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# == Define: concat::fragment
# Puts a file fragment into a directory previous setup using concat
# === Options:
# [*target*]
# The file that these fragments belong to
# [*content*]
# If present puts the content into the file
# [*source*]
# If content was not specified, use the source
# [*order*]
# By default all files gets a 10_ prefix in the directory you can set it to
# anything else using this to influence the order of the content in the file
# [*ensure*]
# Present/Absent or destination to a file to include another file
# [*mode*]
# Deprecated
# [*owner*]
# Deprecated
# [*group*]
# Deprecated
# [*backup*]
# Deprecated
define concat::fragment(
$content = undef,
$source = undef,
$order = 10,
$ensure = undef,
$mode = undef,
$owner = undef,
$group = undef,
$backup = undef
) {
if !(is_string($source) or is_array($source)) {
fail('$source is not a string or an Array.')
if $mode {
warning('The $mode parameter to concat::fragment is deprecated and has no effect')
if $owner {
warning('The $owner parameter to concat::fragment is deprecated and has no effect')
if $group {
warning('The $group parameter to concat::fragment is deprecated and has no effect')
if $backup {
warning('The $backup parameter to concat::fragment is deprecated and has no effect')
if $ensure == undef {
$_ensure = getparam(Concat[$target], 'ensure')
} else {
if ! ($ensure in [ 'present', 'absent' ]) {
warning('Passing a value other than \'present\' or \'absent\' as the $ensure parameter to concat::fragment is deprecated. If you want to use the content of a file as a fragment please use the $source parameter.')
$_ensure = $ensure
include concat::setup
$safe_name = regsubst($name, '[/:\n]', '_', 'GM')
$safe_target_name = regsubst($target, '[/:\n]', '_', 'GM')
$concatdir = $concat::setup::concatdir
$fragdir = "${concatdir}/${safe_target_name}"
$fragowner = $concat::setup::fragment_owner
$fragmode = $concat::setup::fragment_mode
# The file type's semantics are problematic in that ensure => present will
# not over write a pre-existing symlink. We are attempting to provide
# backwards compatiblity with previous concat::fragment versions that
# supported the file type's ensure => /target syntax
# be paranoid and only allow the fragment's file resource's ensure param to
# be file, absent, or a file target
$safe_ensure = $_ensure ? {
'' => 'file',
undef => 'file',
'file' => 'file',
'present' => 'file',
'absent' => 'absent',
default => $_ensure,
# if it looks line ensure => /target syntax was used, fish that out
if ! ($_ensure in ['', 'present', 'absent', 'file' ]) {
$ensure_target = $_ensure
} else {
$ensure_target = undef
# the file type's semantics only allows one of: ensure => /target, content,
# or source
if ($ensure_target and $source) or
($ensure_target and $content) or
($source and $content) {
fail('You cannot specify more than one of $content, $source, $ensure => /target')
if ! ($content or $source or $ensure_target) {
crit('No content, source or symlink specified')
# punt on group ownership until some point in the distant future when $::gid
# can be relied on to be present
file { "${fragdir}/fragments/${order}_${safe_name}":
ensure => $safe_ensure,
owner => $fragowner,
mode => $fragmode,
source => $source,
content => $content,
backup => false,
alias => "concat_fragment_${name}",
notify => Exec["concat_${target}"]