.. _credits:



The following people have contributed to the development of PHP Server Monitor:

* Pepijn Over - https://github.com/dopeh

  * Creator

* Samuel Denis-D'Ortun - https://github.com/sadortun

  * Project developer
* Tim Zandbergen - https://github.com/TimZ99

  * Project developer & maintainer

* Jérôme Cabanis - https://github.com/Abawell

  * History graphs
  * Date localization
  * Mobile compatibility
  * Various fixes and improvements

* Ward Pieters - https://github.com/WardPieters

  * GatewayAPI, Plivo, Callr and SolutionsInfini SMS Gateway
  * Other SMS Gateways rewritten

* Perri Vardy-Mason - https://github.com/VeoPVM

  * Textmarketer SMS gateway
  * Various fixes and improvements

* Luiz Alberto S. Ribeiro - https://github.com/madeinnordeste

  * Bootstrap implementation
  * Portuguese Brazilian translation

* Michael Greenhill - https://github.com/doctorjbeam

  * Status page

* Andreas Ek - https://github.com/EkAndreas

  * Mosms SMS gateway

* Paul Feakins

  * Website pattern / regular expression search

* nerdalertdk - https://github.com/nerdalertdk

  * Smsit SMS gateway

* Victor Macko - https://github.com/victormacko

  * SMSGlobal SMS gateway

* Julien Lebouteiller - https://github.com/Halvra

  * Custom time-out per server

* Mathias Lange - https://github.com/remmedia

  * Pushover.net support

* Alexander Moore - http://www.famfamfam.com

  * Icon

* Michiel van der Wulp - https://github.com/mvdw

  * FreeVoipDeal SMS gateway

* Luis Rodriguez - https://github.com/ldrrp

  * Nexmo SMS gateway

* Mateusz Małek - https://github.com/mateuszmalek

  * SMSAPI gateway

* Daniel Krusky - https://github.com/dkrusky

  * Discord webhook support

* Łukasz Szczepański - https://github.com/NixNotCastey

  * PromoSMS gateway


The following people have contributed to the translation of PHP Server Monitor:

* Bulgarian

  * Plamen Vasilev - https://github.com/PVasileff

* Catalan

  * caos30 - https://github.com/caos30

* Chinese

  * manhere - https://github.com/manhere

* Czech

  * Simon Berka - https://github.com/berkas1

* Danish

  * nerdalertdk

* Estonian

  * Richard A. - https://github.com/ItsRichardRaz

* Finnish

  * Sami Nieminen - https://github.com/celeroncool

* French

  * David Ribeiro
  * Jérôme Cabanis

* German

  * Brunbaur Herbert
  * Jean Pierre Kolb - https://github.com/JPKCom

* Italian

  * Marco Gargani

* Japanese

  * Vus520 - https://github.com/vus520
  * Rht0910 - https://github.com/rht0910

* Korean

  * Ik-Jun

* Persian

  * Javad Evazzadeh Kakroudi - https://github.com/evazzadeh

* Polish

  * Arkadiusz Klenczar - https://github.com/aklenczar

* Portuguese (Brazil)

  * Luiz Alberto S. Ribeiro

* Russian

  * Roman Beylin - https://github.com/roman-beylin
  * Yuriy Lyutov - https://github.com/delysh
  * Alexell - https://github.com/Alexell

* Spanish

  * Klemens Häckel - http://clickdimension.wordpress.com
  * Luis Rodriguez - https://github.com/ldrrp
  * Mauro Vietri - https://github.com/Esselans

* Swedish

  * Andlil - https://github.com/andlil

* Turkish

  * Haydar Kulekci - https://github.com/hkulekci

* Ukrainian

  * Oleksa Vyshnivsky - https://github.com/oleksavyshnivsky


The following libraries are being used by PHP Server Monitor:

* Chart.js - http://chartjs.org/
* Twitter Bootstrap - http://getbootstrap.com
* jQuery - https://jquery.com
* Font Awesome - https://fontawesome.com
* Twig - https://twig.symfony.com
* Bootstrap-select - https://github.com/snapappointments/bootstrap-select
* PHP Mailer - https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer
* PHP-Pushover - https://github.com/kryap/php-pushover
* Symfony - https://symfony.com
* Random_compat - https://github.com/paragonie/random_compat
* Hammer.js - https://github.com/hammerjs/hammer.js