97 lines
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97 lines
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# == Define: elasticsearch::plugin
# This define allows you to install arbitrary Elasticsearch plugins
# either by using the default repositories or by specifying an URL
# All default values are defined in the elasticsearch::params class.
# === Parameters
# [*module_dir*]
# Directory name where the module will be installed
# Value type is string
# Default value: None
# This variable is required
# [*ensure*]
# Whether the plugin will be installed or removed.
# Set to 'absent' to ensure a plugin is not installed
# Value type is string
# Default value: present
# This variable is optional
# [*url*]
# Specify an URL where to download the plugin from.
# Value type is string
# Default value: None
# This variable is optional
# === Examples
# # From official repository
# elasticsearch::plugin{'mobz/elasticsearch-head': module_dir => 'head'}
# # From custom url
# elasticsearch::plugin{ 'elasticsearch-jetty':
# module_dir => 'elasticsearch-jetty',
# url => 'https://oss-es-plugins.s3.amazonaws.com/elasticsearch-jetty/elasticsearch-jetty-0.90.0.zip',
# }
# === Authors
# * Matteo Sessa <mailto:matteo.sessa@catchoftheday.com.au>
# * Dennis Konert <mailto:dkonert@gmail.com>
define elasticsearch::plugin(
$ensure = 'present',
$url = ''
) {
Exec {
path => [ '/bin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/local/bin' ],
cwd => '/',
$notify_service = $elasticsearch::restart_on_change ? {
false => undef,
default => Service['elasticsearch'],
if ($module_dir != '') {
} else {
fail("module_dir undefined for plugin ${name}")
if ($url != '') {
$install_cmd = "${elasticsearch::plugintool} -install ${name} -url ${url}"
$exec_rets = [0,1]
} else {
$install_cmd = "${elasticsearch::plugintool} -install ${name}"
$exec_rets = [0,]
case $ensure {
'installed', 'present': {
exec {"install_plugin_${name}":
command => $install_cmd,
creates => "${elasticsearch::plugindir}/${module_dir}",
returns => $exec_rets,
notify => $notify_service,
require => Class['elasticsearch::package']
default: {
exec {"remove_plugin_${name}":
command => "${elasticsearch::plugintool} --remove ${module_dir}",
onlyif => "test -d ${elasticsearch::plugindir}/${module_dir}",
notify => $notify_service,