123 lines
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123 lines
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# == Class: elasticsearch::params
# This class exists to
# 1. Declutter the default value assignment for class parameters.
# 2. Manage internally used module variables in a central place.
# Therefore, many operating system dependent differences (names, paths, ...)
# are addressed in here.
# === Parameters
# This class does not provide any parameters.
# === Examples
# This class is not intended to be used directly.
# === Links
# * {Puppet Docs: Using Parameterized Classes}[http://j.mp/nVpyWY]
# === Authors
# * Richard Pijnenburg <mailto:richard@ispavailability.com>
class elasticsearch::params {
#### Default values for the parameters of the main module class, init.pp
# ensure
$ensure = 'present'
# autoupgrade
$autoupgrade = false
# service status
$status = 'enabled'
# restart on configuration change?
$restart_on_change = true
# Package dir. Temporary place to download the package to for installation
$package_dir = '/var/lib/elasticsearch'
# User and Group for the files and user to run the service as.
$elasticsearch_user = 'elasticsearch'
$elasticsearch_group = 'elasticsearch'
# Purge configuration directory
$purge_confdir = true
## init service provider
# configuration directory
$confdir = '/etc/elasticsearch'
# plugins directory
$plugindir = '/usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins'
# plugins helper binary
$plugintool = '/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin'
# Download tool
$dlcmd = 'wget -O'
$purge_package_dir = false
#### Internal module values
# packages
case $::operatingsystem {
'RedHat', 'CentOS', 'Fedora', 'Scientific', 'Amazon', 'OracleLinux': {
# main application
$package = [ 'elasticsearch' ]
'Debian', 'Ubuntu': {
# main application
$package = [ 'elasticsearch' ]
default: {
fail("\"${module_name}\" provides no package default value
for \"${::operatingsystem}\"")
# service parameters
case $::operatingsystem {
'RedHat', 'CentOS', 'Fedora', 'Scientific', 'Amazon', 'OracleLinux': {
$service_name = 'elasticsearch'
$service_hasrestart = true
$service_hasstatus = true
$service_pattern = $service_name
$service_providers = [ 'init' ]
$defaults_location = '/etc/sysconfig'
'Debian', 'Ubuntu': {
$service_name = 'elasticsearch'
$service_hasrestart = true
$service_hasstatus = true
$service_pattern = $service_name
$service_providers = [ 'init' ]
$defaults_location = '/etc/default'
'Darwin': {
$service_name = 'FIXME/TODO'
$service_hasrestart = true
$service_hasstatus = true
$service_pattern = $service_name
$service_providers = [ 'launchd' ]
$defaults_location = false
default: {
fail("\"${module_name}\" provides no service parameters
for \"${::operatingsystem}\"")