58 lines
1.5 KiB
58 lines
1.5 KiB
# Class: swap_file
# This class manages swapspace on a node.
# == Parameters
# [*ensure*]
# Allows creation or removal of swapspace and the corresponding file.
# [*swapfile*]
# Location of swapfile, defaults to /mnt
# [*swapfilesize*]
# Size of the swapfile as a string (eg. 10 MB, 1.2 GB).
# Defaults to $::memorysize fact on the node
# == Examples
# include swap_file
# class { 'swap_file':
# ensure => present,
# }
# class { 'swap_file':
# swapfile => '/mount/swapfile',
# swapfilesize => '100 MB',
# }
# == Authors
# @petems - Peter Souter
# @Yggdrasil
class swap_file (
$ensure = 'present',
$swapfile = '/mnt/swap.1',
$swapfilesize = $::memorysize,
) inherits swap_file::params {
$swapfilesize_mb = to_bytes($swapfilesize) / 1000000
if $ensure == 'present' {
exec { 'Create swap file':
command => "/bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=${swapfile} bs=1M count=${swapfilesize_mb}",
creates => $swapfile,
exec { 'Attach swap file':
command => "/sbin/mkswap ${swapfile} && /sbin/swapon ${swapfile}",
require => Exec['Create swap file'],
unless => "/sbin/swapon -s | grep ${swapfile}",
elsif $ensure == 'absent' {
exec { 'Detach swap file':
command => "/sbin/swapoff ${swapfile}",
onlyif => "/sbin/swapon -s | grep ${swapfile}",
file { $swapfile:
ensure => absent,
require => Exec['Detach swap file'],
} |