133 lines
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133 lines
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# == Define: elasticsearch::service::init
# This class exists to coordinate all service management related actions,
# functionality and logical units in a central place.
# <b>Note:</b> "service" is the Puppet term and type for background processes
# in general and is used in a platform-independent way. E.g. "service" means
# "daemon" in relation to Unix-like systems.
# === Parameters
# This class does not provide any parameters.
# === Examples
# === Authors
# * Richard Pijnenburg <mailto:richard@ispavailability.com>
define elasticsearch::service::init{
#### Service management
# set params: in operation
if $elasticsearch::ensure == 'present' {
case $elasticsearch::status {
# make sure service is currently running, start it on boot
'enabled': {
$service_ensure = 'running'
$service_enable = true
# make sure service is currently stopped, do not start it on boot
'disabled': {
$service_ensure = 'stopped'
$service_enable = false
# make sure service is currently running, do not start it on boot
'running': {
$service_ensure = 'running'
$service_enable = false
# do not start service on boot, do not care whether currently running
# or not
'unmanaged': {
$service_ensure = undef
$service_enable = false
# unknown status
# note: don't forget to update the parameter check in init.pp if you
# add a new or change an existing status.
default: {
fail("\"${elasticsearch::status}\" is an unknown service status value")
# set params: removal
} else {
# make sure the service is stopped and disabled (the removal itself will be
# done by package.pp)
$service_ensure = 'stopped'
$service_enable = false
$notify_service = $elasticsearch::restart_on_change ? {
true => Service[$name],
false => undef,
if ( $elasticsearch::status != 'unmanaged' ) {
# defaults file content. Either from a hash or file
if ($elasticsearch::init_defaults_file != undef) {
$defaults_content = undef
$defaults_source = $elasticsearch::init_defaults_file
} elsif ($elasticsearch::init_defaults != undef and is_hash($elasticsearch::init_defaults) ) {
$defaults_content = template("${module_name}/etc/sysconfig/defaults.erb")
$defaults_source = undef
} else {
$defaults_content = undef
$defaults_source = undef
# Check if we are going to manage the defaults file.
if ( $defaults_content != undef or $defaults_source != undef ) {
file { "${elasticsearch::params::defaults_location}/${name}":
ensure => $elasticsearch::ensure,
source => $defaults_source,
content => $defaults_content,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
before => Service[$name],
notify => $notify_service
# init file from template
if ($elasticsearch::init_template != undef) {
file { "/etc/init.d/${name}":
ensure => $elasticsearch::ensure,
content => template($elasticsearch::init_template),
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
before => Service[$name],
notify => $notify_service
# action
service { $name:
ensure => $service_ensure,
enable => $service_enable,
name => $elasticsearch::params::service_name,
hasstatus => $elasticsearch::params::service_hasstatus,
hasrestart => $elasticsearch::params::service_hasrestart,
pattern => $elasticsearch::params::service_pattern,