# = Class: yum::repo::integ_ganeti # # This class installs the Integ Ganeti Yum repo # # == Parameters: # # [*mirror_url*] # A clean URL to a mirror of `http://jfut.integ.jp/linux/ganeti/`. # The paramater is interpolated with the known directory structure to # create a the final baseurl parameter for each yumrepo so it must be # "clean", i.e., without a query string like `?key1=valA&key2=valB`. # Additionally, it may not contain a trailing slash. # Example: `http://mirror.example.com/pub/rpm/ganeti` # Default: `undef` # class yum::repo::integ_ganeti ( $mirror_url = undef, ) { if $mirror_url { validate_re( $mirror_url, '^(?:https?|ftp):\/\/[\da-zA-Z-][\da-zA-Z\.-]*\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}\.?(?:\/[\w~-]*)*$', '$mirror must be a Clean URL with no query-string, a fully-qualified hostname and no trailing slash.' ) } # Workaround for Facter < 1.7.0 $osver = split($::operatingsystemrelease, '[.]') case $::operatingsystem { 'Fedora': { $release = 'fedora' } 'RedHat','CentOS','Scientific': { $release = $osver[0] } default: { fail("${title}: Operating system '${::operatingsystem}' is not currently supported") } } $baseurl_integ_ganeti = $mirror_url ? { undef => "http://jfut.integ.jp/linux/ganeti/${release}/\$basearch", default => "${mirror_url}/${release}/\$basearch", } $baseurl_integ_ganeti_source = $mirror_url ? { undef => "http://jfut.integ.jp/linux/ganeti/${release}/SRPMS", default => "${mirror_url}/${release}/SRPMS", } yum::managed_yumrepo { 'integ-ganeti': descr => "Integ Ganeti Packages ${osver[0]} - \$basearch", baseurl => $baseurl_integ_ganeti, enabled => 1, gpgcheck => 0, priority => 15, } yum::managed_yumrepo { 'integ-ganeti-source': descr => "Integ Ganeti Packages ${osver[0]} - Source", baseurl => $baseurl_integ_ganeti_source, enabled => 0, gpgcheck => 0, priority => 15, } }