adding smtp fields to installer

Pepijn Over 2014-04-05 18:06:02 +02:00
parent ceac82b159
commit e1dded258e
1 changed files with 10 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -108,6 +108,11 @@ class Installer {
('email_status', '1'),
('email_from_email', ''),
('email_from_name', 'Server Monitor'),
('email_smtp', ''),
('email_smtp_host', ''),
('email_smtp_port', ''),
('email_smtp_username', ''),
('email_smtp_password', ''),
('sms_status', '1'),
('sms_gateway', 'mollie'),
('sms_gateway_username', 'username'),
@ -271,6 +276,11 @@ class Installer {
$queries[] = "UPDATE `" . PSM_DB_PREFIX . "config` SET `value`='pt_BR' WHERE `key`='language' AND `value`='br';";
$queries[] = "INSERT INTO `" . PSM_DB_PREFIX . "config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('version_update_check', '" . PSM_VERSION . "');";
$queries[] = "INSERT INTO `" . PSM_DB_PREFIX . "config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('email_smtp', '');";
$queries[] = "INSERT INTO `" . PSM_DB_PREFIX . "config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('email_smtp_host', '');";
$queries[] = "INSERT INTO `" . PSM_DB_PREFIX . "config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('email_smtp_port', '');";
$queries[] = "INSERT INTO `" . PSM_DB_PREFIX . "config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('email_smtp_username', '');";
$queries[] = "INSERT INTO `" . PSM_DB_PREFIX . "config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('email_smtp_password', '');";
$queries[] = "ALTER TABLE `" . PSM_DB_PREFIX . "log` CHANGE `log_id` `log_id` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;";
$queries[] = "ALTER TABLE `" . PSM_DB_PREFIX . "log` CHANGE `server_id` `server_id` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL;";