564 lines
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564 lines
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# Definition: apache::vhost
# This class installs Apache Virtual Hosts
# Parameters:
# - The $port to configure the host on
# - The $docroot provides the DocumentRoot variable
# - The $virtual_docroot provides VirtualDocumentationRoot variable
# - The $serveradmin will specify an email address for Apache that it will
# display when it renders one of it's error pages
# - The $ssl option is set true or false to enable SSL for this Virtual Host
# - The $priority of the site
# - The $servername is the primary name of the virtual host
# - The $serveraliases of the site
# - The $ip to configure the host on, defaulting to *
# - The $options for the given vhost
# - The $override for the given vhost (list of AllowOverride arguments)
# - The $vhost_name for name based virtualhosting, defaulting to *
# - The $logroot specifies the location of the virtual hosts logfiles, default
# to /var/log/<apache log location>/
# - The $log_level specifies the verbosity of the error log for this vhost. Not
# set by default for the vhost, instead the global server configuration default
# of 'warn' is used.
# - The $access_log specifies if *_access.log directives should be configured.
# - The $ensure specifies if vhost file is present or absent.
# - The $headers is a list of Header statement strings as per http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_headers.html#header
# - The $request_headers is a list of RequestHeader statement strings as per http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_headers.html#requestheader
# - $aliases is a list of Alias hashes for mod_alias as per http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_alias.html
# each statement is a hash in the form of { alias => '/alias', path => '/real/path/to/directory' }
# - $directories is a lost of hashes for creating <Directory> statements as per http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/core.html#directory
# each statement is a hash in the form of { path => '/path/to/directory', <directive> => <value>}
# see README.md for list of supported directives.
# Actions:
# - Install Apache Virtual Hosts
# Requires:
# - The apache class
# Sample Usage:
# # Simple vhost definition:
# apache::vhost { 'site.name.fqdn':
# port => '80',
# docroot => '/path/to/docroot',
# }
# # Multiple Mod Rewrites:
# apache::vhost { 'site.name.fqdn':
# port => '80',
# docroot => '/path/to/docroot',
# rewrites => [
# {
# comment => 'force www domain',
# rewrite_cond => ['%{HTTP_HOST} ^([a-z.]+)?example.com$ [NC]', '%{HTTP_HOST} !^www. [NC]'],
# rewrite_rule => ['.? http://www.%1example.com%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]']
# },
# {
# comment => 'prevent image hotlinking',
# rewrite_cond => ['%{HTTP_REFERER} !^$', '%{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www.)?example.com/ [NC]'],
# rewrite_rule => ['.(gif|jpg|png)$ - [F]']
# },
# ]
# }
# # SSL vhost with non-SSL rewrite:
# apache::vhost { 'site.name.fqdn':
# port => '443',
# ssl => true,
# docroot => '/path/to/docroot',
# }
# apache::vhost { 'site.name.fqdn':
# port => '80',
# docroot => '/path/to/other_docroot',
# custom_fragment => template("${module_name}/my_fragment.erb"),
# }
define apache::vhost(
$manage_docroot = true,
$virtual_docroot = false,
$port = undef,
$ip = undef,
$ip_based = false,
$add_listen = true,
$docroot_owner = 'root',
$docroot_group = $::apache::params::root_group,
$docroot_mode = undef,
$serveradmin = undef,
$ssl = false,
$ssl_cert = $::apache::default_ssl_cert,
$ssl_key = $::apache::default_ssl_key,
$ssl_chain = $::apache::default_ssl_chain,
$ssl_ca = $::apache::default_ssl_ca,
$ssl_crl_path = $::apache::default_ssl_crl_path,
$ssl_crl = $::apache::default_ssl_crl,
$ssl_certs_dir = $::apache::params::ssl_certs_dir,
$ssl_protocol = undef,
$ssl_cipher = undef,
$ssl_honorcipherorder = undef,
$ssl_verify_client = undef,
$ssl_verify_depth = undef,
$ssl_options = undef,
$ssl_proxyengine = false,
$priority = undef,
$default_vhost = false,
$servername = $name,
$serveraliases = [],
$options = ['Indexes','FollowSymLinks','MultiViews'],
$override = ['None'],
$directoryindex = '',
$vhost_name = '*',
$logroot = $::apache::logroot,
$logroot_mode = undef,
$log_level = undef,
$access_log = true,
$access_log_file = undef,
$access_log_pipe = undef,
$access_log_syslog = undef,
$access_log_format = undef,
$access_log_env_var = undef,
$aliases = undef,
$directories = undef,
$error_log = true,
$error_log_file = undef,
$error_log_pipe = undef,
$error_log_syslog = undef,
$error_documents = [],
$fallbackresource = undef,
$scriptalias = undef,
$scriptaliases = [],
$proxy_dest = undef,
$proxy_pass = undef,
$suphp_addhandler = $::apache::params::suphp_addhandler,
$suphp_engine = $::apache::params::suphp_engine,
$suphp_configpath = $::apache::params::suphp_configpath,
$php_admin_flags = [],
$php_admin_values = [],
$no_proxy_uris = [],
$proxy_preserve_host = false,
$redirect_source = '/',
$redirect_dest = undef,
$redirect_status = undef,
$redirectmatch_status = undef,
$redirectmatch_regexp = undef,
$rack_base_uris = undef,
$headers = undef,
$request_headers = undef,
$rewrites = undef,
$rewrite_base = undef,
$rewrite_rule = undef,
$rewrite_cond = undef,
$setenv = [],
$setenvif = [],
$block = [],
$ensure = 'present',
$wsgi_application_group = undef,
$wsgi_daemon_process = undef,
$wsgi_daemon_process_options = undef,
$wsgi_import_script = undef,
$wsgi_import_script_options = undef,
$wsgi_process_group = undef,
$wsgi_script_aliases = undef,
$wsgi_pass_authorization = undef,
$custom_fragment = undef,
$itk = undef,
$action = undef,
$fastcgi_server = undef,
$fastcgi_socket = undef,
$fastcgi_dir = undef,
$additional_includes = [],
$apache_version = $::apache::apache_version,
$suexec_user_group = undef,
) {
# The base class must be included first because it is used by parameter defaults
if ! defined(Class['apache']) {
fail('You must include the apache base class before using any apache defined resources')
$apache_name = $::apache::params::apache_name
validate_re($ensure, '^(present|absent)$',
"${ensure} is not supported for ensure.
Allowed values are 'present' and 'absent'.")
validate_re($suphp_engine, '^(on|off)$',
"${suphp_engine} is not supported for suphp_engine.
Allowed values are 'on' and 'off'.")
if $rewrites {
if $suexec_user_group {
validate_re($suexec_user_group, '^\w+ \w+$',
"${suexec_user_group} is not supported for suexec_user_group. Must be 'user group'.")
# Deprecated backwards-compatibility
if $rewrite_base {
warning('Apache::Vhost: parameter rewrite_base is deprecated in favor of rewrites')
if $rewrite_rule {
warning('Apache::Vhost: parameter rewrite_rule is deprecated in favor of rewrites')
if $rewrite_cond {
warning('Apache::Vhost parameter rewrite_cond is deprecated in favor of rewrites')
if $wsgi_script_aliases {
if $wsgi_daemon_process_options {
if $wsgi_import_script_options {
if $itk {
if $log_level {
validate_re($log_level, '^(emerg|alert|crit|error|warn|notice|info|debug)$',
"Log level '${log_level}' is not one of the supported Apache HTTP Server log levels.")
if $access_log_file and $access_log_pipe {
fail("Apache::Vhost[${name}]: 'access_log_file' and 'access_log_pipe' cannot be defined at the same time")
if $error_log_file and $error_log_pipe {
fail("Apache::Vhost[${name}]: 'error_log_file' and 'error_log_pipe' cannot be defined at the same time")
if $fallbackresource {
validate_re($fallbackresource, '^/|disabled', 'Please make sure fallbackresource starts with a / (or is "disabled")')
if $ssl and $ensure == 'present' {
include ::apache::mod::ssl
# Required for the AddType lines.
include ::apache::mod::mime
if $virtual_docroot {
include ::apache::mod::vhost_alias
if $wsgi_daemon_process {
include ::apache::mod::wsgi
if $suexec_user_group {
include ::apache::mod::suexec
# This ensures that the docroot exists
# But enables it to be specified across multiple vhost resources
if ! defined(File[$docroot]) and $manage_docroot {
file { $docroot:
ensure => directory,
owner => $docroot_owner,
group => $docroot_group,
mode => $docroot_mode,
require => Package['httpd'],
# Same as above, but for logroot
if ! defined(File[$logroot]) and $ensure == 'present' {
file { $logroot:
ensure => directory,
mode => $logroot_mode,
require => Package['httpd'],
# Is apache::mod::passenger enabled (or apache::mod['passenger'])
$passenger_enabled = defined(Apache::Mod['passenger'])
# Define log file names
if $access_log_file {
$access_log_destination = "${logroot}/${access_log_file}"
} elsif $access_log_pipe {
$access_log_destination = $access_log_pipe
} elsif $access_log_syslog {
$access_log_destination = $access_log_syslog
} else {
if $ssl {
$access_log_destination = "${logroot}/${name}_access_ssl.log"
} else {
$access_log_destination = "${logroot}/${name}_access.log"
if $error_log_file {
$error_log_destination = "${logroot}/${error_log_file}"
} elsif $error_log_pipe {
$error_log_destination = $error_log_pipe
} elsif $error_log_syslog {
$error_log_destination = $error_log_syslog
} else {
if $ssl {
$error_log_destination = "${logroot}/${name}_error_ssl.log"
} else {
$error_log_destination = "${logroot}/${name}_error.log"
# Set access log format
if $access_log_format {
$_access_log_format = "\"${access_log_format}\""
} else {
$_access_log_format = 'combined'
if $access_log_env_var {
$_access_log_env_var = "env=${access_log_env_var}"
if $ip {
if $port {
$listen_addr_port = "${ip}:${port}"
$nvh_addr_port = "${ip}:${port}"
} else {
$listen_addr_port = undef
$nvh_addr_port = $ip
if ! $servername and ! $ip_based {
fail("Apache::Vhost[${name}]: must pass 'ip' and/or 'port' parameters for name-based vhosts")
} else {
if $port {
$listen_addr_port = $port
$nvh_addr_port = "${vhost_name}:${port}"
} else {
$listen_addr_port = undef
$nvh_addr_port = $name
if ! $servername {
fail("Apache::Vhost[${name}]: must pass 'ip' and/or 'port' parameters, and/or 'servername' parameter")
if $add_listen {
if $ip and defined(Apache::Listen[$port]) {
fail("Apache::Vhost[${name}]: Mixing IP and non-IP Listen directives is not possible; check the add_listen parameter of the apache::vhost define to disable this")
if ! defined(Apache::Listen[$listen_addr_port]) and $listen_addr_port and $ensure == 'present' {
::apache::listen { $listen_addr_port: }
if ! $ip_based {
if ! defined(Apache::Namevirtualhost[$nvh_addr_port]) and $ensure == 'present' and (versioncmp($apache_version, '2.4') < 0) {
::apache::namevirtualhost { $nvh_addr_port: }
# Load mod_rewrite if needed and not yet loaded
if $rewrites or $rewrite_cond {
if ! defined(Class['apache::mod::rewrite']) {
include ::apache::mod::rewrite
# Load mod_alias if needed and not yet loaded
if ($scriptalias or $scriptaliases != []) or ($redirect_source and $redirect_dest) {
if ! defined(Class['apache::mod::alias']) {
include ::apache::mod::alias
# Load mod_proxy if needed and not yet loaded
if ($proxy_dest or $proxy_pass) {
if ! defined(Class['apache::mod::proxy']) {
include ::apache::mod::proxy
if ! defined(Class['apache::mod::proxy_http']) {
include ::apache::mod::proxy_http
# Load mod_passenger if needed and not yet loaded
if $rack_base_uris {
if ! defined(Class['apache::mod::passenger']) {
include ::apache::mod::passenger
# Load mod_fastci if needed and not yet loaded
if $fastcgi_server and $fastcgi_socket {
if ! defined(Class['apache::mod::fastcgi']) {
include ::apache::mod::fastcgi
# Configure the defaultness of a vhost
if $priority {
$priority_real = $priority
} elsif $default_vhost {
$priority_real = '10'
} else {
$priority_real = '25'
# Check if mod_headers is required to process $headers/$request_headers
if $headers or $request_headers {
if ! defined(Class['apache::mod::headers']) {
include ::apache::mod::headers
## Apache include does not always work with spaces in the filename
$filename = regsubst($name, ' ', '_', 'G')
## Create a default directory list if none defined
if $directories {
if !is_hash($directories) and !(is_array($directories) and is_hash($directories[0])) {
fail("Apache::Vhost[${name}]: 'directories' must be either a Hash or an Array of Hashes")
$_directories = $directories
} else {
$_directory = {
provider => 'directory',
path => $docroot,
options => $options,
allow_override => $override,
directoryindex => $directoryindex,
if versioncmp($apache_version, '2.4') >= 0 {
$_directory_version = {
require => 'all granted',
} else {
$_directory_version = {
order => 'allow,deny',
allow => 'from all',
$_directories = [ merge($_directory, $_directory_version) ]
# Template uses:
# - $nvh_addr_port
# - $servername
# - $serveradmin
# - $docroot
# - $virtual_docroot
# - $options
# - $override
# - $logroot
# - $name
# - $aliases
# - $_directories
# - $log_level
# - $access_log
# - $access_log_destination
# - $_access_log_format
# - $_access_log_env_var
# - $error_log
# - $error_log_destination
# - $error_documents
# - $fallbackresource
# - $custom_fragment
# - $additional_includes
# block fragment:
# - $block
# directories fragment:
# - $passenger_enabled
# - $php_admin_flags
# - $php_admin_values
# - $directories (a list of key-value hashes is expected)
# fastcgi fragment:
# - $fastcgi_server
# - $fastcgi_socket
# - $fastcgi_dir
# proxy fragment:
# - $proxy_dest
# - $no_proxy_uris
# - $proxy_preserve_host (true to set ProxyPreserveHost to on and false to off
# rack fragment:
# - $rack_base_uris
# redirect fragment:
# - $redirect_source
# - $redirect_dest
# - $redirect_status
# header fragment
# - $headers
# requestheader fragment:
# - $request_headers
# rewrite fragment:
# - $rewrites
# scriptalias fragment:
# - $scriptalias
# - $scriptaliases
# - $ssl
# serveralias fragment:
# - $serveraliases
# setenv fragment:
# - $setenv
# - $setenvif
# ssl fragment:
# - $ssl
# - $ssl_cert
# - $ssl_key
# - $ssl_chain
# - $ssl_certs_dir
# - $ssl_ca
# - $ssl_crl
# - $ssl_crl_path
# - $ssl_verify_client
# - $ssl_verify_depth
# - $ssl_options
# suphp fragment:
# - $suphp_addhandler
# - $suphp_engine
# - $suphp_configpath
# wsgi fragment:
# - $wsgi_application_group
# - $wsgi_daemon_process
# - $wsgi_import_script
# - $wsgi_process_group
# - $wsgi_script_aliases
file { "${priority_real}-${filename}.conf":
ensure => $ensure,
path => "${::apache::vhost_dir}/${priority_real}-${filename}.conf",
content => template('apache/vhost.conf.erb'),
owner => 'root',
group => $::apache::params::root_group,
mode => '0644',
require => [
notify => Service['httpd'],
if $::osfamily == 'Debian' {
$vhost_enable_dir = $::apache::vhost_enable_dir
$vhost_symlink_ensure = $ensure ? {
present => link,
default => $ensure,
file{ "${priority_real}-${filename}.conf symlink":
ensure => $vhost_symlink_ensure,
path => "${vhost_enable_dir}/${priority_real}-${filename}.conf",
target => "${::apache::vhost_dir}/${priority_real}-${filename}.conf",
owner => 'root',
group => $::apache::params::root_group,
mode => '0644',
require => File["${priority_real}-${filename}.conf"],
notify => Service['httpd'],