require "#{File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..','spec_helper.rb')}" describe 'php' do let(:title) { 'php' } let(:node) { '' } let(:facts) { { :ipaddress => '' } } describe 'Test standard installation' do it { should contain_package('php').with_ensure('present') } it { should contain_file('php.conf').with_ensure('present') } end describe 'Test installation of a specific version' do let(:params) { {:version => '1.0.42' } } it { should contain_package('php').with_ensure('1.0.42') } end describe 'Test decommissioning - absent' do let(:params) { {:absent => true, :monitor => true } } it 'should remove Package[php]' do should contain_package('php').with_ensure('absent') end it 'should remove php configuration file' do should contain_file('php.conf').with_ensure('absent') end end describe 'Test customizations - template' do let(:params) { {:template => "php/spec.erb" , :options => { 'opt_a' => 'value_a' } } } it 'should generate a valid template' do content = catalogue.resource('file', 'php.conf').send(:parameters)[:content] content.should match "fqdn:" end it 'should generate a template that uses custom options' do content = catalogue.resource('file', 'php.conf').send(:parameters)[:content] content.should match "value_a" end end describe 'Test customizations - source' do let(:params) { {:source => "puppet://modules/php/spec" , :source_dir => "puppet://modules/php/dir/spec" , :source_dir_purge => true } } it 'should request a valid source ' do content = catalogue.resource('file', 'php.conf').send(:parameters)[:source] content.should == "puppet://modules/php/spec" end it 'should request a valid source dir' do content = catalogue.resource('file', 'php.dir').send(:parameters)[:source] content.should == "puppet://modules/php/dir/spec" end it 'should purge source dir if source_dir_purge is true' do content = catalogue.resource('file', 'php.dir').send(:parameters)[:purge] content.should == true end end describe 'Test customizations - custom class' do let(:params) { {:my_class => "php::spec" } } it 'should automatically include a custom class' do content = catalogue.resource('file', 'php.conf').send(:parameters)[:content] content.should match "fqdn:" end end describe 'Test Puppi Integration' do let(:params) { {:puppi => true, :puppi_helper => "myhelper"} } it 'should generate a puppi::ze define' do content = catalogue.resource('puppi::ze', 'php').send(:parameters)[:helper] content.should == "myhelper" end end end