38 lines
943 B
38 lines
943 B
# Define puppi::initialize
# This define creates a file with a initialize command that can be used locally.
# Usage:
# puppi::initialize { "Retrieve files":
# command => "get_file.sh",
# argument => "/remote/dir/file",
# priority => "10",
# user => "root",
# project => "spysite",
# }
define puppi::initialize (
$arguments = '',
$priority = '50',
$user = 'root',
$enable = true ) {
require puppi
require puppi::params
$ensure = bool2ensure($enable)
file { "${puppi::params::projectsdir}/${project}/initialize/${priority}-${name}":
ensure => $ensure,
mode => '0750',
owner => $puppi::params::configfile_owner,
group => $puppi::params::configfile_group,
require => Class['puppi'],
content => "su - ${user} -c \"export project=${project} && ${puppi::params::scriptsdir}/${command} ${arguments}\"\n",
tag => 'puppi_initialize',