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77 lines
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# = Define: php::augeas
# Manage php.ini through augeas
# Here's an example how to find the augeas path to a variable:
# # augtool --noload
# augtool> rm /augeas/load
# rm : /augeas/load 781
# augtool> set /augeas/load/myfile/lens @PHP
# augtool> set /augeas/load/myfile/incl /usr/local/etc/php5/cgi/php.ini
# augtool> load
# augtool> print
# ...
# /files/usr/local/etc/php5/cgi/php.ini/soap/soap.wsdl_cache_limit = "5"
# /files/usr/local/etc/php5/cgi/php.ini/ldap/ldap.max_links = "-1"
# ...
# augtool> exit
# #
# The part after 'php.ini/' is what you need to use as 'entry'.
# == Parameters
# [*entry*]
# Augeas path to entry to be modified.
# [*ensure*]
# Standard puppet ensure variable
# [*target*]
# Which php.ini to manipulate. Default is $php::config_file
# [*value*]
# Value to set
# == Examples
# php::augeas {
# 'php-memorylimit':
# entry => 'PHP/memory_limit',
# value => '128M';
# 'php-error_log':
# entry => 'PHP/error_log',
# ensure => absent;
# 'php-sendmail_path':
# entry => 'mail function/sendmail_path',
# value => '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f info@example.com';
# 'php-date_timezone':
# entry => 'Date/date.timezone',
# value => 'Europe/Amsterdam';
# }
define php::augeas (
$ensure = present,
$target = $php::config_file,
$value = '',
) {
include php
$service = $php::service
$changes = $ensure ? {
present => [ "set '${entry}' '${value}'" ],
absent => [ "rm '${entry}'" ],
augeas { "php_ini-${name}":
incl => $target,
lens => 'Php.lns',
changes => $changes,