277 lines
9.0 KiB
277 lines
9.0 KiB
if $yaml_values == undef { $yaml_values = loadyaml('/vagrant/puphpet/config.yaml') }
if $nginx_values == undef { $nginx_values = $yaml_values['nginx'] }
if $php_values == undef { $php_values = hiera_hash('php', false) }
if $hhvm_values == undef { $hhvm_values = hiera_hash('hhvm', false) }
include puphpet::params
if hash_key_equals($nginx_values, 'install', 1) {
include nginx::params
-> Nginx::Resource::Vhost <| |>
class { 'puphpet::ssl_cert': }
$webroot_location = $puphpet::params::nginx_webroot_location
$nginx_provider_types = [
exec { "mkdir -p ${webroot_location}":
creates => $webroot_location,
if downcase($::provisioner_type) in $nginx_provider_types {
$webroot_location_group = 'www-data'
$vhost_docroot_group = undef
} else {
$webroot_location_group = undef
$vhost_docroot_group = 'www-user'
if ! defined(File[$webroot_location]) {
file { $webroot_location:
ensure => directory,
group => $webroot_location_group,
mode => 0775,
require => [
Exec["mkdir -p ${webroot_location}"],
if hash_key_equals($hhvm_values, 'install', 1) {
$fcgi_string = "${hhvm_values['settings']['port']}"
} elsif hash_key_equals($php_values, 'install', 1) {
$fcgi_string = ''
} else {
$fcgi_string = false
if $::osfamily == 'redhat' {
file { '/usr/share/nginx':
ensure => directory,
mode => 0775,
owner => 'www-data',
group => 'www-data',
require => Group['www-data'],
before => Package['nginx']
if hash_key_equals($hhvm_values, 'install', 1)
or hash_key_equals($php_values, 'install', 1)
$default_vhost = {
'server_name' => '_',
'server_aliases' => [],
'www_root' => '/var/www/html',
'proxy' => '',
'listen_port' => 80,
'location' => '\.php$',
'location_prepend' => [],
'location_append' => [],
'index_files' => ['index', 'index.html', 'index.htm', 'index.php'],
'envvars' => [],
'ssl' => '0',
'ssl_cert' => '',
'ssl_key' => '',
'engine' => 'php',
'client_max_body_size' => '1m'
} else {
$default_vhost = {
'server_name' => '_',
'server_aliases' => [],
'www_root' => '/var/www/html',
'proxy' => '',
'listen_port' => 80,
'location' => '/',
'location_prepend' => [],
'location_append' => [],
'index_files' => ['index', 'index.html', 'index.htm'],
'envvars' => [],
'ssl' => '0',
'ssl_cert' => '',
'ssl_key' => '',
'engine' => false,
'client_max_body_size' => '1m'
class { 'nginx': }
if hash_key_equals($nginx_values['settings'], 'default_vhost', 1) {
$nginx_vhosts = merge($nginx_values['vhosts'], {
'default' => $default_vhost,
if ! defined(File[$puphpet::params::nginx_default_conf_location]) {
file { $puphpet::params::nginx_default_conf_location:
ensure => absent,
require => Package['nginx'],
notify => Class['nginx::service'],
} else {
$nginx_vhosts = $nginx_values['vhosts']
if count($nginx_vhosts) > 0 {
each( $nginx_vhosts ) |$key, $vhost| {
if ! defined($vhost['proxy']) or $vhost['proxy'] == '' {
exec { "exec mkdir -p ${vhost['www_root']} @ key ${key}":
command => "mkdir -p ${vhost['www_root']}",
creates => $vhost['www_root'],
if ! defined(File[$vhost['www_root']]) {
file { $vhost['www_root']:
ensure => directory,
group => $vhost_docroot_group,
mode => 0765,
require => [
Exec["exec mkdir -p ${vhost['www_root']} @ key ${key}"],
if ! defined(Firewall["100 tcp/${vhost['listen_port']}"]) {
firewall { "100 tcp/${vhost['listen_port']}":
port => $vhost['listen_port'],
proto => tcp,
action => 'accept',
create_resources(nginx_vhost, $nginx_vhosts)
if ! defined(Firewall['100 tcp/443']) {
firewall { '100 tcp/443':
port => 443,
proto => tcp,
action => 'accept',
if is_hash($nginx_values['upstreams']) and count($nginx_values['upstreams']) > 0 {
notify{"Adding upstreams":}
create_resources(nginx_upstream, $nginx_values['upstreams'])
define nginx_vhost (
$server_aliases = [],
$location_prepend = [],
$location_append = [],
$envvars = [],
$ssl = false,
$ssl_cert = $puphpet::params::ssl_cert_location,
$ssl_key = $puphpet::params::ssl_key_location,
$ssl_port = '443',
$rewrite_to_https = false,
$spdy = $nginx::params::nx_spdy,
$engine = false,
$proxy = undef,
$client_max_body_size = '1m'
$merged_server_name = concat([$server_name], $server_aliases)
if is_array($index_files) and count($index_files) > 0 {
$try_files_prepend = $index_files[count($index_files) - 1]
} else {
$try_files_prepend = ''
if $engine == 'php' {
$try_files = "${try_files_prepend} /index.php\$is_args\$args"
$fastcgi_split_path_info = '^(.+\.php)(/.*)$'
$fastcgi_index = 'index.php'
$fastcgi_param = concat([
'SCRIPT_FILENAME $request_filename'
], $envvars)
$fastcgi_pass_hash = value_true($fcgi_string) ? { true => {'fastcgi_pass' => $fcgi_string}, default => {} }
} else {
$try_files = "${try_files_prepend} /index.html"
$fastcgi_split_path_info = '^(.+\.html)(/.+)$'
$fastcgi_index = 'index.html'
$fastcgi_param = $envvars
$fastcgi_pass_hash = {}
$ssl_set = value_true($ssl) ? { true => true, default => false, }
$ssl_cert_set = value_true($ssl_cert) ? { true => $ssl_cert, default => $puphpet::params::ssl_cert_location, }
$ssl_key_set = value_true($ssl_key) ? { true => $ssl_key, default => $puphpet::params::ssl_key_location, }
$ssl_port_set = value_true($ssl_port) ? { true => $ssl_port, default => '443', }
$rewrite_to_https_set = value_true($rewrite_to_https) ? { true => true, default => false, }
$spdy_set = value_true($spdy) ? { true => on, default => off, }
$www_root_set = value_true($proxy) ? { true => undef, default => $www_root, }
$location_cfg_append = merge({
'fastcgi_split_path_info' => $fastcgi_split_path_info,
'fastcgi_param' => $fastcgi_param,
'fastcgi_index' => $fastcgi_index,
'include' => 'fastcgi_params'
}, $fastcgi_pass_hash)
nginx::resource::vhost { $server_name:
server_name => $merged_server_name,
www_root => $www_root_set,
proxy => $proxy,
listen_port => $listen_port,
index_files => $index_files,
try_files => ['$uri', '$uri/', "${try_files}"],
ssl => $ssl_set,
ssl_cert => $ssl_cert_set,
ssl_key => $ssl_key_set,
ssl_port => $ssl_port_set,
rewrite_to_https => $rewrite_to_https_set,
spdy => $spdy_set,
vhost_cfg_append => {sendfile => 'off'},
client_max_body_size => $client_max_body_size
if $engine == 'php' and $www_root_set != undef {
nginx::resource::location { "${server_name}-php":
ensure => present,
vhost => $server_name,
location => "~ ${location}",
proxy => undef,
try_files => ['$uri', '$uri/', "/${try_files}\$is_args\$args"],
ssl => $ssl_set,
www_root => $www_root,
location_cfg_append => $location_cfg_append,
location_custom_cfg_prepend => $location_prepend,
location_custom_cfg_append => $location_append,
notify => Class['nginx::service'],
define nginx_upstream (
$fail_timeout = '10s',
$members = []
) {
$count = count($members);
notify{"Adding nginx upstream for ${name} with ${count} members.": withpath => true}
nginx::resource::upstream { $name:
upstream_fail_timeout => $fail_timeout,
members => $members