815 lines
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815 lines
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# = Define puppi::project::maven
# This is a shortcut define to build a puppi project for the
# deploy of war and tar files generated via Maven and published on
# a repository like Sonar.
# It uses different "core" defines (puppi::project, puppi:deploy (many),
# puppi::rollback (many)) to build a full featured template project for
# automatic deployments.
# If you need to customize it, either change the template defined here or
# build up your own custom ones.
# == Variables:
# [*source*]
# The full URL of the maven-metadata.xml file to retrieve.
# Format should be in URI standard (http:// file:// ssh:// rsync://).
# [*http_password*]
# The http_password to use for authentication to the source in case of http.
# [*http_user*]
# The http_user to use for authentication to the source in case of http.
# [*artifact_type*]
# The artifact_type to parse the maven-metadata.xml. Either "release", "latest" or
# a specific version (e.g. "2.5.0")
# Default is "release". With artifactory, don't use the
# "Maven Snapshot Version Behavior" "unique" for your repository.
# [*deploy_root*]
# The destination directory where file(s) are deployed.
# [*user*]
# (Optional) - The user to be used for deploy operations.
# [*war_suffix*]
# (Optional) - The suffix (Maven qualifier) that might be appended to the war
# [*zip_root*]
# (Optional) - The destination directory where the zip is unpacked
# [*zip_user*]
# (Optional) - The user to be used for deploy operations of the zip
# [*zip_suffix*]
# (Optional) - The suffix (Maven qualifier) that might be appended to the zip
# [*jar_root*]
# (Optional) - The destination directory where the jar is copied.
# If set a jar file is searched in Maven
# [*jar_user*]
# (Optional) - The user to be used for deploy operations of the jar
# (owner of the files deployed in $jar_root)
# [*jar_suffix*]
# (Optional) - The suffix (Maven qualifier) that might be appended to the jar
# [*document_root*]
# (Optional) - The destination directory where the eventual tarball generated
# via Maven containing static files ("src tar") is unpacked
# [*document_suffix*]
# (Optional) - The suffix (Maven qualifier) that might be appended to the
# static files tarballs ("src tar")
# [*document_init_source*]
# (Optional) - The full URL to be used to retrieve, for the first time, the
# project files present in the source tarball. They are copied to the
# $document_root. Format should be in URI standard (http:// file:// ...)
# [*document_user*]
# (Optional) - The user to be used for deploy operations of the tarball
# (owner of the files in $document_root)
# [*config_root*]
# (Optional) - The destination directory where the cfg tar is unpacked
# [*config_suffix*]
# (Optional) - The suffix (Maven qualifier) that might be appended to
# configuration tarballs ("cfg tar")
# [*config_init_source*]
# (Optional) - The full URL to be used to retrieve, for the first time, the
# project files present in the cfg tar. They are copied to the $config_root.
# Format should be in URI standard (http:// file:// ssh:// svn://)
# [*config_user*]
# (Optional) - The user to be used for deploy operations of cfg tar
# (owner of the files in $config_root)
# [*predeploy_customcommand*]
# (Optional) - Full path with arguments of an eventual custom command to
# execute before the deploy. The command is executed as $predeploy_user.
# [*predeploy_user*]
# (Optional) - The user to be used to execute the $predeploy_customcommand.
# By default is the same of $user.
# [*predeploy_priority*]
# (Optional) - The priority (execution sequence number) that defines when,
# during the deploy procedure, the $predeploy_customcommand is executed
# Default: 39 (immediately before the copy of files on the deploy root).
# [*postdeploy_customcommand*]
# (Optional) - Full path with arguments of an eventual custom command to
# execute after the deploy. The command is executed as $postdeploy_user.
# [*postdeploy_user*]
# (Optional) - The user to be used to execute the $postdeploy_customcommand.
# By default is the same of $user.
# [*postdeploy_priority*]
# (Optional) - The priority (execution sequence number) that defines when,
# during the deploy procedure, the $postdeploy_customcommand is executed
# Default: 41 (immediately after the copy of files on the deploy root).
# [*init_script*]
# (Optional - Obsolete) - The name (ex: tomcat) of the init script of your
# Application server. If you define it, the AS is stopped and then started
# during deploy. This option is deprecated, you can use $disable_services
# for the same functionality
# [*disable_services*]
# (Optional) - The names (space separated) of the services you might want to
# stop during deploy. By default is blank. Example: "apache puppet monit".
# [*firewall_src_ip*]
# (Optional) - The IP address of a loadbalancer you might want to block out
# during a deploy.
# [*firewall_dst_port*]
# (Optional) - The local port to block from the loadbalancer during deploy
# (Default all).
# [*firewall_delay*]
# (Optional) - A delay time in seconds to wait after the block of
# $firewall_src_ip. Should be at least as long as the loadbalancer check
# interval for the services stopped during deploy (Default: 1).
# [*report_email*]
# (Optional) - The (space separated) email(s) to notify of deploy/rollback
# operations. If none is specified, no email is sent.
# [*report_mongo*]
# (Optional) - A mongourl with optional user:password to report to. Append the
# database with a slash ("mongodb://user:password@mymongo.mydomain.com/theNameOfDb")
# [*backup_rsync_options*]
# (Optional) - The extra options to pass to rsync for backup operations. Use
# it, for example, to exclude directories that you don't want to archive.
# IE: "--exclude .snapshot --exclude cache --exclude www/cache".
# [*backup_retention*]
# (Optional) - Number of backup archives to keep. (Default 5).
# Lower the default value if your backups are too large and may fill up the
# filesystem.
# [*run_checks*]
# (Optional) - If you want to run local puppi checks before and after the
# deploy procedure. Default: "true".
# [*always_deploy*]
# (Optional) - If you always deploy what has been downloaded. Default="yes",
# if set to "no" a checksum is made between the files previously downloaded
# and the new files. If they are the same the deploy is not done.
# [*check_deploy*]
# (Optional) - Checks if the war is deployed (Default yes). Set to no if
# you deploy on Jboss or the deployed dir is different for the war filename
# [*auto_deploy*]
# (Optional) - If you want to automatically run this puppi deploy when
# Puppet runs. Default: 'false'
define puppi::project::maven (
$http_user = '',
$http_password = '',
$artifact_type = 'release',
$deploy_root = '',
$user = 'root',
$war_suffix = 'suffixnotset',
$zip_root = '',
$zip_user = '',
$zip_suffix = 'suffixnotset',
$jar_root = '',
$jar_user = '',
$jar_suffix = 'suffixnotset',
$document_root = '',
$document_user = '',
$document_suffix = 'suffixnotset',
$document_init_source = '',
$config_root = '',
$config_user = '',
$config_suffix = 'suffixnotset',
$config_init_source = '',
$predeploy_customcommand = '',
$predeploy_user = '',
$predeploy_priority = '39',
$postdeploy_customcommand = '',
$postdeploy_user = '',
$postdeploy_priority = '41',
$init_script = '',
$disable_services = '',
$firewall_src_ip = '',
$firewall_dst_port = '0',
$firewall_delay = '1',
$report_email = '',
$report_mongo = '',
$backup_rsync_options = '--exclude .snapshot',
$backup_retention = '5',
$run_checks = true,
$always_deploy = true,
$check_deploy = true,
$auto_deploy = false,
$enable = true ) {
require puppi
require puppi::params
# Set default values
$predeploy_real_user = $predeploy_user ? {
'' => $user,
default => $predeploy_user,
$postdeploy_real_user = $postdeploy_user ? {
'' => $user,
default => $postdeploy_user,
$config_real_user = $config_user ? {
'' => $user,
default => $config_user,
$document_real_user = $document_user ? {
'' => $user,
default => $document_user,
$jar_real_user = $jar_user ? {
'' => $user,
default => $jar_user,
$zip_real_user = $zip_user ? {
'' => $user,
default => $zip_user,
$real_always_deploy = any2bool($always_deploy) ? {
false => 'no',
true => 'yes',
$bool_run_checks = any2bool($run_checks)
$bool_check_deploy = any2bool($check_deploy)
$bool_auto_deploy = any2bool($auto_deploy)
puppi::project { $name:
enable => $enable ,
if ($document_init_source != '') {
puppi::initialize { "${name}-Deploy_Files":
priority => '40' ,
command => 'get_file.sh' ,
arguments => "-s ${document_init_source} -d ${deploy_root}" ,
user => $document_real_user ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($config_init_source != '') {
puppi::initialize { "${name}-Deploy_CFG_Files":
priority => '40' ,
command => 'get_file.sh' ,
arguments => "-s ${config_init_source} -d ${deploy_root}" ,
user => $config_real_user ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($bool_run_checks == true) {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Run_PRE-Checks":
priority => '10' ,
command => 'check_project.sh' ,
arguments => $name ,
user => 'root' ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
$metadata_arguments = $http_password ? {
'' => "-s ${source}/maven-metadata.xml -t maven-metadata -a ${real_always_deploy}",
default => "-s ${source}/maven-metadata.xml -t maven-metadata -a ${real_always_deploy} -u ${http_user} -p ${http_password}"
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Get_Maven_Metadata_File":
priority => '20' ,
command => 'get_file.sh' ,
arguments => $metadata_arguments,
user => 'root' ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Extract_Maven_Metadata":
priority => '22' ,
command => 'get_metadata.sh' ,
arguments => "-m ${document_suffix} -mc ${config_suffix} -mj ${jar_suffix} -mw ${war_suffix} -mz ${zip_suffix} -at ${artifact_type}" ,
user => 'root' ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
# Files retrieval
if ($deploy_root != '') {
$war_arguments = $http_password ? {
'' => "${source} warfile",
default => "-u ${http_user} -p ${http_password} ${source} warfile"
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Get_Maven_Files_WAR":
priority => '25' ,
command => 'get_maven_files.sh' ,
arguments => $war_arguments,
user => 'root' ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($jar_root != '') {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Get_Maven_Files_JAR":
priority => '25' ,
command => 'get_maven_files.sh' ,
arguments => "${source} jarfile" ,
user => 'root' ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($config_root != '') {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Get_Maven_Files_Config":
priority => '25' ,
command => 'get_maven_files.sh' ,
arguments => "${source} configfile" ,
user => 'root' ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($document_root != '') {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Get_Maven_Files_SRC":
priority => '25' ,
command => 'get_maven_files.sh' ,
arguments => "${source} srcfile" ,
user => 'root' ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($zip_root != '') {
$real_arguments = $http_password ? {
'' => "${source} zipfile",
default => "-u ${http_user} -p ${http_password} ${source} zipfile"
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Get_Maven_Files_ZIP":
priority => '25' ,
command => 'get_maven_files.sh' ,
arguments => $real_arguments,
user => 'root' ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($firewall_src_ip != '') {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Load_Balancer_Block":
priority => '30' ,
command => 'firewall.sh' ,
arguments => "${firewall_src_ip} ${firewall_dst_port} on ${firewall_delay}" ,
user => 'root',
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
# Existing files backup
if ($deploy_root != '') {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Backup_Existing_WAR":
priority => '30' ,
command => 'archive.sh' ,
arguments => "-b ${deploy_root} -t war -s move -m diff -o '${backup_rsync_options}' -n ${backup_retention}" ,
user => 'root' ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($jar_root != '') {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Backup_Existing_JAR":
priority => '30' ,
command => 'archive.sh' ,
arguments => "-b ${jar_root} -t jar -s move -m diff -o '${backup_rsync_options}' -n ${backup_retention}" ,
user => 'root' ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($config_root != '') {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Backup_Existing_ConfigDir":
priority => '30' ,
command => 'archive.sh' ,
arguments => "-b ${config_root} -t config -d predeploydir_configfile -o '${backup_rsync_options}' -n ${backup_retention}" ,
user => 'root' ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($document_root != '') {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Backup_Existing_DocumentDir":
priority => '30' ,
command => 'archive.sh' ,
arguments => "-b ${document_root} -t docroot -d predeploydir_configfile -o '${backup_rsync_options}' -n ${backup_retention}" ,
user => 'root' ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($zip_root != '') {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Backup_Existing_ZipDir":
priority => '30' ,
command => 'archive.sh' ,
arguments => "-b ${zip_root} -t ziproot -d predeploydir_zipfile -o '${backup_rsync_options}' -n ${backup_retention}" ,
user => 'root' ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($bool_check_deploy == true) and ($deploy_root != '') {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Check_undeploy":
priority => '31' ,
command => 'checkwardir.sh' ,
arguments => "-a ${deploy_root} -c deploy_warpath" ,
user => $user ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($disable_services != '') {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Disable_extra_services":
priority => '36' ,
command => 'service.sh' ,
arguments => "stop ${disable_services}" ,
user => 'root',
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($init_script != '') {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Service_stop":
priority => '38' ,
command => 'service.sh' ,
arguments => "stop ${init_script}" ,
user => 'root',
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($predeploy_customcommand != '') {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Run_Custom_PreDeploy_Script":
priority => $predeploy_priority ,
command => 'execute.sh' ,
arguments => $predeploy_customcommand ,
user => $predeploy_real_user ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
# Deploys
if ($deploy_root != '') {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Deploy_Maven_WAR":
priority => '40' ,
command => 'deploy.sh' ,
arguments => $deploy_root ,
user => $user ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($jar_root != '') {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Deploy_Maven_JAR":
priority => '40' ,
command => 'deploy.sh' ,
arguments => $jar_root ,
user => $jar_real_user ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($config_root != '') {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Deploy_ConfigDir":
priority => '40' ,
command => 'deploy.sh' ,
arguments => "${config_root} predeploydir_configfile" ,
user => $config_real_user ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($document_root != '') {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Deploy_DocumentDir":
priority => '40' ,
command => 'deploy.sh' ,
arguments => "${document_root} predeploydir_srcfile" ,
user => $document_real_user ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($zip_root != '') {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Deploy_Zip":
priority => '40' ,
command => 'deploy.sh' ,
arguments => "${zip_root} predeploydir_zipfile" ,
user => $zip_real_user ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($postdeploy_customcommand != '') {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Run_Custom_PostDeploy_Script":
priority => $postdeploy_priority ,
command => 'execute.sh' ,
arguments => $postdeploy_customcommand ,
user => $postdeploy_real_user ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($init_script != '') {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Service_start":
priority => '42' ,
command => 'service.sh' ,
arguments => "start ${init_script}" ,
user => 'root',
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($disable_services != '') {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Enable_extra_services":
priority => '44' ,
command => 'service.sh' ,
arguments => "start ${disable_services}" ,
user => 'root',
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($bool_check_deploy == true) and ($deploy_root != '') {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Check_deploy":
priority => '45' ,
command => 'checkwardir.sh' ,
arguments => "-p ${deploy_root} -c deploy_warpath" ,
user => $user ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($firewall_src_ip != '') {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Load_Balancer_Unblock":
priority => '46' ,
command => 'firewall.sh' ,
arguments => "${firewall_src_ip} ${firewall_dst_port} off 0" ,
user => 'root',
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($bool_run_checks == true) {
puppi::deploy { "${name}-Run_POST-Checks":
priority => '80' ,
command => 'check_project.sh' ,
arguments => $name ,
user => 'root' ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($firewall_src_ip != '') {
puppi::rollback { "${name}-Load_Balancer_Block":
priority => '25' ,
command => 'firewall.sh' ,
arguments => "${firewall_src_ip} ${firewall_dst_port} on ${firewall_delay}" ,
user => 'root',
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($disable_services != '') {
puppi::rollback { "${name}-Disable_extra_services":
priority => '37' ,
command => 'service.sh' ,
arguments => "stop ${disable_services}" ,
user => 'root',
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($init_script != '') {
puppi::rollback { "${name}-Service_stop":
priority => '38' ,
command => 'service.sh' ,
arguments => "stop ${init_script}" ,
user => 'root',
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($predeploy_customcommand != '') {
puppi::rollback { "${name}-Run_Custom_PreDeploy_Script":
priority => $predeploy_priority ,
command => 'execute.sh' ,
arguments => $predeploy_customcommand ,
user => $predeploy_real_user ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($deploy_root != '') {
puppi::rollback { "${name}-Recover_WAR":
priority => '40' ,
command => 'archive.sh' ,
arguments => "-r ${deploy_root} -t war -o '${backup_rsync_options}'" ,
user => $user ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($jar_root != '') {
puppi::rollback { "${name}-Recover_JAR":
priority => '40' ,
command => 'archive.sh' ,
arguments => "-r ${jar_root} -t jar -o '${backup_rsync_options}'" ,
user => $jar_real_user ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($config_root != '') {
puppi::rollback { "${name}-Recover_ConfigDir":
priority => '40' ,
command => 'archive.sh' ,
arguments => "-r ${config_root} -t config -o '${backup_rsync_options}'" ,
user => $config_real_user ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($document_root != '') {
puppi::rollback { "${name}-Recover_DocumentDir":
priority => '40' ,
command => 'archive.sh' ,
arguments => "-r ${document_root} -t docroot -o '${backup_rsync_options}'" ,
user => $document_real_user ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($postdeploy_customcommand != '') {
puppi::rollback { "${name}-Run_Custom_PostDeploy_Script":
priority => $postdeploy_priority ,
command => 'execute.sh' ,
arguments => $postdeploy_customcommand ,
user => $postdeploy_real_user ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($init_script != '') {
puppi::rollback { "${name}-Service_start":
priority => '42' ,
command => 'service.sh' ,
arguments => "start ${init_script}" ,
user => 'root',
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($disable_services != '') {
puppi::rollback { "${name}-Enable_extra_services":
priority => '44' ,
command => 'service.sh' ,
arguments => "start ${disable_services}" ,
user => 'root',
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($bool_check_deploy == true) {
puppi::rollback { "${name}-Check_deploy":
priority => '45' ,
command => 'checkwardir.sh' ,
arguments => "-p ${deploy_root} -c deploy_warpath" ,
user => $user ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($firewall_src_ip != '') {
puppi::rollback { "${name}-Load_Balancer_Unblock":
priority => '46' ,
command => 'firewall.sh' ,
arguments => "${firewall_src_ip} ${firewall_dst_port} off 0" ,
user => 'root',
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($bool_run_checks == true) {
puppi::rollback { "${name}-Run_POST-Checks":
priority => '80' ,
command => 'check_project.sh' ,
arguments => $name ,
user => 'root' ,
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($report_email != '') {
puppi::report { "${name}-Mail_Notification":
priority => '20' ,
command => 'report_mail.sh' ,
arguments => $report_email ,
user => 'root',
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($report_mongo != '') {
puppi::report { "${name}-Mongo_Store":
priority => '30' ,
command => 'report_mongo.sh' ,
arguments => $report_mongo ,
user => 'root',
project => $name ,
enable => $enable ,
if ($bool_auto_deploy == true) {
puppi::run { $name: }