62 lines
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62 lines
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# Install the RVM system
class rvm::system(
$proxy_url=undef) {
class {'rvm::gpg':}
$actual_version = $version ? {
undef => 'latest',
'present' => 'latest',
default => $version,
# curl needs to be installed
if ! defined(Package['curl']) {
case $::kernel {
'Linux': {
Package['curl'] -> Exec['system-rvm']
default: {}
$proxy_environment = $proxy_url ? {
undef => undef,
default => [ "http_proxy=${proxy_url}" , "https_proxy=${proxy_url}" ],
exec { 'system-rvm-gpg-key':
command => 'gpg2 --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys D39DC0E3',
path => $::path,
environment => 'HOME=/root',
unless => 'gpg2 --list-keys D39DC0E3',
require => Class['::rvm::gpg']
} ->
exec { 'system-rvm':
path => '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin',
command => "/usr/bin/curl -fsSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s -- --version ${actual_version}",
creates => '/usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm',
environment => $proxy_environment,
# the fact won't work until rvm is installed before puppet starts
if !empty($::rvm_version) {
if ($version != undef) and ($version != present) and ($version != $::rvm_version) {
# Update the rvm installation to the version specified
notify { 'rvm-get_version':
message => "RVM updating from version ${::rvm_version} to ${version}",
exec { 'system-rvm-get':
path => '/usr/local/rvm/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin',
command => "rvm get ${version}",
before => Exec['system-rvm'], # so it doesn't run after being installed the first time
environment => $proxy_environment,
require => Notify['rvm-get_version'],