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# = Define: php::module
# This define installs and configures php modules
# On Debian and derivatives it install module named php5-${name}
# On RedHat and derivatives it install module named php-${name}
# If you need a custom prefix you can overload default $module_prefix parameter
# == Parameters
# [*version*]
# Version to install.
# [*absent*]
# true to ensure package isn't installed.
# [*notify_service*]
# If you want to restart a service automatically when
# the module is applied. Default: true
# [*service_autorestart*]
# whatever we want a module installation notify a service to restart.
# [*service*]
# Service to restart.
# [*module_prefix*]
# If package name prefix isn't standard.
# == Examples
# php::module { 'gd': }
# php::module { 'gd':
# ensure => absent,
# }
# This will install php-apc on debian instead of php5-apc
# php::module { 'apc':
# module_prefix => "php-",
# }
# Note that you may include or declare the php class when using
# the php::module define
define php::module (
$version = 'present',
$service_autorestart = '',
$module_prefix = '',
$absent = ''
) {
include php
if $absent {
$real_version = 'absent'
} else {
$real_version = $version
$real_service_autorestart = $service_autorestart ? {
true => "Service[${php::service}]",
false => undef,
'' => $php::service_autorestart ? {
true => "Service[${php::service}]",
false => undef,
$real_module_prefix = $module_prefix ? {
'' => $php::module_prefix,
default => $module_prefix,
$real_install_package = "${real_module_prefix}${name}"
if defined(Package[$real_install_package]) == false {
package { "PhpModule_${name}":
ensure => $real_version,
name => $real_install_package,
notify => $real_service_autorestart,
require => Package['php'],