernetesIngressControllers(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *httperror.HandlerError {
endpointID, err := request.RetrieveNumericRouteVariableValue(r, "id")
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getAllKubernetesIngressControllers").Msg("Invalid environment identifier route variable")
return httperror.BadRequest("Invalid environment identifier route variable", err)
endpoint, err := handler.DataStore.Endpoint().Endpoint(portainer.EndpointID(endpointID))
if err != nil {
if handler.DataStore.IsErrObjectNotFound(err) {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getAllKubernetesIngressControllers").Msg("Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier inside the database")
return httperror.NotFound("Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier inside the database", err)
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getAllKubernetesIngressControllers").Msg("Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier inside the database")
return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier inside the database", err)
allowedOnly, err := request.RetrieveBooleanQueryParameter(r, "allowedOnly", true)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getAllKubernetesIngressControllers").Msg("Unable to retrieve allowedOnly query parameter")
return httperror.BadRequest("Unable to retrieve allowedOnly query parameter", err)
cli, err := handler.KubernetesClientFactory.GetPrivilegedKubeClient(endpoint)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getAllKubernetesIngressControllers").Msg("Unable to get privileged kube client")
return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to get privileged kube client", err)
controllers, err := cli.GetIngressControllers()
if err != nil {
if k8serrors.IsUnauthorized(err) || k8serrors.IsForbidden(err) {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getAllKubernetesIngressControllers").Msg("Unauthorized access to the Kubernetes API")
return httperror.Forbidden("Unauthorized access to the Kubernetes API", err)
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getAllKubernetesIngressControllers").Msg("Unable to retrieve ingress controllers from the Kubernetes")
return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to retrieve ingress controllers from the Kubernetes", err)
// Add none controller if "AllowNone" is set for endpoint.
if endpoint.Kubernetes.Configuration.AllowNoneIngressClass {
controllers = append(controllers, models.K8sIngressController{
Name: "none",
ClassName: "none",
Type: "custom",
existingClasses := endpoint.Kubernetes.Configuration.IngressClasses
updatedClasses := []portainer.KubernetesIngressClassConfig{}
for i := range controllers {
controllers[i].Availability = true
if controllers[i].ClassName != "none" {
controllers[i].New = true
updatedClass := portainer.KubernetesIngressClassConfig{
Name: controllers[i].ClassName,
Type: controllers[i].Type,
// Check if the controller is already known.
for _, existingClass := range existingClasses {
if controllers[i].ClassName != existingClass.Name {
controllers[i].New = false
controllers[i].Availability = !existingClass.GloballyBlocked
updatedClass.GloballyBlocked = existingClass.GloballyBlocked
updatedClass.BlockedNamespaces = existingClass.BlockedNamespaces
updatedClasses = append(updatedClasses, updatedClass)
endpoint.Kubernetes.Configuration.IngressClasses = updatedClasses
err = handler.DataStore.Endpoint().UpdateEndpoint(
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getAllKubernetesIngressControllers").Msg("Unable to store found IngressClasses inside the database")
return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to store found IngressClasses inside the database", err)
// If the allowedOnly query parameter was set. We need to prune out
// disallowed controllers from the response.
if allowedOnly {
allowedControllers := models.K8sIngressControllers{}
for _, controller := range controllers {
if controller.Availability {
allowedControllers = append(allowedControllers, controller)
controllers = allowedControllers
return response.JSON(w, controllers)
// @id GetKubernetesIngressControllersByNamespace
// @summary Get a list ingress controllers by namespace
// @description Get a list of ingress controllers for the given environment in the provided namespace.
// @description **Access policy**: Authenticated user.
// @tags kubernetes
// @security ApiKeyAuth || jwt
// @produce json
// @param id path int true "Environment identifier"
// @param namespace path string true "Namespace"
// @success 200 {object} models.K8sIngressControllers "Success"
// @failure 400 "Invalid request payload, such as missing required fields or fields not meeting validation criteria."
// @failure 401 "Unauthorized access - the user is not authenticated or does not have the necessary permissions. Ensure that you have provided a valid API key or JWT token, and that you have the required permissions."
// @failure 403 "Permission denied - the user is authenticated but does not have the necessary permissions to access the requested resource or perform the specified operation. Check your user roles and permissions."
// @failure 404 "Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier or a namespace with the specified name."
// @failure 500 "Server error occurred while attempting to retrieve ingress controllers by a namespace"
// @router /kubernetes/{id}/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresscontrollers [get]
func (handler *Handler) getKubernetesIngressControllersByNamespace(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *httperror.HandlerError {
endpointID, err := request.RetrieveNumericRouteVariableValue(r, "id")
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getKubernetesIngressControllersByNamespace").Msg("Unable to retrieve environment identifier from request")
return httperror.BadRequest("Unable to retrieve environment identifier from request", err)
endpoint, err := handler.DataStore.Endpoint().Endpoint(portainer.EndpointID(endpointID))
if err != nil {
if handler.DataStore.IsErrObjectNotFound(err) {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getKubernetesIngressControllersByNamespace").Msg("Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier inside the database")
return httperror.NotFound("Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier inside the database", err)
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getKubernetesIngressControllersByNamespace").Msg("Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier inside the database")
return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier inside the database", err)
cli, err := handler.KubernetesClientFactory.GetPrivilegedKubeClient(endpoint)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getAllKubernetesIngressControllers").Msg("Unable to create Kubernetes client")
return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to create Kubernetes client", err)
namespace, err := request.RetrieveRouteVariableValue(r, "namespace")
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getKubernetesIngressControllersByNamespace").Msg("Unable to retrieve namespace from request")
return httperror.BadRequest("Unable to retrieve namespace from request", err)
currentControllers, err := cli.GetIngressControllers()
if err != nil {
if k8serrors.IsUnauthorized(err) || k8serrors.IsForbidden(err) {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getKubernetesIngressControllersByNamespace").Str("namespace", namespace).Msg("Unauthorized access to the Kubernetes API")
return httperror.Forbidden("Unauthorized access to the Kubernetes API", err)
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getKubernetesIngressControllersByNamespace").Str("namespace", namespace).Msg("Unable to retrieve ingress controllers from the Kubernetes")
return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to retrieve ingress controllers from the Kubernetes", err)
// Add none controller if "AllowNone" is set for endpoint.
if endpoint.Kubernetes.Configuration.AllowNoneIngressClass {
currentControllers = append(currentControllers, models.K8sIngressController{
Name: "none",
ClassName: "none",
Type: "custom",
kubernetesConfig := endpoint.Kubernetes.Configuration
existingClasses := kubernetesConfig.IngressClasses
ingressAvailabilityPerNamespace := kubernetesConfig.IngressAvailabilityPerNamespace
updatedClasses := []portainer.KubernetesIngressClassConfig{}
controllers := models.K8sIngressControllers{}
for i := range currentControllers {
globallyblocked := false
currentControllers[i].Availability = true
if currentControllers[i].ClassName != "none" {
currentControllers[i].New = true
updatedClass := portainer.KubernetesIngressClassConfig{
Name: currentControllers[i].ClassName,
Type: currentControllers[i].Type,
// Check if the controller is blocked globally or in the current
// namespace.
for _, existingClass := range existingClasses {
if currentControllers[i].ClassName != existingClass.Name {
currentControllers[i].New = false
updatedClass.GloballyBlocked = existingClass.GloballyBlocked
updatedClass.BlockedNamespaces = existingClass.BlockedNamespaces
globallyblocked = existingClass.GloballyBlocked
// Check if the current namespace is blocked if ingressAvailabilityPerNamespace is set to true
if ingressAvailabilityPerNamespace {
for _, ns := range existingClass.BlockedNamespaces {
if namespace == ns {
currentControllers[i].Availability = false
if !globallyblocked {
controllers = append(controllers, currentControllers[i])
updatedClasses = append(updatedClasses, updatedClass)
// Update the database to match the list of found controllers.
// This includes pruning out controllers which no longer exist.
endpoint.Kubernetes.Configuration.IngressClasses = updatedClasses
err = handler.DataStore.Endpoint().UpdateEndpoint(portainer.EndpointID(endpointID), endpoint)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getKubernetesIngressControllersByNamespace").Msg("Unable to store found IngressClasses inside the database")
return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to store found IngressClasses inside the database", err)
return response.JSON(w, controllers)
// @id UpdateKubernetesIngressControllers
// @summary Update (block/unblock) ingress controllers
// @description Update (block/unblock) ingress controllers for the provided environment.
// @description **Access policy**: Authenticated user.
// @tags kubernetes
// @security ApiKeyAuth || jwt
// @accept json
// @produce json
// @param id path int true "Environment identifier"
// @param body body models.K8sIngressControllers true "Ingress controllers"
// @success 204 "Success"
// @failure 400 "Invalid request payload, such as missing required fields or fields not meeting validation criteria."
// @failure 401 "Unauthorized access - the user is not authenticated or does not have the necessary permissions. Ensure that you have provided a valid API key or JWT token, and that you have the required permissions."
// @failure 403 "Permission denied - the user is authenticated but does not have the necessary permissions to access the requested resource or perform the specified operation. Check your user roles and permissions."
// @failure 404 "Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier or unable to find the ingress controllers to update."
// @failure 500 "Server error occurred while attempting to update ingress controllers."
// @router /kubernetes/{id}/ingresscontrollers [put]
func (handler *Handler) updateKubernetesIngressControllers(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *httperror.HandlerError {
endpointID, err := request.RetrieveNumericRouteVariableValue(r, "id")
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "updateKubernetesIngressControllers").Msg("Unable to retrieve environment identifier from request")
return httperror.BadRequest("Unable to retrieve environment identifier from request", err)
endpoint, err := handler.DataStore.Endpoint().Endpoint(portainer.EndpointID(endpointID))
if err != nil {
if handler.DataStore.IsErrObjectNotFound(err) {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "updateKubernetesIngressControllers").Msg("Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier inside the database")
return httperror.NotFound("Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier inside the database", err)
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "updateKubernetesIngressControllers").Msg("Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier inside the database")
return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier inside the database", err)
payload := models.K8sIngressControllers{}
err = request.DecodeAndValidateJSONPayload(r, &payload)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "updateKubernetesIngressControllers").Msg("Unable to decode and validate the request payload")
return httperror.BadRequest("Unable to decode and validate the request payload", err)
cli, err := handler.KubernetesClientFactory.GetPrivilegedKubeClient(endpoint)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "updateKubernetesIngressControllers").Msg("Unable to get privileged kube client")
return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to get privileged kube client", err)
existingClasses := endpoint.Kubernetes.Configuration.IngressClasses
controllers, err := cli.GetIngressControllers()
if err != nil {
if k8serrors.IsUnauthorized(err) || k8serrors.IsForbidden(err) {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "updateKubernetesIngressControllers").Msg("Unauthorized access to the Kubernetes API")
return httperror.Forbidden("Unauthorized access to the Kubernetes API", err)
if k8serrors.IsNotFound(err) {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "updateKubernetesIngressControllers").Msg("Unable to retrieve ingress controllers from the Kubernetes")
return httperror.NotFound("Unable to retrieve ingress controllers from the Kubernetes", err)
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "updateKubernetesIngressControllers").Msg("Unable to retrieve ingress controllers from the Kubernetes")
return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to retrieve ingress controllers from the Kubernetes", err)
// Add none controller if "AllowNone" is set for endpoint.
if endpoint.Kubernetes.Configuration.AllowNoneIngressClass {
controllers = append(controllers, models.K8sIngressController{
Name: "none",
ClassName: "none",
Type: "custom",
updatedClasses := []portainer.KubernetesIngressClassConfig{}
for i := range controllers {
controllers[i].Availability = true
controllers[i].New = true
updatedClass := portainer.KubernetesIngressClassConfig{
Name: controllers[i].ClassName,
Type: controllers[i].Type,
// Check if the controller is already known.
for _, existingClass := range existingClasses {
if controllers[i].ClassName != existingClass.Name {
controllers[i].New = false
controllers[i].Availability = !existingClass.GloballyBlocked
updatedClass.GloballyBlocked = existingClass.GloballyBlocked
updatedClass.BlockedNamespaces = existingClass.BlockedNamespaces
updatedClasses = append(updatedClasses, updatedClass)
for _, p := range payload {
for i := range controllers {
// Now set new payload data
if updatedClasses[i].Name == p.ClassName {
updatedClasses[i].GloballyBlocked = !p.Availability
endpoint.Kubernetes.Configuration.IngressClasses = updatedClasses
err = handler.DataStore.Endpoint().UpdateEndpoint(
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "updateKubernetesIngressControllers").Msg("Unable to store found IngressClasses inside the database")
return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to store found IngressClasses inside the database", err)
return response.Empty(w)
// @id UpdateKubernetesIngressControllersByNamespace
// @summary Update (block/unblock) ingress controllers by namespace
// @description Update (block/unblock) ingress controllers by namespace for the provided environment.
// @description **Access policy**: Authenticated user.
// @tags kubernetes
// @security ApiKeyAuth || jwt
// @accept json
// @produce json
// @param id path int true "Environment identifier"
// @param namespace path string true "Namespace name"
// @param body body models.K8sIngressControllers true "Ingress controllers"
// @success 204 "Success"
// @failure 400 "Invalid request payload, such as missing required fields or fields not meeting validation criteria."
// @failure 401 "Unauthorized access - the user is not authenticated or does not have the necessary permissions. Ensure that you have provided a valid API key or JWT token, and that you have the required permissions."
// @failure 403 "Permission denied - the user is authenticated but does not have the necessary permissions to access the requested resource or perform the specified operation. Check your user roles and permissions."
// @failure 404 "Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier."
// @failure 500 "Server error occurred while attempting to update ingress controllers by namespace."
// @router /kubernetes/{id}/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresscontrollers [put]
func (handler *Handler) updateKubernetesIngressControllersByNamespace(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *httperror.HandlerError {
endpoint, err := middlewares.FetchEndpoint(r)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "updateKubernetesIngressControllersByNamespace").Msg("Unable to fetch endpoint")
return httperror.NotFound("Unable to fetch endpoint", err)
namespace, err := request.RetrieveRouteVariableValue(r, "namespace")
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "updateKubernetesIngressControllersByNamespace").Msg("Unable to retrieve namespace from request")
return httperror.BadRequest("Unable to retrieve namespace from request", err)
payload := models.K8sIngressControllers{}
err = request.DecodeAndValidateJSONPayload(r, &payload)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "updateKubernetesIngressControllersByNamespace").Str("namespace", namespace).Msg("Unable to decode and validate the request payload")
return httperror.BadRequest("Unable to decode and validate the request payload", err)
existingClasses := endpoint.Kubernetes.Configuration.IngressClasses
updatedClasses := []portainer.KubernetesIngressClassConfig{}
for _, p := range payload {
for _, existingClass := range existingClasses {
if p.ClassName != existingClass.Name {
updatedClass := portainer.KubernetesIngressClassConfig{
Name: existingClass.Name,
Type: existingClass.Type,
GloballyBlocked: existingClass.GloballyBlocked,
// Handle "allow"
2022-10-14 21:09:07 +00:00
if p.Availability {
// remove the namespace from the list of blocked namespaces
// in the existingClass.
for _, blockedNS := range existingClass.BlockedNamespaces {
if blockedNS != namespace {
updatedClass.BlockedNamespaces = append(updatedClass.BlockedNamespaces, blockedNS)
updatedClasses = append(updatedClasses, updatedClass)
continue PayloadLoop
// Handle "disallow"
// If it's meant to be blocked we need to add the current
// namespace. First, check if it's already in the
// BlockedNamespaces and if not we append it.
updatedClass.BlockedNamespaces = existingClass.BlockedNamespaces
for _, ns := range updatedClass.BlockedNamespaces {
if namespace == ns {
updatedClasses = append(updatedClasses, updatedClass)
continue PayloadLoop
updatedClass.BlockedNamespaces = append(updatedClass.BlockedNamespaces, namespace)
updatedClasses = append(updatedClasses, updatedClass)
// At this point it's possible we had an existing class which was globally
// blocked and thus not included in the payload. As a result it is not yet
// part of updatedClasses, but we MUST include it or we would remove the
// global block.
for _, existingClass := range existingClasses {
found := false
for _, updatedClass := range updatedClasses {
if existingClass.Name == updatedClass.Name {
found = true
if !found {
updatedClasses = append(updatedClasses, existingClass)
endpoint.Kubernetes.Configuration.IngressClasses = updatedClasses
err = handler.DataStore.Endpoint().UpdateEndpoint(endpoint.ID, endpoint)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "updateKubernetesIngressControllersByNamespace").Str("namespace", namespace).Msg("Unable to store BlockedIngressClasses inside the database")
return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to store BlockedIngressClasses inside the database", err)
return response.Empty(w)
// @id GetAllKubernetesClusterIngresses
// @summary Get kubernetes ingresses at the cluster level
// @description Get kubernetes ingresses at the cluster level for the provided environment.
// @description **Access policy**: Authenticated user.
// @tags kubernetes
// @security ApiKeyAuth || jwt
// @produce json
// @param id path int true "Environment identifier"
// @param withServices query boolean false "Lookup services associated with each ingress"
// @success 200 {array} models.K8sIngressInfo "Success"
// @failure 400 "Invalid request payload, such as missing required fields or fields not meeting validation criteria."
// @failure 401 "Unauthorized access - the user is not authenticated or does not have the necessary permissions. Ensure that you have provided a valid API key or JWT token, and that you have the required permissions."
// @failure 403 "Permission denied - the user is authenticated but does not have the necessary permissions to access the requested resource or perform the specified operation. Check your user roles and permissions."
// @failure 404 "Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier."
// @failure 500 "Server error occurred while attempting to retrieve ingresses."
// @router /kubernetes/{id}/ingresses [get]
func (handler *Handler) GetAllKubernetesClusterIngresses(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *httperror.HandlerError {
ingresses, err := handler.getKubernetesClusterIngresses(r)
if err != nil {
return err
return response.JSON(w, ingresses)
// @id GetAllKubernetesClusterIngressesCount
// @summary Get Ingresses count
// @description Get the number of kubernetes ingresses within the given environment.
// @description **Access policy**: Authenticated user.
// @tags kubernetes
// @security ApiKeyAuth || jwt
// @produce json
// @param id path int true "Environment identifier"
// @success 200 {integer} integer "Success"
// @failure 400 "Invalid request payload, such as missing required fields or fields not meeting validation criteria."
// @failure 401 "Unauthorized access - the user is not authenticated or does not have the necessary permissions. Ensure that you have provided a valid API key or JWT token, and that you have the required permissions."
// @failure 403 "Permission denied - the user is authenticated but does not have the necessary permissions to access the requested resource or perform the specified operation. Check your user roles and permissions."
// @failure 404 "Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier."
// @failure 500 "Server error occurred while attempting to retrieve ingresses count."
// @router /kubernetes/{id}/ingresses/count [get]
func (handler *Handler) getAllKubernetesClusterIngressesCount(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *httperror.HandlerError {
ingresses, err := handler.getKubernetesClusterIngresses(r)
if err != nil {
return err
return response.JSON(w, len(ingresses))
func (handler *Handler) getKubernetesClusterIngresses(r *http.Request) ([]models.K8sIngressInfo, *httperror.HandlerError) {
withServices, err := request.RetrieveBooleanQueryParameter(r, "withServices", true)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getKubernetesClusterIngresses").Msg("Unable to retrieve withApplications query parameter")
return nil, httperror.BadRequest("Unable to retrieve withApplications query parameter", err)
cli, httpErr := handler.prepareKubeClient(r)
if httpErr != nil {
log.Error().Err(httpErr).Str("context", "getKubernetesClusterIngresses").Msg("Unable to get a Kubernetes client for the user")
return nil, httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to get a Kubernetes client for the user", httpErr)
ingresses, err := cli.GetIngresses("")
if err != nil {
if k8serrors.IsUnauthorized(err) || k8serrors.IsForbidden(err) {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getKubernetesClusterIngresses").Msg("Unauthorized access to the Kubernetes API")
return nil, httperror.Forbidden("Unauthorized access to the Kubernetes API", err)
if k8serrors.IsNotFound(err) {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getKubernetesClusterIngresses").Msg("Unable to retrieve ingresses from the Kubernetes for a cluster level user")
return nil, httperror.NotFound("Unable to retrieve ingresses from the Kubernetes for a cluster level user", err)
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getKubernetesClusterIngresses").Msg("Unable to retrieve ingresses from the Kubernetes for a cluster level user")
return nil, httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to retrieve ingresses from the Kubernetes for a cluster level user", err)
if withServices {
ingressesWithServices, err := cli.CombineIngressesWithServices(ingresses)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getKubernetesClusterIngresses").Msg("Unable to combine ingresses with services")
return nil, httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to combine ingresses with services", err)
return ingressesWithServices, nil
return ingresses, nil
// @id GetAllKubernetesIngresses
// @summary Get a list of Ingresses
// @description Get a list of Ingresses. If namespace is provided, it will return the list of Ingresses in that namespace.
// @description **Access policy**: Authenticated user.
// @tags kubernetes
// @security ApiKeyAuth || jwt
// @produce json
// @param id path int true "Environment identifier"
// @param namespace path string true "Namespace name"
// @success 200 {array} models.K8sIngressInfo "Success"
// @failure 400 "Invalid request payload, such as missing required fields or fields not meeting validation criteria."
// @failure 401 "Unauthorized access - the user is not authenticated or does not have the necessary permissions. Ensure that you have provided a valid API key or JWT token, and that you have the required permissions."
// @failure 403 "Permission denied - the user is authenticated but does not have the necessary permissions to access the requested resource or perform the specified operation. Check your user roles and permissions."
// @failure 404 "Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier."
// @failure 500 "Server error occurred while attempting to retrieve ingresses"
// @router /kubernetes/{id}/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresses [get]
func (handler *Handler) getKubernetesIngresses(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *httperror.HandlerError {
namespace, err := request.RetrieveRouteVariableValue(r, "namespace")
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getKubernetesIngresses").Msg("Unable to retrieve namespace from request")
return httperror.BadRequest("Unable to retrieve namespace from request", err)
cli, handlerErr := handler.getProxyKubeClient(r)
if handlerErr != nil {
return handlerErr
ingresses, err := cli.GetIngresses(namespace)
if err != nil {
if k8serrors.IsUnauthorized(err) || k8serrors.IsForbidden(err) {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getKubernetesIngresses").Str("namespace", namespace).Msg("Unauthorized access to the Kubernetes API")
return httperror.Forbidden("Unauthorized access to the Kubernetes API", err)
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getKubernetesIngresses").Str("namespace", namespace).Msg("Unable to retrieve ingresses from the Kubernetes for a namespace level user")
return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to retrieve ingresses from the Kubernetes for a namespace level user", err)
return response.JSON(w, ingresses)
// @id GetKubernetesIngress
// @summary Get an Ingress by name
// @description Get an Ingress by name for the provided environment.
// @description **Access policy**: Authenticated user.
// @tags kubernetes
// @security ApiKeyAuth || jwt
// @produce json
// @param id path int true "Environment identifier"
// @param namespace path string true "Namespace name"
// @param ingress path string true "Ingress name"
// @success 200 {object} models.K8sIngressInfo "Success"
// @failure 400 "Invalid request payload, such as missing required fields or fields not meeting validation criteria."
// @failure 401 "Unauthorized access - the user is not authenticated or does not have the necessary permissions. Ensure that you have provided a valid API key or JWT token, and that you have the required permissions."
// @failure 403 "Permission denied - the user is authenticated but does not have the necessary permissions to access the requested resource or perform the specified operation. Check your user roles and permissions."
// @failure 404 "Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier or unable to find an ingress with the specified name."
// @failure 500 "Server error occurred while attempting to retrieve an ingress."
// @router /kubernetes/{id}/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresses/{ingress} [get]
func (handler *Handler) getKubernetesIngress(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *httperror.HandlerError {
namespace, err := request.RetrieveRouteVariableValue(r, "namespace")
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getKubernetesIngress").Msg("Unable to retrieve namespace from request")
return httperror.BadRequest("Unable to retrieve namespace from request", err)
ingressName, err := request.RetrieveRouteVariableValue(r, "ingress")
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getKubernetesIngress").Msg("Unable to retrieve ingress from request")
return httperror.BadRequest("Unable to retrieve ingress from request", err)
cli, handlerErr := handler.getProxyKubeClient(r)
if handlerErr != nil {
return handlerErr
ingress, err := cli.GetIngress(namespace, ingressName)
if err != nil {
if k8serrors.IsUnauthorized(err) || k8serrors.IsForbidden(err) {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getKubernetesIngress").Str("namespace", namespace).Str("ingress", ingressName).Msg("Unauthorized access to the Kubernetes API")
return httperror.Forbidden("Unauthorized access to the Kubernetes API", err)
if k8serrors.IsNotFound(err) {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getKubernetesIngress").Str("namespace", namespace).Str("ingress", ingressName).Msg("Unable to retrieve ingress from the Kubernetes for a namespace level user")
return httperror.NotFound("Unable to retrieve ingress from the Kubernetes for a namespace level user", err)
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "getKubernetesIngress").Str("namespace", namespace).Str("ingress", ingressName).Msg("Unable to retrieve ingress from the Kubernetes for a namespace level user")
return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to retrieve ingress from the Kubernetes for a namespace level user", err)
return response.JSON(w, ingress)
// @id CreateKubernetesIngress
// @summary Create an Ingress
// @description Create an Ingress for the provided environment.
// @description **Access policy**: Authenticated user.
// @tags kubernetes
// @security ApiKeyAuth || jwt
// @accept json
// @produce json
// @param id path int true "Environment identifier"
// @param namespace path string true "Namespace name"
// @param body body models.K8sIngressInfo true "Ingress details"
// @success 204 "Success"
// @failure 400 "Invalid request payload, such as missing required fields or fields not meeting validation criteria."
// @failure 401 "Unauthorized access - the user is not authenticated or does not have the necessary permissions. Ensure that you have provided a valid API key or JWT token, and that you have the required permissions."
// @failure 403 "Permission denied - the user is authenticated but does not have the necessary permissions to access the requested resource or perform the specified operation. Check your user roles and permissions."
// @failure 404 "Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier."
// @failure 409 "Conflict - an ingress with the same name already exists in the specified namespace."
// @failure 500 "Server error occurred while attempting to create an ingress."
// @router /kubernetes/{id}/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresses [post]
func (handler *Handler) createKubernetesIngress(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *httperror.HandlerError {
namespace, err := request.RetrieveRouteVariableValue(r, "namespace")
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "createKubernetesIngress").Msg("Unable to retrieve namespace from request")
return httperror.BadRequest("Unable to retrieve namespace from request", err)
payload := models.K8sIngressInfo{}
err = request.DecodeAndValidateJSONPayload(r, &payload)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "createKubernetesIngress").Msg("Unable to decode and validate the request payload")
return httperror.BadRequest("Unable to decode and validate the request payload", err)
owner := "admin"
tokenData, err := security.RetrieveTokenData(r)
if err == nil && tokenData != nil {
owner = tokenData.Username
cli, handlerErr := handler.getProxyKubeClient(r)
if handlerErr != nil {
return handlerErr
err = cli.CreateIngress(namespace, payload, owner)
if err != nil {
if k8serrors.IsUnauthorized(err) || k8serrors.IsForbidden(err) {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "createKubernetesIngress").Str("namespace", namespace).Msg("Unauthorized access to the Kubernetes API")
return httperror.Forbidden("Unauthorized access to the Kubernetes API", err)
if k8serrors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "createKubernetesIngress").Str("namespace", namespace).Msg("Ingress already exists")
return httperror.Conflict("Ingress already exists", err)
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "createKubernetesIngress").Str("namespace", namespace).Msg("Unable to create an ingress")
return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to create an ingress", err)
return response.Empty(w)
// @id DeleteKubernetesIngresses
// @summary Delete one or more Ingresses
// @description Delete one or more Ingresses in the provided environment.
// @description **Access policy**: Authenticated user.
// @tags kubernetes
// @security ApiKeyAuth || jwt
// @accept json
// @produce json
// @param id path int true "Environment identifier"
// @param body body models.K8sIngressDeleteRequests true "Ingress details"
// @success 204 "Success"
// @failure 400 "Invalid request payload, such as missing required fields or fields not meeting validation criteria."
// @failure 401 "Unauthorized access - the user is not authenticated or does not have the necessary permissions. Ensure that you have provided a valid API key or JWT token, and that you have the required permissions."
// @failure 403 "Permission denied - the user is authenticated but does not have the necessary permissions to access the requested resource or perform the specified operation. Check your user roles and permissions."
// @failure 404 "Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier or unable to find a specific ingress."
// @failure 500 "Server error occurred while attempting to delete specified ingresses."
// @router /kubernetes/{id}/ingresses/delete [post]
func (handler *Handler) deleteKubernetesIngresses(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *httperror.HandlerError {
cli, handlerErr := handler.getProxyKubeClient(r)
if handlerErr != nil {
return handlerErr
payload := models.K8sIngressDeleteRequests{}
err := request.DecodeAndValidateJSONPayload(r, &payload)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "deleteKubernetesIngresses").Msg("Unable to decode and validate the request payload")
return httperror.BadRequest("Unable to decode and validate the request payload", err)
err = cli.DeleteIngresses(payload)
if err != nil {
if k8serrors.IsUnauthorized(err) || k8serrors.IsForbidden(err) {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "deleteKubernetesIngresses").Msg("Unauthorized access to the Kubernetes API")
return httperror.Forbidden("Unauthorized access to the Kubernetes API", err)
if k8serrors.IsNotFound(err) {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "deleteKubernetesIngresses").Msg("Unable to retrieve ingresses from the Kubernetes for a namespace level user")
return httperror.NotFound("Unable to retrieve ingresses from the Kubernetes for a namespace level user", err)
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "deleteKubernetesIngresses").Msg("Unable to delete ingresses")
return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to delete ingresses", err)
return response.Empty(w)
// @id UpdateKubernetesIngress
// @summary Update an Ingress
// @description Update an Ingress for the provided environment.
// @description **Access policy**: Authenticated user.
// @tags kubernetes
// @security ApiKeyAuth || jwt
// @accept json
// @produce json
// @param id path int true "Environment identifier"
// @param namespace path string true "Namespace name"
// @param body body models.K8sIngressInfo true "Ingress details"
// @success 204 "Success"
// @failure 400 "Invalid request payload, such as missing required fields or fields not meeting validation criteria."
// @failure 401 "Unauthorized access - the user is not authenticated or does not have the necessary permissions. Ensure that you have provided a valid API key or JWT token, and that you have the required permissions."
// @failure 403 "Permission denied - the user is authenticated but does not have the necessary permissions to access the requested resource or perform the specified operation. Check your user roles and permissions."
// @failure 404 "Unable to find an environment with the specified identifier or unable to find the specified ingress."
// @failure 500 "Server error occurred while attempting to update the specified ingress."
// @router /kubernetes/{id}/namespaces/{namespace}/ingresses [put]
func (handler *Handler) updateKubernetesIngress(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *httperror.HandlerError {
namespace, err := request.RetrieveRouteVariableValue(r, "namespace")
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "updateKubernetesIngress").Msg("Unable to retrieve namespace from request")
return httperror.BadRequest("Unable to retrieve namespace from request", err)
payload := models.K8sIngressInfo{}
err = request.DecodeAndValidateJSONPayload(r, &payload)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "updateKubernetesIngress").Msg("Unable to decode and validate the request payload")
return httperror.BadRequest("Unable to decode and validate the request payload", err)
cli, handlerErr := handler.getProxyKubeClient(r)
if handlerErr != nil {
return handlerErr
err = cli.UpdateIngress(namespace, payload)
if err != nil {
if k8serrors.IsUnauthorized(err) || k8serrors.IsForbidden(err) {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "updateKubernetesIngress").Str("namespace", namespace).Msg("Unauthorized access to the Kubernetes API")
return httperror.Forbidden("Unauthorized access to the Kubernetes API", err)
if k8serrors.IsNotFound(err) {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "updateKubernetesIngress").Str("namespace", namespace).Msg("Unable to retrieve ingresses from the K ubernetes for a namespace level user")
return httperror.NotFound("Unable to retrieve ingresses from the Kubernetes for a namespace level user", err)
log.Error().Err(err).Str("context", "updateKubernetesIngress").Str("namespace", namespace).Msg("Unable to update ingress in a namespace")
return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to update ingress in a namespace", err)
return response.Empty(w)