added __MACOSX to .gitignore
Current Release 3.2.2 does have many .files under __MACOSX
inflating: __MACOSX/phpservermon-3.2.2/src/._templates
inflating: __MACOSX/phpservermon-3.2.2/._src
inflating: __MACOSX/._phpservermon-3.2.2
This is a first commit in order to close#588.
- Removed the names from the translation files.
- The dropdown menu will now filled with the names of the gateways in
the Txtmsg folder.
- Changed Mollie to the proper company name: Messagebird.
- Everybody that was using Mollie will on upgrade automatically change
to Messagebird (replace old name in DB with new name).
- Updated: Clickatell, Twilio, Spryng, Textmarketer and Messagebird
- Fixed error: Failed to parse address ""
- Added correct error message.
This will not fix other problems with ping, non-root user are having
(on unix)!
Updates Composer packages No longer supporting outdated PHP Versions, Update Dome Frontend assets, fix php notices and warnings popping Up when run in debug Mode...
Added support for Telegram. Notifications can be received in private chat or in groupchat.
This will close#389 and is a preview of what's coming next (#459) 😉.
Fix for nexmo sms, sending sms didn't work till I renamed the file.
I'm not sure why Nexmo.class.php and Octopush.class.php have the .class bit in the filename.
This is a follow up to Issue #170 Implement Nexmo SMS
* Validation and (.) support
Added validation for the username during installation.
Added dot (.) to the list of allowed symbols for username.
Added ‘dots (.)’ to the error_user_name_invalid error message.
with several php-settings there might be problems with timestamp output - so it would be better to use number_format for output. otherwise the graph wont show...
I noticed this and the nexmo one were renamed as part of 1123603f64 for [refactoring] PSR-4 support through composer, mass-renaming all *.class.php to *.php to adhere to PSR-4
I was looking at the nexmo one as a follow up to Issue #170 Implement Nexmo SMS
See also...