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# = Define yum::managed_yumrepo
define yum::managed_yumrepo (
$descr = 'absent',
$baseurl = 'absent',
$mirrorlist = 'absent',
$enabled = 0,
$gpgcheck = 0,
$gpgkey = 'absent',
$gpgkey_source = '',
$gpgkey_name = '',
$failovermethod = 'absent',
$priority = 99,
$protect = 'absent',
$exclude = 'absent',
$autokeyimport = 'no',
$includepkgs = 'absent') {
# ensure that everything is setup
include yum::prerequisites
if $protect != 'absent' {
if ! defined(Yum::Plugin['protectbase']) {
yum::plugin { 'protectbase': }
file { "/etc/yum.repos.d/${name}.repo":
ensure => file,
replace => false,
before => Yumrepo[ $name ],
mode => '0644',
owner => 'root',
group => 0,
$gpgkey_real_name = $gpgkey_name ? {
'' => url_parse($gpgkey_source,'filename'),
default => $gpgkey_name,
if $gpgkey_source != '' {
if ! defined(File["/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/${gpgkey_real_name}"]) {
file { "/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/${gpgkey_real_name}":
ensure => file,
replace => false,
before => Yumrepo[ $name ],
source => $gpgkey_source,
mode => '0644',
owner => 'root',
group => 0,
yumrepo { $name:
descr => $descr,
baseurl => $baseurl,
mirrorlist => $mirrorlist,
enabled => $enabled,
gpgcheck => $gpgcheck,
gpgkey => $gpgkey,
failovermethod => $failovermethod,
priority => $priority,
protect => $protect,
exclude => $exclude,
includepkgs => $includepkgs,
if $autokeyimport == 'yes' and $gpgkey != '' {
exec { "rpmkey_add_${gpgkey}":
command => "rpm --import ${gpgkey}",
before => Yumrepo[ $name ],
refreshonly => true,
path => '/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin',