
99 lines
3.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

ModPagespeed on
ModPagespeedInheritVHostConfig <%= @inherit_vhost_config %>
AddOutputFilterByType MOD_PAGESPEED_OUTPUT_FILTER text/html
<% if @filter_xhtml -%>
AddOutputFilterByType MOD_PAGESPEED_OUTPUT_FILTER application/xhtml+xml
<% end -%>
ModPagespeedFileCachePath "<%= @cache_path %>"
ModPagespeedLogDir "<%= @log_dir %>"
<% @memache_servers.each do |server| -%>
ModPagespeedMemcachedServers <%= server -%>
<% end -%>
ModPagespeedRewriteLevel <%= @rewrite_level -%>
<% @disable_filters.each do |filter| -%>
ModPagespeedDisableFilters <%= filter -%>
<% end -%>
<% @enable_filters.each do |filter| -%>
ModPagespeedEnableFilters <%= filter -%>
<% end -%>
<% @forbid_filters.each do |filter| -%>
ModPagespeedForbidFilters <%= filter -%>
<% end -%>
ModPagespeedRewriteDeadlinePerFlushMs <%= @rewrite_deadline_per_flush_ms %>
<% if @additional_domains -%>
ModPagespeedDomain <%= @additional_domains -%>
<% end -%>
ModPagespeedFileCacheSizeKb <%= @file_cache_size_kb %>
ModPagespeedFileCacheCleanIntervalMs <%= @file_cache_clean_interval_ms %>
ModPagespeedLRUCacheKbPerProcess <%= @lru_cache_per_process %>
ModPagespeedLRUCacheByteLimit <%= @lru_cache_byte_limit %>
ModPagespeedCssFlattenMaxBytes <%= @css_flatten_max_bytes %>
ModPagespeedCssInlineMaxBytes <%= @css_inline_max_bytes %>
ModPagespeedCssImageInlineMaxBytes <%= @css_image_inline_max_bytes %>
ModPagespeedImageInlineMaxBytes <%= @image_inline_max_bytes %>
ModPagespeedJsInlineMaxBytes <%= @js_inline_max_bytes %>
ModPagespeedCssOutlineMinBytes <%= @css_outline_min_bytes %>
ModPagespeedJsOutlineMinBytes <%= @js_outline_min_bytes %>
ModPagespeedFileCacheInodeLimit <%= @inode_limit %>
ModPagespeedImageMaxRewritesAtOnce <%= @image_max_rewrites_at_once %>
ModPagespeedNumRewriteThreads <%= @num_rewrite_threads %>
ModPagespeedNumExpensiveRewriteThreads <%= @num_expensive_rewrite_threads %>
ModPagespeedStatistics <%= @collect_statistics %>
<Location /mod_pagespeed_statistics>
# You may insert other "Allow from" lines to add hosts you want to
# allow to look at generated statistics. Another possibility is
# to comment out the "Order" and "Allow" options from the config
# file, to allow any client that can reach your server to examine
# statistics. This might be appropriate in an experimental setup or
# if the Apache server is protected by a reverse proxy that will
# filter URLs in some fashion.
<%- if scope.function_versioncmp([@apache_version, '2.4']) >= 0 -%>
Require ip ::1 <%= Array(@allow_view_stats).join(" ") %>
<%- else -%>
Order allow,deny
Allow from ::1 <%= Array(@allow_view_stats).join(" ") %>
<%- end -%>
SetHandler mod_pagespeed_statistics
ModPagespeedStatisticsLogging <%= @statistics_logging %>
<Location /pagespeed_console>
<%- if scope.function_versioncmp([@apache_version, '2.4']) >= 0 -%>
Require ip ::1 <%= Array(@allow_pagespeed_console).join(" ") %>
<%- else -%>
Order allow,deny
Allow from ::1 <%= Array(@allow_pagespeed_console).join(" ") %>
<%- end -%>
SetHandler pagespeed_console
ModPagespeedMessageBufferSize <%= @message_buffer_size %>
<Location /mod_pagespeed_message>
<%- if scope.function_versioncmp([@apache_version, '2.4']) >= 0 -%>
Require ip ::1 <%= Array(@allow_pagespeed_message).join(" ") %>
<%- else -%>
Order allow,deny
Allow from ::1 <%= Array(@allow_pagespeed_message).join(" ") %>
<%- end -%>
SetHandler mod_pagespeed_message
<% @additional_configuration.each_pair do |key, value| -%>
<%= key %> <%= value %>
<% end -%>