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# mongo.conf - generated from Puppet
<% if @logpath -%>
#where to log
logpath=<%= @logpath %>
<% if @logappend -%>
logappend=<%= @logappend %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% if @bind_ip -%>
# Set this option to configure the mongod or mongos process to bind to and
# listen for connections from applications on this address.
# You may concatenate a list of comma separated values to bind mongod to multiple IP addresses.
bind_ip = <%= Array(@bind_ip).join(',') %>
<% end -%>
<% if @fork -%>
# fork and run in background
fork=<%= @fork %>
<% end -%>
port = <%= @port %>
dbpath=<%= @dbpath %>
<% if @pidfilepath -%>
# location of pidfile
pidfilepath = <%= @pidfilepath %>
<% end -%>
<% if @nojournal and not @journal -%>
# Disables write-ahead journaling
nojournal = <%= @nojournal %>
<% end -%>
<% if @journal and not @nojournal -%>
# Enables journaling
journal = <%= @journal %>
<% end -%>
<% if @cpu -%>
# Enables periodic logging of CPU utilization and I/O wait
cpu = <%= @cpu %>
<% end -%>
# Turn on/off security. Off is currently the default
<% if @noauth and not @auth -%>
noauth=<%= @noauth %>
<% end -%>
<% if @auth and not @noauth -%>
auth=<%= @auth %>
<% end -%>
<% if @verbose -%>
# Verbose logging output.
verbose = <%= @verbose %>
<% end -%>
<% if @verbositylevel -%>
<%= @verbositylevel -%> = true
<% end -%>
<% if @objcheck -%>
# Inspect all client data for validity on receipt (useful for
# developing drivers)
objcheck = <%= @objcheck %>
<% end -%>
<% if @maxconns -%>
maxConns = <%= @maxconns %>
<% end -%>
<% if @quota -%>
# Enable db quota management
quota = <%= @quota %>
<% if @quotafiles -%>
quotaFiles = <%= @quotafiles %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% if @diaglog -%>
# Set oplogging level where n is
# 0=off (default)
# 1=W
# 2=R
# 3=both
# 7=W+some reads
diaglog = <%= @diaglog %>
<% end -%>
<% if @oplog_size -%>
# Specifies a maximum size in megabytes for the replication operation log
oplogSize = <%= @oplog_size %>
<% end -%>
<% if @nohints -%>
# Ignore query hints
nohints = <%= @nohints %>
<% end -%>
<% if @nohttpinterface -%>
# Disable the HTTP interface (Defaults to localhost:27018).
nohttpinterface = <%= @nohttpinterface %>
<% end -%>
<% if @noscripting -%>
# Turns off server-side scripting. This will result in greatly limited
# functionality
noscripting = <%= @noscripting %>
<% end -%>
<% if @notablescan -%>
# Turns off table scans. Any query that would do a table scan fails.
notablescan = <%= @notablescan %>
<% end -%>
<% if @noprealloc -%>
# Disable data file preallocation.
noprealloc = <%= @noprealloc %>
<% end -%>
<% if @nssize -%>
# Specify .ns file size for new databases in megabytes.
nssize = <%= @nssize %>
<% end -%>
<% if @mms_token -%>
# Accout token for Mongo monitoring server.
mms-token = <%= @mms_token %>
<% end -%>
<% if @mms_name -%>
# Server name for Mongo monitoring server.
mms-name = <%= @mms_name %>
<% end -%>
<% if @mms_interval -%>
# Ping interval for Mongo monitoring server.
mms-interval = <%= @mms_interval %>
<% end -%>
<% if @slave -%>
slave = <%= @slave %>
<% end -%>
<% if @source -%>
source = <%= @source %>
<% end -%>
<% if @only -%>
# Slave only: specify a single database to replicate
only = <%= @only %>
<% end -%>
<% if @master -%>
master = <%= @master %>
<% end -%>
<% if @directoryperdb -%>
# Alters the storage pattern of the data directory to store each database
# files in a distinct folder.
directoryperdb = <%= @directoryperdb %>
<% end -%>
<% if @replset -%>
# Configure ReplicaSet membership
replSet = <%= @replset %>
<% end -%>
<% if @smallfiles -%>
# Use a smaller default data file size.
smallfiles = <%= @smallfiles %>
<% end -%>
<% if @rest -%>
# Enable rest API (disabled by default)
rest = <%= @rest %>
<% end -%>
<% if @profile -%>
# Modify this value to changes the level of database profiling, which inserts
# information about operation performance into output of mongod or the log file.
#0 = Off. No profiling. default
#1 = On. Only includes slow operations.
#2 = On. Includes all operations.
profile = <%= @profile %>
<% end -%>
<% if @slowms -%>
# Sets the threshold in milliseconds for mongod to consider a query slow for the profiler.
slowms = <%= @slowms %>
<% end -%>
<% if @keyfile -%>
# Specify the path to a key file to store authentication information.
keyFile = <%= @keyfile %>
<% end -%>
<% if @directoryperdb -%>
directoryperdb = <%= @directoryperdb %>
<% end -%>
<% if @set_parameter -%>
setParameter = <%= @set_parameter %>
<% end -%>
<% if @syslog -%>
syslog = <%= @syslog %>
<% end -%>