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# = Class: firewall::linux
# Installs the `iptables` package for Linux operating systems and includes
# the appropriate sub-class for any distribution specific services and
# additional packages.
# == Parameters:
# [*ensure*]
# Ensure parameter passed onto Service[] resources. When `running` the
# service will be started on boot, and when `stopped` it will not.
# Default: running
class firewall::linux (
$ensure = running
) {
$enable = $ensure ? {
running => true,
stopped => false,
package { 'iptables':
ensure => present,
case $::operatingsystem {
'RedHat', 'CentOS', 'Fedora', 'Scientific', 'SL', 'SLC', 'Ascendos',
'CloudLinux', 'PSBM', 'OracleLinux', 'OVS', 'OEL', 'Amazon', 'XenServer': {
class { "${title}::redhat":
ensure => $ensure,
enable => $enable,
require => Package['iptables'],
'Debian', 'Ubuntu': {
class { "${title}::debian":
ensure => $ensure,
enable => $enable,
require => Package['iptables'],
'Archlinux': {
class { "${title}::archlinux":
ensure => $ensure,
enable => $enable,
require => Package['iptables'],
default: {}