Issue #286 Popular Ports
- scripts.js - selection and filling port based on a selection from the popular port - update.tpl.html - Added section with a selection of popular ports - ServerController.php - Methods to getLabels added new label - en_US.lang.php + cs_CZ.lang.php - modified the language of the new textspull/288/merge
@ -123,6 +123,9 @@ $sm_lang = array(
'timeout' => 'Časový limit',
'timeout_description' => 'Počet vteřin čekání na odpověď serveru.',
'port' => 'Port',
'custom_port' => 'Uživatelský Port',
'popular_ports' => 'Populární Porty',
'please_select' => 'Prosím vyberte',
'type' => 'Typ',
'type_website' => 'Web',
'type_service' => 'Služba',
@ -122,6 +122,9 @@ $sm_lang = array(
'timeout' => 'Timeout',
'timeout_description' => 'Number of seconds to wait for the server to respond.',
'port' => 'Port',
'custom_port' => 'Custom Port',
'popular_ports' => 'Popular Ports',
'please_select' => 'Please select',
'type' => 'Type',
'type_website' => 'Website',
'type_service' => 'Service',
@ -391,10 +391,12 @@ class ServerController extends AbstractServerController {
'label_timeout' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'timeout'),
'label_timeout_description' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'timeout_description'),
'label_port' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'port'),
'label_custom_port' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'custom_port'),
'label_please_select' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'please_select'),
'label_popular_ports' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'popular_ports'),
'label_type' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'type'),
'label_website' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'type_website'),
'label_service' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'type_service'),
'label_type' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'type'),
'label_pattern' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'pattern'),
'label_pattern_description' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'pattern_description'),
'label_last_check' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'last_check'),
@ -24,8 +24,34 @@
<div class="control-group">
<label class="control-label" for="port">{{ label_port }}</label>
<div class="control-group popularPortsGroup">
<label class="control-label" for="popularPorts">{{ label_port }}</label>
<div class="controls">
<select id="popularPorts" name="popularPorts">
<option value="">{{ label_please_select }}</option>
<option value="custom">{{ label_custom_port }}</option>
<optgroup label="{{ label_popular_ports }}">
<option value="80">HTTP (80)</option>
<option value="443">HTTPS (443)</option>
<option value="21">FTP (21)</option>
<option value="25">SMTP (25)</option>
<option value="465">SMTP Secure (465)</option>
<option value="110">POP3 (110)</option>
<option value="995">POP3 Secure (995)</option>
<option value="143">IMAP (143)</option>
<option value="993">IMAP over SSL (993)</option>
<option value="22">SSH (22)</option>
<option value="389">LDAP (389)</option>
<option value="3306">MySQL (3306)</option>
<option value="115">SFTP (115)</option>
<option value="43">WHOIS (43)</option>
<option value="53">BIND (53)</option>
<div class="control-group portGroup">
<label class="control-label" for="port">{{ label_custom_port }}</label>
<div class="controls">
<input class="input-mini" type="text" id="port" name="port" value="{{ edit_value_port }}" maxlength="5" />
@ -48,6 +48,33 @@ $().ready(function() {
// popularPorts
// initial
var portInput = $('#port').val();
if (portInput != '') {
var findPopularPorts = $('#popularPorts').find('option[value=' + portInput + ']');
if(findPopularPorts.length) {
$(findPopularPorts).attr("selected", "selected");
} else {
$('#popularPorts').find('option[value=custom]').attr("selected", "selected");
$('#popularPorts').change(function () {
var popularPorts = $(this).val();
if (popularPorts == 'custom') {
} else {
function psm_xhr(mod, params, method, on_complete, options) {
Reference in New Issue